Photo of sikorsky.y.o
04.07.2023 15:11

A summons can be served both to a person who is removed and excluded from military registration. When serving a summons, authorized persons do not establish the presence or absence of a postponement of the draft. These issues are dealt with directly by the recruitment committee.

Therefore, upon receiving a summons, you must arrive at the appropriate time at the appropriate place, otherwise you may receive a fine.

04.07.2023 09:54

Yes, you can. To do this, you need to submit evidence to the court that confirms the circumstances you specified. Taking into account the above, the court may issue an acquittal.

Also, in accordance with Clause 7, Part 1, Art. 284 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, the victim may withdraw from the accusation, which is a consequence of the closing of the criminal proceedings on the basis of the relevant court order.

04.07.2023 09:24

YES, distributed.

According to Article 23 of the Law of Ukraine "On Mobilization Training and Mobilization", during the special period scientific and scientific-pedagogical employees of institutions of higher and professional pre-higher education, scientific institutions and organizations who have an academic title and/or scientific degree, and teaching staff of institutions of professional (vocational and technical) education, institutions of general secondary education, provided that they work, respectively, in institutions of higher or professional pre-higher education, scientific institutions and organizations, institutions of professional (vocational and technical) or general secondary education at the main place of work by at least 0.75 rates.

04.07.2023 09:19

Such statements are subject to consideration in the order of administrative proceedings, according to the CAS of Ukraine.

The court must start consideration of the merits of the case no later than 60 days from the day of the opening of the proceedings in the case, and in the case of an extension of the preparatory proceedings - no later than the next day after the end of such a period.

The court considers the merits of the case within 30 days from the day of the commencement of the merits consideration of the case. (Article 193 of the Civil Code of Ukraine)

In the event that the case will be considered according to the rules of simplified legal proceedings, the court will consider such cases within a reasonable time, but no more than sixty days from the day of the opening of the proceedings in the case. (part one of Article 258 of the Civil Code of Ukraine)

Also, I would like to inform you that the court decision becomes legal after the deadline for filing an appeal (30 days).

04.07.2023 09:15

If you do not agree with the decision of the pension body to assign, recalculate, refuse to recalculate or transfer from one type of pension to another, you can appeal this decision to the Pension Fund bodies of a higher level. A complaint can be submitted to the higher-level PFU within one year from the moment the decision was made, but no later than one month from the moment the applicant was informed of the decision. A deadline missed for a valid reason can be renewed by the PFU body considering the complaint.

04.07.2023 09:12

A person who has lost his work book can report this at the place of his last job. The owner must give the employee another work book with the inscription "Duplicate" on the first page. It includes records of work, as well as awards and incentives at the place of last employment.

Also, I would like to inform you that the Pension Fund of Ukraine has an Electronic work book service on its electronic portal. In case of loss of a paper work book, there is no need to waste time on restoring the data, because they will be saved in electronic format.

03.07.2023 20:35

A limited liability company (abbreviated as "LLC" or "TzOV") is an organization, a business entity, the authorized capital of which is divided into shares, the size of which is established by the company's charter. LLC/LTD is a type of business partnership.

As of today, LLC/LTD is the most common organizational and legal form of commercial organizations in the world.

Advantages of a limited liability company:

  • The founders and members of the LLC can be both individuals and legal entities, both residents and non-residents.

  • The size of the authorized capital of the LLC is not limited. Flexible conditions for filling the authorized capital.

  • LLC registration with one member is not prohibited.

  • A simplified system of enterprise management — the powers of the executive body of the enterprise, as a rule, one person, are limited by the powers of the higher management body — the meeting of founders (participants).

  • Absence of legally established requirements for the preparation and submission of special reporting, as well as its publication (as for JSC).

  • The members of the company are not responsible for its obligations and bear the risk of losses related to the company's activities, within the value of the contributions made by them.

  • There is no need to make additional financial expenses for the organization of accounting and operations with securities of shareholders.

  • Free exit from the LLC with the transfer of its capital share to other founders.

03.07.2023 20:31

The presence of your name in the credit history bureau will in no way affect the possibility of gifting you a plot of land.

03.07.2023 16:55

In accordance with Article 6 of the Law of Ukraine "On Land Appraisal", the subjects of appraisal activity in the field of land appraisal are:

  • executive power bodies and local self-government bodies that manage land valuation, as well as legal and natural persons interested in the valuation of land parcels;

  • legal entities - business entities, regardless of their organizational and legal form and form of ownership, that have appraisers for expert monetary valuation of land plots (in the part of performing works on expert monetary valuation of land plots);

  • individuals - entrepreneurs who received a qualification certificate of an appraiser for expert monetary valuation of land plots (in the part of performing works on expert monetary valuation of land plots);

  • individuals and legal entities - developers of land management documentation in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Land Management" (in the part of performing works on soil grading and regulatory monetary assessment of land plots).

The grounds for carrying out an expert monetary valuation of the land plot are the contract concluded by the interested parties in accordance with the procedure established by law, as well as the court decision.

Therefore, in order to obtain an expert and normative assessment of the land, it is necessary to conclude a contract with the relevant subject of assessment activity.

03.07.2023 16:06

NO, the proceedings will be opened after the judge returns from vacation.