Photo of sikorsky.y.o
15.05.2023 23:27

If a person, a citizen of Ukraine, has died abroad and it is necessary to cancel his registration, it is necessary to contact the competent body or division of the State Internal Revenue Service. In order to cancel the registration of a person's place of residence, it is necessary to send a message to the territorial body or subdivision of the State Internal Revenue Service indicating the necessary details of the deceased person's passport or a death certificate issued by a competent authority of a foreign state and legalized in accordance with part 4 of Article 50 of the Procedure for declaring and registering the place of residence (stay).

The consul registers the death of Ukrainian citizens who died abroad, taking into account the last place of residence of the deceased, the place of death, the discovery of the body or the place of burial.

On the basis of the death certificate, the consul issues a death certificate to the social security authorities for burial assistance.

After receiving additional information about the deceased, which was missing in the initial record of the death certificate, changes and additions to this record are made in accordance with the Regulation on the procedure for changing, supplementing, restoring and canceling civil status records.

List of required documents:

  • statement;

  • a document containing information on the deregistration of the place of residence;

  • a receipt for the payment of the administrative fee.

15.05.2023 23:09

There is no such possibility. If a specific person is specified in the executive document, the executive service can collect funds only from him.

15.05.2023 22:58

If there is arrears of alimony, this does not mean that there is a ban on traveling abroad.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of part 9 of Article 71 of the Law of Ukraine "On Enforcement Proceedings", in the presence of arrears from the payment of alimony, the total amount of which exceeds the sum of the relevant payments for four months, the executor issues a reasoned resolution on the establishment of a temporary restriction the debtor has the right to leave Ukraine - until repayment of alimony arrears in full.

Therefore, you need to familiarize yourself with the materials of the executive proceedings and find out the amount of the debt and the presence of a resolution on establishing a temporary restriction of the debtor's right to leave Ukraine.

15.05.2023 22:45

You cannot be fired without your consent.

In accordance with Article 184 of the Labor Code, release of pregnant women and women with children under the age of three (up to six years - Part 6 of Article 179), single mothers with a child under the age of fourteen or a child with a disability on the initiative employer is not allowed.

Exemption is possible only in the following cases:

  1. complete liquidation of the enterprise, institution, with mandatory employment;

  2. at one's own will (Article 38 of the Labor Code);

  3. by agreement of the parties (Clause 1 of Article 36 of the Criminal Procedure Code);

Mandatory employment of the above-mentioned women is also carried out in cases of their dismissal after the end of a fixed-term employment contract. For the period of employment, their average salary is kept, but not more than three months from the end of the fixed-term employment contract.

15.05.2023 22:33

The consent of one parent is sufficient.

Children under the age of 16 may cross the border with the following accompanying persons:

  1. One of the parents - if there is a birth certificate of the child (without the need for notarized consent of the second parent).

  2. Other relatives (grandmother, grandfather, adult brother or sister, stepmother or stepfather) - in the presence of a child's birth certificate and a document confirming family ties (without the need for notarized consent).

  3. Other persons who are not relatives of the child - on the condition of a written statement of one of the parents, which was certified by the guardianship authority. It is also necessary to have a child's birth certificate (or a document containing information about the person), which will allow the State Border Service of Ukraine to allow the crossing of the state border if the child does not have a passport of a citizen of Ukraine.

15.05.2023 14:59

One of the possible options for solving this problem is to apply to the court with a statement to establish the fact, which has legal significance (Chapter 6 of the Code of Civil Procedure of Ukraine).

In this application, it is necessary to describe and confirm with appropriate evidence the fact that there is indeed an error in the "patronymic" column and that you should receive "combat" payments. Any documents can serve as evidence (passport, education certificate, birth certificate, employment book, mobilization order, documents confirming participation in combat operations, combat order (combat order), combat log, report (report) of the unit commander ( groups) on the participation of a serviceman in combat operations, etc.)

After establishing the fact in court, you will be obliged to pay "combat".

However, it is necessary that you clarify in which document the error was made in the column "patronymic name", since the procedure for solving this issue depends on this. For example, if a mistake is made in a passport or a military ticket, then the method of solving this problem will be somewhat different.

Please write in which document an error was made and I will help you solve this issue. My contact details are available on the website, preferably in Telegram.

13.05.2023 01:53

Issues related to compensation for damages and liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations are resolved by state and local self-government bodies. At the regional level, these issues are resolved by local state administrations or local councils.

First, the victim needs to apply to local authorities with a passport or a document that replaces it, to obtain a certificate of recognition of a person affected by an emergency situation. This certificate is the basis for solving the issues of providing housing, compensation for material losses and providing other necessary assistance (in accordance with the Procedure for compensation of damage to persons affected by extraordinary circumstances, approved by the resolution of the CMU dated 05.10.1992 No. 562).

If the passport or a document that replaces it is missing (for example, lost due to an emergency), the victim should contact the law enforcement authorities at the place of residence.

Secondly, after receiving the certificate, the victim should submit a written statement to local authorities, briefly describing the events that occurred and approximately determining the amount of damages. If possible, add a photo, video, testimony of neighbors, etc. to the application.

After receiving such a statement, local authorities must send a specially created commission for the affairs of persons affected by emergency situations to the scene of the incident. After the commission's departure, an examination report is drawn up, in which the circumstances of the damage assessment, their types and size, the general condition of the victims' property, and other information are noted.

After conducting an inspection of damaged residential buildings (apartments) as a result of an emergency or carrying out liquidation works, the relevant authorities decide on financial assistance to the victims. This decision is drawn up in the form of a protocol and notified to the victims.

The amount of financial assistance for victims is from 3 to 15 subsistence minimums for able-bodied persons. When determining the amount of assistance, material damage, insurance payments and other types of assistance are taken into account.

13.05.2023 01:42

YES, you can pay the fines on his behalf. The legislation of Ukraine does not provide for restrictions in this regard.

13.05.2023 01:39

If a lawyer defended you in a previous case, this does not mean that he cannot defend the other party in another case.

However, there is the following limitation: the lawyer does not have the right to accept a mandate if the client's interests objectively conflict with the interests of another client with whom the lawyer is bound by a legal aid contract.

13.05.2023 01:29

You need to appeal this fine to the court. After you have learned about the presence of a parking fine, you have 10 days to appeal it.

The main reason for the appeal will be that the procedure for issuing a fine has been violated, namely, improper notification.

After you win in court, you can close the enforcement proceedings. As a result, all your bank accounts will be unblocked.