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10.05.2023 21:19

On the website

In the corresponding fields, write your first name, patronymic, surname, RNOKPP and click search. After that, you will be shown a list of all executive proceedings against you, and its number will be indicated next to each VP.

If you are a debt collector, you must submit an enforcement letter to the enforcement service. After that, executive proceedings will be opened and you will be provided with the relevant resolution on opening executive proceedings. The number of the VP will be indicated in this resolution.

10.05.2023 21:10

To begin with, check the information about yourself in the Unified Register of Debtors - After you enter your data, you will be shown a list of all executive proceedings where you are a debtor.

If the register shows several executive proceedings where you are the debtor, you will need to familiarize yourself with all the proceedings in order to understand what the debt in the amount of UAH 680 is for.

However, if no executive proceedings are found in the register, then it is necessary to send a written request to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, with a request to provide information about this arrest and fine in the amount of UAH 680.

10.05.2023 21:02

State alimony is provided under the following conditions:

  • one of the parents (payer of alimony) is entered in the Unified register of debtors due to non-payment of alimony;

  • one of the parents is subject to criminal proceedings, or he is undergoing compulsory medical treatment, in places of deprivation of liberty, who has been recognized as incapable in accordance with the established procedure, and is also in military service;

  • the place of residence (residence) of one of the parents has not been established.

State alimony is awarded to a child under the age of 18.

Issues regarding the appointment and payment of state alimony should be decided by the place of residence (residence) of one of the parents who supports the child, in the department of labor and social protection of the population.

09.05.2023 22:06

YES, maybe.

Even if alimony was refused, this does not mean that it is impossible to restore it. If the child is still a minor or a minor, the father or mother with whom the child lives can apply to the court with a demand to resume alimony payments.

09.05.2023 22:02

A fine, according to Article 197 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, can be received for not having a passport, but only if this is a repeated violation of the law within a year (if the citizen has already been punished for the same article, but never received a passport).

In the case of the first violation of Article 197 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (residence without a passport of a citizen of Ukraine), only a warning is provided.

09.05.2023 21:53

The mere fact of a person's presence in the Unified Register of Debtors is not enough to prohibit travel abroad.

In case of alimony arrears, the debtor's travel abroad will be limited only if the state bailiff applies to the court to establish a temporary restriction on the debtor's right to travel.

09.05.2023 21:45

YES, persons with this diagnosis are not eligible for conscription into the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

09.05.2023 21:38

Here is an example of a receipt for lending money:

Receipt for lending money

I, _ (name), passport series No. _, issued by ___ (issued by), residing at __ (address), undertake to return _ (name), passport series _ No. _, issued by __ (issued by) , I live at the address: _ (address) the amount in the amount of _____ (amount) hryvnias, which I received as a loan.

I will return the money by ____ (date).

Signature: ____

Date: ____


  1. Full name, passport data, date and signature

  2. Full name, passport data, date and signature

09.05.2023 16:26

In order to close the executive proceedings on alimony and remove it from all registers, it is necessary that the statutory period for their collection has expired, provided that the amount of alimony has been collected in full.

Alimony arrears are collected regardless of the child's coming of age.

If there is no arrears of alimony and the period for their collection has expired, the state executor independently terminates the enforcement proceedings. If he did not do this, then it is necessary to challenge his actions (inaction).

09.05.2023 16:09

In accordance with Part 2 of Article 36 of the Land Code, the construction of capital buildings and structures is not allowed on land plots provided for horticulture.

In order to do this, it is necessary to change the purpose of the land plot.

The procedure for changing the purpose of the site:

  1. It is necessary to submit an application to the village, settlement or city council (if the plot is located in a settlement) or to the regional state administration, in which it is necessary to indicate the justification for the need to change the designation of the plot, as well as attach a copy of the state deed on ownership, a copy of the passport (for individuals ), a copy of the certificate of state registration and statute (for legal entities) and documents relating to restrictions on the use of the plot and easements, as well as the size of the plot.

  2. If the application to change the purpose of the plot is approved, the local authority will grant permission to create a project for the allocation of the land plot, which will be prepared by the state land management organization at the request of the plot owner. The terms and conditions of the project will be determined by the contract.

  3. In order for the site diversion project to be implemented, it must be coordinated with various bodies and services. In particular, it is necessary to obtain consent from the land resources department of the local authority, the environmental protection department, the sanitary-epidemiological service, the urban planning and architecture department.

  4. After agreement, the project is subject to state land management expertise, and after its completion, it is submitted for consideration by the local council (district state administration).

  5. Issuance of a new document certifying ownership of the land plot.

In the future, it remains to obtain construction permits.