Photo of sikorsky.y.o
25.05.2023 14:55

It all depends on the degree of myopia.

Only those persons who have myopia or farsightedness of any eye in one of the meridians over 12.0 dptres or astigmatism of any kind with a difference in refraction in the two main meridians are considered unfit for military service with exclusion from military registration 6.0 dptr.

**I would like to emphasize that suitability for military service can only be decided by the VLK, based on the results of which a decision on suitability will be made.

This decision can be appealed.**

25.05.2023 14:51

YES, with such a diagnosis you can be recognized as having limited fitness, which means that you are subject to mobilization.

Persons with a history of cancer diagnosis or if the disease is in a stable remission stage, as well as in the case of a slowly progressing pathology, are considered to be of limited fitness during wartime.

**I would like to emphasize that suitability for military service can only be decided by the VLK, based on the results of which a decision on suitability will be made.

This decision can be appealed.**

25.05.2023 14:47

There are many ways to move to the US for permanent residence (permanent residence).


  • Win the Green Card lottery

  • Get a work visa

  • Reunite with relatives

  • Marriage to a US citizen

  • Green Card through investment

  • If in some way to serve the development or image of the country. Athletes and musicians use it most often.

Tell me, on the basis of which of the listed points do you plan to move to the USA? After your answer, it will be possible to provide a list of documents necessary for immigration to the USA.

24.05.2023 23:04

Senior citizens have the right to work on an equal footing with other citizens. This right is additionally guaranteed by state programs to promote the employment of the population. In accordance with these programs, it is prohibited to refuse to hire or fire an employee if the reason for such actions is retirement age, by the owner or an authorized body.

Pensioners also have certain benefits, such as:

  • The right to a subsidy

  • The right to free legal aid

  • The right to free travel in public ground transport

In addition to the above, working pensioners (retired) have the right to leave without pay up to 30 calendar days per year, which is provided at the employee's request in a mandatory manner (clause 6 of article 25 of the Law of Ukraine "About vacations").

Pensioners who continue to work and have the status of "children of war" according to the Law of Ukraine "On Social Protection of Children of War" employers must provide the following additional benefits:

  • the right to preferential leave at work in the event of a reduction in the number or staff of employees;

  • use of regular vacation at a convenient time for them;

  • receiving additional leave without salary for a period of up to two weeks per year;

  • payment of temporary disability benefits in the amount of 100% of the average salary, regardless of length of service.

24.05.2023 22:48

YES, you have the right, but there are certain nuances.

International treaties ratified in accordance with the procedure established by the Law of Ukraine "On International Treaties of Ukraine" are part of Ukrainian legislation, according to which the length of service in the states with which Ukraine has concluded international treaties on social and/or pension security is counted.

Ukraine concluded international agreements in the field of social and, in particular, pension provision with such states as: the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Republic of Georgia. Also with Hungary, Azerbaijan, Mongolia, Romania, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Portugal and Poland.

24.05.2023 22:36

Not all citizens of Ukraine can take advantage of the opportunity to independently regulate the size of their future pension through voluntary contributions.

A draft law on pension reform has been submitted to the Verkhovna Rada. It provides for mandatory participation in the cumulative pension system of all categories of working persons before they reach the age of 55 and mandatory payment of pension contributions by employers for the benefit of employees.

According to the project, employers will pay:

  • 1% in 2023,

  • 1.5% in 2024,

  • 2% in 2025 from the salary of employees.

By making voluntary contributions, it is possible to increase the amount of the future pension for the following persons:

  • Those who do not officially work, voluntarily paid contributions are acquired insurance experience and salary for future pension;

  • For working people – increased wages, the press service added.

Only persons who do not receive a pension, i.e. are not pensioners, can voluntarily pay insurance premiums for pension insurance.

24.05.2023 22:24

YES you can.

Due to the fact that the provisions of Clause 2, Part 1, Art. 49 and the second sentence of Article 51 of the Law of Ukraine "On Mandatory State Pension Insurance" are recognized as unconstitutional, then pension must be paid to absolutely all citizens of Ukraine who have gone abroad, regardless of the presence / absence of international treaties of Ukraine, consent to the obligation whose authority is granted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

In addition, I inform you that in accordance with Article 51 of the Law of Ukraine "On Mandatory State Pension Insurance", in the event of a pensioner moving to a permanent place of residence abroad, the pension assigned in Ukraine, upon the pensioner's application, can be paid to him for six months in advance before departure, counting from the month following the month of deregistration at the place of permanent residence.

24.05.2023 22:01

YES, this information is a medical secret.

According to Article 286 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, "medical secrecy" should be understood as:

  • a secret about a person's state of health;

  • the fact of seeking medical help;

  • diagnosis;

  • other information obtained during the medical examination of the person.

According to the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the following information should be understood as a medical secret:

  • facts of applying for psychiatric help and treatment in a psychiatric institution or stay in psychoneurological institutions for social protection or special training, as well as other information about the state of mental health of a person, his private life;

  • infection of a person with a sexually transmitted infectious disease, medical examinations and examinations conducted in this regard, data of an intimate nature obtained in connection with the performance of professional duties by officials and medical workers of health care institutions;

  • results of the medical examination of persons who submitted an application for marriage registration.

Medical confidentiality may be disclosed without the patient's consent in the following cases:

  1. If the patient consents to the distribution of such information;

  2. Medical documentation about a person can be obtained only directly by the person to whom it concerns, his representative, on the basis of a power of attorney or an agreement on the provision of legal assistance, as well as parents (adoptive parents, guardian or custodian) as legal representatives of the child (up to 18 years old) or ward (disabled person).

  3. Temporary access to documents containing medical secrets may be granted by an investigating judge or a court within the framework of criminal proceedings, if it is established that there are no other ways of obtaining information necessary for the investigation.

  4. Spouses have the right to be informed about each other's state of health.

  5. Information about the results of HIV testing, about the presence or absence of HIV infection in a person is allowed only to: the person for whom the test was conducted, the parents or other legal representatives of such a person; to other medical workers and health care institutions - exclusively in connection with the treatment of this person; to other third parties - only by court decision in cases established by law. Disclosure of information about a person's positive HIV status to a partner (partners) by a medical professional is permitted if the person living with HIV addresses the medical professional with an appropriate written request, or the person living with HIV has died, lost consciousness, or there is a possibility that , that she will not come to her senses and regain her ability to give conscious informed consent.

  6. It is allowed to transfer information about the state of mental health of a person and provide him with psychiatric help without the consent of the person or without the consent of his legal representative for the organization of providing psychiatric care to a person suffering from a severe mental disorder and conducting a pre-trial investigation, drawing up a pre-trial report on the accused or judicial proceedings at the written request of the investigator, prosecutor, court and representative of the authorized body on probation matters (Article 6 of the Law "On Psychiatric Assistance").

  7. Information about treatment in a drug facility may be disclosed to law enforcement agencies in the event that such a person is held criminally or administratively liable (Article 14, Part 5 of the Law "On Measures to Counter the Illegal Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Precursors and Their Abuse") .

24.05.2023 21:38

You are right, the most reliable way is through the court.

However, there is also an alternative method that is many times faster.

This method is executive inscription of a notary.

A notary's writ of execution is a notary's order to collect money or claim property from the debtor, made on documents establishing the debt (Article 87 of the Law of Ukraine "On Notaries").

The notary makes executive inscriptions if the submitted documents confirm the indisputability of the debt or other liability of the debtor to the debt collector and on the condition that no more than three years have passed since the date of the right of claim.

If a different limitation period is established by law for the claim for which an executive writ is issued, the executive writ is issued within this term.

24.05.2023 15:21

If the witness is brought to criminal liability under Part 1 of Art. 384 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, then a new criminal proceeding is opened in which the witness will have the status of suspect.

In connection with this, as part of a new criminal proceeding, this person may be interrogated as a suspect.