Photo of sikorsky.y.o
13.05.2023 01:07

YES there is a deadline.

After the person has paid all the debts in the enforcement proceedings, the executor no later than the next working day makes a decision to remove the attachment from the debtor's property.

If the executor does not lift the arrest within the above-mentioned period, then this is the basis for appealing his actions (inaction) to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, in the order of citizens' appeal, or to the court.

13.05.2023 01:02

If you are registered in the certificate of a large family, this is sufficient proof that you support three children.

According to Article 23 of the Law of Ukraine "On Mobilization Training and Mobilization", a person can receive a deferral if he has three or more children under the age of 18 to support him. In this case, it is necessary to present evidence that the person actually supports three children, since it is the fact of maintenance, not parentage, that is decisive**.

13.05.2023 00:50

The following KVEDs may be suitable for an internet club:

Main: 61.10 Activities in the field of wired telecommunications

Others: 61.20 Activities in the field of wireless telecommunications

13.05.2023 00:33

Employees of the State Registry Office (DRATS) are acting illegally.

In order to register a marriage, it is not necessary to obtain any permits from the TCC of the SP (Military Mata).

When you submit documents to the state registration department of civil status acts (registry office/DRAC), it sends information about the registered marriage or divorce to the district TCC. It indicates the presence of a military registration document. But even if this document is not available, the citizen's application at the registry office must still be accepted.

13.05.2023 00:26

NO, not needed.

According to Article 313 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, a natural person who has reached the age of sixteen has the right to free independent travel outside Ukraine.

13.05.2023 00:22

YES, possible but under certain conditions.

If you find that the purchased equipment is defective, you can only request that the defective equipment be exchanged for a similar equipment of suitable quality. You have the right to request a refund only if it is not possible to make such an exchange**.

11.05.2023 23:40

If you have paid a fine for exceeding the speed limit, but it is listed as unpaid, then you need to contact the relevant traffic appeals authority, namely the Department of Administrative Practice of the Department of Patrol Police in your region and present evidence that you have paid fine.

If after that the payment of the fine is not credited, it is necessary to apply to the court. Since you have evidence that the fine was paid, it will be quite easy to win the case.

11.05.2023 23:28

The grounds for removing the seizure from the property (funds) of the debtor in the enforcement proceedings are:

  • termination of executive proceedings on the basis of Article 39 of the Law of Ukraine "On Executive Proceedings";

  • return of the executive document to the court that issued it;

  • cancellation by the court of measures to ensure the claim following the completed enforcement proceedings;

  • receipt to the account of the state executive service body, the account of the private executor sum of funds collected from the debtor, necessary to satisfy the demands of all debt collectors, collection of the enforcement fee, costs of enforcement proceedings and fines imposed on the debtor under completed enforcement proceedings;

  • if after the return of the executive document upon the written application of the debt collector (part 1 of Article 37 of the Law of Ukraine "On Enforcement Proceedings"), it is established that the executive document is not subject to execution or the obligations imposed by the executive document on the debtor are subject to termination in accordance with the terms of the dispute settlement agreement (settlement agreement) concluded between a foreign entity and the state of Ukraine at any stage of dispute settlement or case consideration, including the stage of recognition and execution of the decision, regardless of the date of conclusion of such agreement.

As can be seen from the above, if the company has paid all debts, then this is a reason for removing the seizure from the property. If the executor did not remove the arrest on his own, then first write a statement to the executor with the demand to remove the arrest. If the arrest is not lifted after that, you can challenge its inaction by filing a complaint with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and/or the court.

11.05.2023 23:18

After collection of sums of money from the debtor, including proceeds from the sale of his property, these sums are automatically credited to the appropriate account of the state executive service body or private executor.

If the debt collector is an individual, then the funds received from the debtor are transferred by the executor to the specified account in a bank or other financial institution, which is specified in the application for enforcement of the decision, or are sent to the debt collector by postal transfer *no later than the next business day after receiving these funds * to the deposit account of the state executive service body or the account of a private executor.

If the executor has not transferred the funds to you within the above-mentioned period, then this is the basis for appealing his inaction to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and/or to the court.

11.05.2023 23:05

Article 113 of the Family Code of Ukraine provides that after the dissolution of marriage, a person who changed his surname during marriage registration may continue to use this surname or return to his maiden surname.

Therefore, if the claim submitted to the court does not specify the requirements regarding the surname that one of the spouses wishes to use in the future, having changed it during the registration of the marriage, the resolution of this issue will depend on the decision made by the court.

If the issue of choosing a surname is not the subject of a court case, this will lead to the need to appeal to the court again for an additional decision.