To begin with, you need to contact your public/private executor directly.
In the event that the issue of the seizure of your accounts is closed altogether, i.e. all debts are repaid and enforcement proceedings are closed, but you still discovered that your account has been blocked, then you should again write a statement about this to the executor, who must re-send the bank a resolution that that your enforcement proceedings have been closed due to debt repayment.
A conscript must inform the TCC about his reservation and do so only before he acquires the status of a military serviceman.
All reserved citizens must be on a special record, and information about them must be contained in the "Oberig" system.
Article 121 of the Land Code establishes norms for the free transfer of plots to citizens. In particular, for the management of a personal peasant economy — in the amount of no more than 2 hectares. However, in the absence of free land or a limited amount of it, the area for which the permit is issued may have a smaller area.
Court practice regarding appeals against decisions of local self-government bodies (LGUs) on reducing the area of a land plot for which a citizen has applied is quite dynamic and depends on the specific circumstances of each case.