Photo of sikorsky.y.o
11.05.2023 22:52

In accordance with paragraph 9 of part 1 of Article 39 of the Law of Ukraine "On Executive Proceedings", executive proceedings are subject to termination in the event of actual full implementation of the decision in accordance with the executive document.

If the executor did not fulfill his duty and did not close the enforcement proceedings based on the fact that you have paid all the debts, then submit a statement to the address of the enforcement service with the demand to close the enforcement proceedings. Attach a certificate from the company to the application.

If you cannot personally come to the executive service department, then the above application can be submitted by e-mail by signing it with a digital signature.

If the executor does not react properly and does not close the enforcement proceedings, then you, also in electronic form, can file a complaint against him to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and / or to the court via E-court (https://id.court

11.05.2023 22:34

The following documents must be submitted:

  1. a certificate confirming the appointment of social assistance in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On State Social Assistance to Persons with Disabilities from Childhood and Children with Disabilities", which indicates the category "child with disabilities";

  2. a certificate of receipt of state social assistance for children with disabilities, issued by the structural unit for social protection of the district, district state administration in the city of Kyiv, the executive body of the city council;

  3. an individual rehabilitation program for a child with a disability, issued by the medical and advisory commission of a medical and preventive institution;

  4. a medical report on a child with a disability under the age of 18, as well as a birth certificate of the child(ren), documents confirming family ties (in the case of accompanying the mother and/or father), or documents confirming the relevant authority of a person accompanying a child with a disability (in the case of accompaniment by a guardian, custodian, one or both adoptive parents, foster parents).

11.05.2023 22:24

In order to leave work and terminate the employment contract, it is necessary to submit a corresponding application. This statement is written in an arbitrary form.

Sample statement:

Director of LLC "Name LLC"

Ivan Ivanov

legal adviser of the legal department

Stepan Bandera


I am asking you to release me at my own will on May 11, 2023.

11.05.2023 /signature/ Bandera S.

11.05.2023 22:16

If she is afraid to write a statement to the police, then you can do it instead of her. Call 102 and tell the police the necessary information. This can be done anonymously and without providing your personal data.

10.05.2023 22:00

According to Article 24 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, there are the following types of administrative liability:

  1. warning;

  2. fine;

  3. paid removal of an object that became the instrument of commission or the direct object of an administrative offense;

  4. confiscation of: an object that became an instrument of commission or a direct object of an administrative offense; money received as a result of committing an administrative offense;

  5. deprivation of a special right granted to this citizen (rights to drive vehicles, hunting rights);

  6. deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities;

  7. public works;

  8. corrective works;

  9. socially useful works;

  10. administrative arrest;

  11. arrest with detention at the guardhouse.

Administrative responsibility and administrative penalties are two different concepts.

Administrative responsibility is a legally defined responsibility for violation of administrative legislation.

Administrative sanctions are a set of measures by which the state ensures the implementation or protection of its interests. These can be fines, confiscation of property, arrest, etc.

10.05.2023 21:51

If no contract was concluded between you and the client and there is no documentary evidence that you did the tattoo, then you cannot be obliged to return the money.

10.05.2023 21:45

No, not necessarily.

If you comply with the decision before the opening of enforcement proceedings, then in accordance with Article 27 of the Law of Ukraine "On Enforcement Proceedings", you are exempt from paying the enforcement fee in the amount of 10 percent of the amount subject to compulsory collection.

10.05.2023 21:40

No down payment required!

The Constitutional Court, according to Decision No. 2-р(II)/2019 dated 05.15.2019, cancelled the obligation to pay the advance payment.

10.05.2023 21:33

If the debtor for some reason does not comply with the court decision, then the only way to influence the situation is through the enforcement service.

If the executor does not take all the necessary actions to implement the decision, it is necessary to write a complaint about his inaction. A complaint can be written both to the top management of the executor and to the court.

10.05.2023 21:28

First, it should be understood that alimony received for a child is the property of the child.

The parent in whose name alimony is paid disposes of it exclusively in the interests of the child.

If alimony is not used for its intended purpose, the payer has the right to file a lawsuit in court with a demand to reduce the amount of alimony or transfer part of these funds directly to the child's personal account at a branch of the State Savings Bank of Ukraine.

Control over the targeted expenditure of alimony is carried out by guardianship and guardianship authorities by conducting inspections of the recipient of alimony.

The basis for conducting checks of the recipient of alimony is the application of the payer of alimony.