Photo of sikorsky.y.o
05.07.2023 21:39

For a better understanding of the legal system and the organization of the state mechanism, I recommend that you read the textbook entitled "Theory of the State and Law".

After mastering the basic concepts, you can proceed to the direct analysis of the current legislation. I recommend starting with the basics, namely with the Constitution of Ukraine ( and Civil Code of Ukraine (

05.07.2023 21:32

Your property has been seized as a result of the search. To return it, it is necessary to cancel the relevant arrest. If the property was seized and it was not seized or the terms were violated when it was imposed, then it is necessary to file a complaint with the court and ask the court to oblige the investigator/detective/prosecutor to return such property (Part 1 of Article 303 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine).

Also, property can be seized temporarily (Part 7 of Article 236 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine). If the confiscated property was not specified in the search warrant, you can try to return it by submitting a corresponding application to the investigative body.

05.07.2023 21:18

YES, he has such a right.

Participants in hostilities and war invalids have the right to obtain ownership of a plot of land for agricultural purposes (including plots of land for individual housing construction, as well as horticulture and gardening) that is owned by the state. This right is not limited to the lists of land plots that regional State Geocadasters offer for transfer to the ownership of citizens.

In order to obtain a plot of land, it is necessary to obtain a permit for the development of a land management project. To do this, you need to apply to the city, settlement, village council, the main State Geocadastral Department in the relevant region, district, regional state administration.

The received project must be approved by the territorial body of the State Geocadastre in districts (cities); to the structural subdivision of the district state administration in the field of urban planning and architecture or the executive body of the city council in the field of urban planning and architecture (if the plot is within the settlement or construction is planned on it); to other bodies of executive power in accordance with Article 186-1 of the Land Code of Ukraine, depending on the location of the land plot (object of the nature reserve fund, coastal protective strip, monument of cultural heritage, land of historical and cultural, forestry purpose, water fund).

After that, the land plot is registered. This is done by the State Cadastre Registrar. After completion, you will be provided with an Extract from the State Land Cadastre about the land plot.

In the future, the stage of approval of the land management project is underway. This is done by city, village, village councils, the main administration of the State Geocadastre in the relevant region, district, regional state administration. An approved land management project is provided to the state body; positive conclusion of the state examination of land management documentation (if necessary according to the law).

Upon completion of the above, land ownership is registered.

05.07.2023 21:07

It is possible to register (registration) the right to land ownership through the local center for the provision of administrative services (TsNAP) or at a notary. After registration in the state register of property rights to immovable property, the corresponding right arises, changes or terminates.

In addition, I would like to inform you that you can register the right of ownership only for a land plot that has been assigned a cadastral number. If the cadastral number has not been assigned, it is necessary to go through the procedure for its assignment.

Algorithm of actions:

  • it is necessary to decide on the body for registration of property rights: TsNAP or notary;

  • prepare and submit a package of documents: an extract from the DZK, passport and RNOCPP, document - the basis of the ownership of the land plot, confirmation of payment of the administrative fee;

  • receive a ready-made document - an extract of the state registration of rights.

05.07.2023 20:56

Good day. NO, you cannot open a company for government employees.

The above-mentioned limitation is established by the provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption" No. 1700-VII of October 14, 2014 (Article 25).

05.07.2023 20:52

It is possible for military servicemen to submit an application to the executive service to stop execution of executive actions on the basis of paragraph 1, part 1 of Article 34 of the Law "On Executive Proceedings".

Accordingly, Clause 1, Part 1, Art. 34 of the Administrative Code "On Enforcement Proceedings", the executor shall stop execution of enforcement actions in the event of: 1) the debtor's completion of term military service, military service upon conscription of officers, military service upon conscription during mobilization, for a special period, military service upon conscription during mobilization, for a special period, of military service by conscripting persons from among the reservists in a special period, or if the debtor undergoes military service and performs combat tasks of military service in a combat environment or in the area of an anti-terrorist operation, implementation of measures to ensure national security and defense, repulsion and deterring the armed aggression of the Russian Federation in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, if, according to the terms of service, it is impossible to carry out executive actions or at the request of the debt collector who is undergoing such military service.

If your father does not meet the above criteria, then the executor can refuse to stop the enforcement proceedings, then the only way to solve this issue is to repay the debt. I would like to inform you that debt can be paid off remotely.

04.07.2023 21:35

No, he has no such right. For this, a private company needs to enter into an appropriate contract with a condominium, and when the co-owners remove the corresponding equipment that was installed without authorization, it will not be a violation of the law.

04.07.2023 21:27

YES, they can. The presence of open criminal proceedings is not a reason that excludes the possibility of your mobilization.

04.07.2023 21:24

YES, it can. Under certain circumstances, a search may be conducted without a court order.

According to Part 3 of Article 233 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, the Investigator, investigator, prosecutor has the right to enter the home or other property of a person before the decision of the investigating judge is issued only in urgent cases related to saving lives and property or direct prosecution of persons suspected of committing a criminal offense. In such a case, the prosecutor, investigator, inquirer, in agreement with the prosecutor, is obliged to apply to the investigating judge immediately after taking such actions with a request to conduct a search. The investigating judge examines such a petition in accordance with the requirements of Article 234 of this Code, checking, among other things, whether there really were grounds for entering a person's home or other property without a decision of the investigating judge. If the prosecutor refuses to agree to the request of the investigator, the inquirer for a search or the investigating judge refuses to grant the request for a search, the evidence established as a result of such a search is inadmissible, and the obtained information is subject to destruction in the manner provided for in Article 255 of this Code.

04.07.2023 21:18

Tax residency is a status that implies the obligation to pay taxes on all income in the country of residence, regardless of the country in which a person works and from where he receives income.

In turn, a tax resident is a person who, according to the legislation of a certain state, is subject to taxation in it based on the place of residence, permanent residence, place of registration or other similar criteria.