Photo of sikorsky.y.o
24.05.2023 14:54

When concluding a sales contract, the parties must take into account the requirements of the Civil Code of Ukraine, in particular Chapter 54 of Subsection 1 of Section 3 and, depending on the subject of the contract, the requirements of other regulatory legal acts.

According to the Civil Code of Ukraine, during the conclusion of the contract, the parties must take into account the requirements regarding the form, subject, payment and term. The Civil Code also defines the obligations of the seller and the buyer.

For example, according to Part 2 of Art. 1107 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, the agreement on the disposition of property rights of intellectual property must be concluded in writing. In case of non-compliance with the written form, such an agreement is considered null and void. Only in cases expressly provided for by law, the contract may be concluded orally.

Therefore, please specify the subject of the sales contract, after which I will be able to provide you with a detailed list of restrictions. If necessary, I will help draw up an appropriate contract.

24.05.2023 14:40

If you are injured while performing a combat mission, you are entitled to the following payments:

  • monetary security of a military serviceman;

  • payment of "combatants", i.e. additional remuneration in the amount of UAH 100,000 in accordance with the resolution of the CMU of February 28, 2022 No. 168;

  • one-time cash assistance, according to Art. 16 of the Law of Ukraine "On Social and Legal Protection of Servicemen and Their Families" and Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 12/25/2013 No. 975.

Payment of additional remuneration (combat) is carried out for the period of inpatient treatment in health care facilities (in particular, foreign ones), including the time of transfer from one health care hospital to another, as well as being on leave for treatment after a serious injury according to the opinion of the VLK (Clause 1 of the CMU dated February 28, 2022 No. 168).

One-time cash assistance can be:

  1. 400 times the amount of the subsistence minimum established by law for able-bodied persons on January 1 of the calendar year, in the event that a serviceman is diagnosed with a group I disability. That is, in 2023, it is UAH 1,073,600.

  2. 300 times the amount of the subsistence minimum established by law for able-bodied persons on January 1 of the calendar year, in the event that a military serviceman is diagnosed with group II disability (805,200 UAH in 2023).

  3. 250 times the amount of the subsistence minimum established by law for able-bodied persons on January 1 of the calendar year, in the event that a serviceman is diagnosed with a group III disability (671,000 UAH in 2023).

If disability was not established as a result of the injury, the amount of payment may be 70 times (187,880 UAH) or 50 times (134,200 UAH) the amount of the subsistence minimum established by law for able-bodied persons on January 1 of the calendar year.

23.05.2023 22:57

The military officer (Territorial center of recruitment and social support) cannot not know the address, because he keeps records of military personnel.

However, if for some reason it happened that the TCC SP does not know the address, then let the executor contact the relevant military unit with a request.

According to Clause 3 Part 3 of Article 28 of the Law of Ukraine "On Enforcement Proceedings", the executor during enforcement proceedings has the right for the purpose of protecting the interests of the debt collector to receive free of charge from state bodies, enterprises, institutions, organizations, regardless of the form of ownership, officials, parties and other participants in executive proceedings, explanations, references and other information, including confidential, are necessary for the implementation of executive actions.

23.05.2023 22:49

The European Parliament passed the Law called "AI Act", which establishes rules and requirements for developers of artificial intelligence models. This document aims to ensure the safety, transparency, sustainability and ethics of the use of AI in Europe.

In order for the norms of this law to start acting on the territory of Ukraine, this law must be "implemented" in the legislation of Ukraine.

The implementation of EU regulatory acts into the national legislation of Ukraine is the process of transferring and implementing relevant legal norms from European legislation to national legislation using legal mechanisms and methods.

23.05.2023 22:40

Please specify exactly which one-time assistance you mean.

In case of service of 10 calendar years or more, a one-time cash benefit is paid in the amount of 50% of the monthly cash allowance for each full calendar year of service. This assistance is provided in the following cases:

  • by age;

  • in connection with the reduction of staff or organizational measures;

  • upon expiry of the contract;

  • in connection with direct subordination to a close person;

  • systematic failure to fulfill the terms of the contract by the command;

  • in connection with the onset of a special period and reluctance to continue military service by a female serviceman who has a child (children) under the age of 18.

A one-time cash allowance in the amount of 25 percent of the monthly cash allowance for each full calendar year of service is paid:

  • to officers who undergo personnel military service and resign at their own will;

  • to other military personnel who are released from service due to family circumstances or for other valid reasons, specified in the List of family circumstances and other valid reasons, which was approved by Resolution No. 413 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated June 12, 2013, and at the same time have service of 10 calendar years or more.

23.05.2023 22:33

Income from abroad, like Ukrainian wages, is subject to taxation at the rate of 18%, and the military levy — 1.5%.

The income received during the year abroad must be reflected in the tax declaration. This declaration must be submitted by May 1 of the following year (clause 170.11 of the Code of Civil Procedure).

When filling out the tax return, you must specify:

  • received foreign salary in line 10.7 "Income received from sources outside Ukraine";

  • the country from which the income was received;

  • the currency in which it was paid;

  • the amount of income in hryvnias at the NBU exchange rate effective at the time of receipt of such income (clause 164.4 of the Code of Civil Procedure).

If taxes were already levied on the income while receiving it abroad, you can reduce the amount of personal income tax that must be paid in Ukraine by the amount of such taxes (paragraph 170.11.2 of the PKU).

23.05.2023 22:24

Please tell me what you mean by the term "social body"?

If you believe that the pension authorities are not paying you the full amount of your pension, you can apply for a pension recalculation, in accordance with the procedure specified in Chapter VI of the Law of Ukraine "On Mandatory State Pension Insurance".

23.05.2023 22:14

If the court decision to collect alimony has already been passed, but you do not want to collect alimony, then do not submit an executive document for execution to the executive service.

23.05.2023 21:59

This is a tool for agricultural lending.

According to Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine "On Agrarian Receipts", an agricultural receipt is a commodity document that records the debtor's unconditional obligation, secured by a pledge, to deliver agricultural products or pay money under the conditions specified in it;

Electronic agricultural receipt is an independent subject of circulation on the capital markets, can be an object of purchase and sale, a source of profit. That is, the agricultural receipt is a non-issued security. Electronic agricultural receipts will exist in the form of an electronic document in the Register of electronic agricultural receipts.

Adoption of the draft law will help producers of agricultural products get wider access to loans, and will also increase the range of creditors able to finance the agricultural sector.

23.05.2023 17:14

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Mandatory State Pension Insurance", a disability pension is awarded in the event of the onset of a disability that has caused total or partial loss of working capacity in the presence of insurance experience defined by Article 32 of the specified Law.

Disability pension is awarded regardless of when the disability occurred:

  • during the work period

  • before employment

  • after termination of employment.

The cause, group and time of onset of disability, the term for which it is established, are determined by the medical and social examination body in accordance with the legislation.

According to Article 32 of the Law of Ukraine "On Mandatory State Pension Insurance", Persons who have been diagnosed with a disability have the right to a disability pension, depending on the disability group, if they have such insurance experience at the time of the onset of disability or on the day application for pension:

for persons with disabilities of group I:

  • before the person reaches the age of 25 inclusively - 1 year;

  • from the age of 26 until the person reaches the age of 28, inclusive - 2 years;

  • from the age of 29 until the person reaches the age of 31, inclusive - 3 years;

  • from the age of 32 until the person reaches the age of 34, inclusive - 4 years;

  • from the age of 35 until the person reaches the age of 37, inclusive - 5 years;

  • from the age of 38 until the person reaches the age of 40, inclusive - 6 years;

  • from the age of 41 until the person reaches the age of 43, inclusive - 7 years;

  • from the age of 44 until the person reaches the age of 48, inclusive - 8 years;

  • from the age of 49 until the person reaches the age of 53, inclusive - 9 years;

  • from the age of 54 until the person reaches the age of 59, inclusive - 10 years;

for persons with disabilities of II and III groups:

  • before the person reaches the age of 23 inclusively - 1 year;

  • from the age of 24 until the person reaches the age of 26, inclusive - 2 years;

  • from the age of 27 until the person reaches the age of 28, inclusive - 3 years;

  • from the age of 29 until the person reaches the age of 31, inclusive - 4 years;

  • from the age of 32 until the person reaches the age of 33, inclusive - 5 years;

  • from the age of 34 until the person reaches the age of 35, inclusive - 6 years;

  • from the age of 36 until the person reaches the age of 37, inclusive - 7 years;

  • from the age of 38 until the person reaches the age of 39, inclusive - 8 years;

  • from the age of 40 until the person reaches the age of 42, inclusive - 9 years;

  • from the age of 43 until the person reaches the age of 45, inclusive - 10 years;

  • from the age of 46 until the person reaches the age of 48, inclusive - 11 years;

  • from the age of 49 until the person reaches the age of 51, inclusive - 12 years;

  • from the age of 52 until the person reaches the age of 55, inclusive - 13 years;

  • from the age of 56 until the person reaches the age of 59, inclusive - 14 years.