Photo of sikorsky.y.o
06.07.2023 14:07

In accordance with clause 2 of the Procedure for submitting an information notice about damaged and destroyed immovable property as a result of hostilities, acts of terrorism, sabotage caused by the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the effect of this Procedure applies to individuals and legal entities whose immovable property was destroyed or damaged as a result of hostilities, acts of terrorism, sabotage caused by the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, namely, including natural persons who are the owners of the relevant real estate or construction customers for construction objects.

Therefore, in order to be reimbursed by the state for damages for destroyed property, you must be the owner of such property.

In addition, I would like to inform you that an heir living abroad can write a statement on acceptance of inheritance, certifying the authenticity of the signature notarized (possibly at the consulate of Ukraine) and send it by postal means to a notary located on the territory of Ukraine.

Importantly! You must process the inheritance within six months of the testator's death.

06.07.2023 10:32

You don't need to show up anywhere. The fine for driving a car without a license is issued on the spot. That is, if you were not issued a fine when stopped by the police, then you do not need to report anything anywhere.

At the same time, if when you were stopped by the police you were issued a fine for driving a car without a corresponding license, then the fact that you later inform them of the right will not help, since the fine has already been issued.

06.07.2023 10:18

If an employee has been on leave without pay for a full month, the insurance period is not credited to him, including for the pension, since the insurance premiums have not been paid.

At the same time, if the employee worked part of the month, and part of the month was on leave without salary, and his actual salary is less than the minimum, the employer is obliged to pay the ESS in an amount not less than the minimum amount.

06.07.2023 10:11

Everything depends on how the amount of alimony is specified in the executive document on the collection of alimony.

Ukrainian legislation provides for methods of collecting alimony:

  • Solid monetary form

  • Share of the income of the alimony payer

If alimony is charged in hard cash, then alimony is charged from an additional reward in the amount of UAH 30,000. - not provided.

However, if alimony is collected as a share of income, then alimony should also be calculated from the additional monetary remuneration of military personnel in the amount of UAH 30,000.

06.07.2023 09:22

According to Art. 1276 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, if the heir by will or by law died after the opening of the inheritance and did not have time to accept it, the right to accept the share of the inheritance due to him, in addition to the right to accept the obligatory share in the inheritance, passes to his heirs ( hereditary transmission).

Therefore, hereditary transmission involves the transfer of the right of inheritance (acceptance or refusal of acceptance) from the deceased to his own heirs.

06.07.2023 09:14

In contrast to the public water supply, which is controlled by the state, the maintenance of a private well is the responsibility of the homeowner. It follows from the above that well owners are obliged to independently maintain, protect and maintain the high quality of their drinking water supplies. If the well is owned by the village council, it is accordingly assigned such an obligation.

06.07.2023 09:09

Unfortunately, the legislation of Ukraine does not provide for such a possibility.

06.07.2023 09:08

The civil court of cassation as part of the Supreme Court noted that the biological father should not pay alimony if the child was adopted by another man. However, the debt incurred before the adoption must be paid.

I inform you that the court can fully or partially exempt him from paying alimony arrears, if it arose in connection with his serious illness or another circumstance of significant importance (Article 197 of the Family Code of Ukraine).

05.07.2023 21:47

Yes, it will be necessary to redo the technical passport for the apartment. To obtain a valid technical passport, you must contact BTI or another specialized company.

Also, I would like to inform you that in order to increase the balcony, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate permission from the Department of Urban Planning.

05.07.2023 21:41

If you have the status of an IDP and a child was born in your family, then after the birth of the child you have the full right to receive an IDP certificate for the newborn baby. On the basis of this certificate, you can submit an application for payment of accommodation allowance for a newborn child.