Photo of sikorsky.y.o
24.04.2023 13:45

Good day.

To adopt a child, it is necessary to apply to the service for children, which keeps records of children who have been left without parental care and can be adopted.

An application for adoption is submitted to the court at the child's place of residence.

In order to become an adopter, you need to go through a certain procedure and submit certain documents to the court, such as copies of passports, marriage certificates, birth certificates of children, characteristics of the applicant and the child, the conclusion of the children's service about the possibility of being an adopter, certificates of income and absence criminal records, health certificates and registration at the place of residence. In addition, a court fee must be paid.

If the court decides to adopt the child, the adopter must personally pick up the child from the place of residence after presenting a copy of the court decision on adoption in the presence of a representative of the children's affairs service.

Regarding the submission of an application for the adoption of a child through a lawyer, it should be noted that in accordance with Article 223 of the Family Code of Ukraine, a person who wishes to adopt a child submits an adoption application to the court. Submission of such an application through a representative is not allowed.

24.04.2023 13:26

Good day.

Paternity can be established if there is a marriage between the child's parents, or by a court decision, if paternity has not been recognized or denied.

To recognize paternity, you need to apply to the court with the appropriate claim. In case of recognition of paternity, the court issues a corresponding decision and enters it into the relevant state registers.

Also, paternity can be recognized through voluntary recognition of paternity with the consent of both parents. In this case, court procedures are not required.

Regarding recognition of illegitimate paternity, you can apply to the court with a claim to deny paternity. However, in order to successfully resolve such a claim, it is necessary to have sufficient evidence of the illegality of the establishment of paternity.

Disputing paternity is possible only after the birth of the child and before the child reaches the age of majority (Article 136 of the Family Code of Ukraine).

24.04.2023 13:05

Good day.

Here is a list of documents that are required for a serviceman to receive a one-time cash benefit in case of disability or loss of working capacity:

  • references to the act of inspection by the medical and social expert commission on establishing the group of disability or the percentage of loss of working capacity with an indication of the causal relationship of disability or loss of working capacity (certified copy);

  • resolutions of the relevant military medical commission regarding the establishment of the causal relationship of an injury (contusion, trauma or mutilation), disease;

  • a document that testifies to the causes and circumstances of the injury (contusion, trauma or mutilation), in particular, that it is not related to the person committing a criminal or administrative offense or is not a consequence of his actions while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or toxic substances self-inflicted injury or intentional self-inflicted injury;

  • documents (relevant pages, if available) certifying identity (passport of a citizen of Ukraine, temporary certificate of a citizen of Ukraine, permanent residence permit, temporary residence permit, refugee permit, identity permit requiring additional protection) of family members, with data about the surname, first name and patronymic (if available) of the person to whom information about the registration of the place of residence is entered, and the certificate about the registration of the place of residence (in the case when information about the registration of the place of residence is not entered in such documents);

  • registration number of the taxpayer's account card (if available);

  • a court decision, which has entered into force, on the issue of the appointment and payment of one-time monetary assistance to a military serviceman, conscript and reservist, or a person released from military service, to whom (to whom) one-time monetary assistance is paid in the event of disability or partial loss of working capacity without establishment of disability (if available).

24.04.2023 12:57

Good day.

Parents, one of the spouses who has not remarried, children who have not reached the age of majority, dependents of the deceased (deceased) have the right to receive a one-time financial aid.

The families of the deceased persons are paid a one-time financial aid in the amount of 15,000,000 hryvnias, which is distributed in equal shares to all recipients. Initially, 1/5 of the assigned amount is paid - 3,000,000 hryvnias, and then 4/5 monthly, in installments over the next 40 months of 300,000 hryvnias each month.

In case of refusal of one or more persons to receive the payment of monetary security or if the specified persons have not implemented it within three years from the date of their emergence of such right, their shares are distributed among other persons who have the right to this payment.

This refusal must be notarized.

24.04.2023 12:41

Good day.

In order to arrange payments to the family of a missing soldier, it is necessary to submit an application in the name of the commander of the military unit. The detailed procedure is set out in Cabinet Resolution No. 884 dated November 30, 2016.

The family of a missing person can claim various benefits, such as: provision of children with tickets to sanatoriums and resorts with payment of half the cost, a 50 percent discount on the use of housing and communal services, the right to free travel on all types of city transport, a discount on intercity transport, the right to a plot of land and assistance in the construction of a private house and obtaining a living space free of charge.

As for the period during which a person can be considered missing, in general, if there is no information about the person's place of residence in the place of permanent residence - within 3 years.

If a natural person disappeared in connection with hostilities - after the expiration of 2 years from the date of the end of hostilities. Taking into account the specific circumstances of the case, the court may declare a natural person dead even before the expiration of this term, but not before the expiration of six months.

24.04.2023 12:07

Good day.

To obtain a state-style death certificate, if you are a relative of the deceased, you must apply to a court outside the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine and submit an application together with documents confirming the fact of death (in your case, this is the Certificate of Death from a military unit).

> According to Article 317 of the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine, an application to establish the fact of the death of a person in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine may be filed by relatives of the deceased or their representatives to a court outside such territory of Ukraine.

If you are not a relative of the deceased, then you should contact the relatives of the deceased or their representatives and, together with them, submit an application to the court outside the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine in order to obtain a state-style death certificate. As mentioned above, various documents can be submitted to confirm the fact of death, including a death certificate issued by the command of a military unit.