Photo of sikorsky.y.o
17.07.2023 09:36

I cannot recommend you not to pay the filing fee, as this is against the legislation of Ukraine.

According to Art. 67 of the Constitution of Ukraine, everyone is obliged to pay taxes and fees in the manner and amounts established by the Law.

Every citizen who leases real estate (non-residential real estate, apartments, houses, rooms) for long-term or daily rent must pay personal income tax of 18 percent and 1.5 percent of the military levy on the income received.

Renting out an apartment without paying taxes is an offense punishable by a fine of 51,000 to 85,000 hryvnias (Article 212 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

17.07.2023 09:33

YES, it can, subject to certain requirements listed below.

Temporary protection (paragraph 24) is a kind of legalization of the status of Ukrainians residing in Germany. If previously it was possible to stay in the EU for only up to 90 days, the status of temporary protection extends this period and provides a number of advantages. In addition, it is easy and quick to issue a temporary shelter.

If you are interested in how this status is legally supported, then all questions about this are in the EU Directive on temporary protection -

Temporary protection can be obtained in all EU countries except Denmark. Currently, there are 26 EU countries. The advantage of this status is the possibility of independently choosing the European country in which a person will live. For example, if a person crossed the border of Poland and wants to live in Germany, he can request temporary protection right here.

Temporary protection can be obtained:

  • citizens of Ukraine who left the country on or after February 24, 2022 due to Russia's military aggression;

  • stateless people and citizens of foreign countries, except Ukraine, who were under international or national protection until February 24, 2022;

  • family members of the specified people, including the husband (wife) and their minor unmarried children or the children of their husband (wife), as well as their close relatives who lived with them at the time of the invasion of Russia, and who were fully or mainly dependent on such people;

  • foreigners who legally resided in Ukraine until February 24, 2022 on the basis of a permanent residence permit and who cannot safely return to their country.

17.07.2023 09:26

The most effective way is donation contract.

According to Article 717 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, a gift contract is a document that confirms that ownership of property belonging to the donor is transferred to the recipient free of charge. Such a transfer may take place immediately or take place in the future, subject to the occurrence of certain circumstances.

A contract of gift or donation becomes legally binding only after certification by a notary. The donor and the recipient must be present at the notary during the execution of the agreement. The donation can be made according to the location of the real estate or the place of registration of the parties to the agreement. In general, choosing a notary depends on your own priorities.

In order to draw up a donation contract, a person who has made a decision to donate real estate, in addition to a passport and a code, must have the following documents with him among the main ones:

  • title document for the real estate object;

  • certificate of persons registered in this residential area;

  • act of assessment of the real estate object;

  • written consent of the second spouse to carry out the transaction, if the real estate was purchased in marriage;

  • if the recipient is under the age of 18 or there are minors registered in the apartment - permission of the guardianship authority

When issuing a deed of gift for the real estate of a relative belonging to the 1st or 2nd degree of kinship, it is necessary to pay a state duty, which is 1% of the value of the real estate. When giving a gift to a distant relative or a person who is not in a family relationship with the donor, an additional 5% and 1.5% military tax on the assessment amount.

17.07.2023 09:17

Limited fitness does not deprive you of the opportunity to complete military service, however, there are certain restrictions in connection with this.

Persons recognized as having limited fitness for military service cannot serve in the landing forces, navy, marines, in special constructions, etc.

However, they are suitable for service in support units (units), military commissariats (TCC and SP), institutions, organizations, educational institutions, etc.

That is, you cannot be sent to a combat unit at the front, but you can be mobilized and left, for example, to serve at the Military Committee (TCC and SP).

It is during the medical examination that it is indicated which types of service and military work are contraindicated for a person with limited fitness. It depends on the physical state of health, and on the military specialty, position, age and work of the conscript.

In connection with the above, you can transfer to another part that corresponds to the resolution of the VLK.

17.07.2023 09:12

Military vehicles, during martial law, may be seized from:

  • bodies of executive power;

  • local self-government bodies;

  • enterprises, institutions and organizations regardless of the form of ownership;

  • citizens - owners of vehicles.

At the same time, there are a number of exceptions from whom the car cannot be taken in this way:

  • diplomatic and consular institutions of foreign countries;

  • representative offices of foreign and international organizations;

  • stateless persons and foreigners.

The process of retrieving a vehicle is carried out directly through military commissions (TCC and SP), that is, a person in uniform does not have the right to approach a citizen on the street and take the car.

When removing equipment, an act of acceptance and transfer of equipment must be drawn up, in which its balance value (for enterprises) or the value according to the documents on the purchase of the vehicle (for citizens) is indicated.

Withdrawal does not take place forever, but for the period of mobilization + 30 calendar days from the date of demobilization announcement. After that, the vehicle must be returned. If the vehicle was damaged, the owner has the right to compensation.

For compensation, it is necessary to apply to the same TCC and JV, which was involved in the process of seizing the car.

17.07.2023 09:07

According to the norms of the Family and Civil Legislation, minors between the ages of 14 and 18 can independently choose their place of residence, but only from among the places of residence of their parents (adoptive parents). Accordingly, the place of residence of minors, starting from the age of 14, can be registered at the place of residence of their parents (adoptive parents), guardians/custodians; at the place of residence of one of the parents, with whom they live at the choice of the children themselves.

15.07.2023 21:51

The latest changes to Article 177 of the Family Code of Ukraine concerned its second paragraph, part two.

By Law No. 1871-IX dated November 5, 2021, the following changes were made to the above article:

in the second paragraph of the second part of Article 177, the words "including agreements on the division or exchange of a residential building, apartment" should be replaced by the words "regarding property, the owner (co-owner) and/or user of which is a child".

That is, in accordance with the above changes, paragraph 2 of part 2 of Article 177 of the Family Code of Ukraine reads as follows: "Parents of a minor child do not have the right, without the permission of the body of guardianship and custody, to enter into contracts that are subject to notarization and (or) state registration, regarding property, the owner (co-owner) and/or user of which is the child".

14.07.2023 10:37

According to clause 2-1 of the "Rules for crossing the state border by citizens of Ukraine", approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Resolution No. 57 of 01.27.1995, You may travel abroad only accompanying a person for whom care has been established.

An exception is made only if the person for whom care is established is on the consular register.

In accordance with clause 2-1 of the "Rules for crossing the state border by citizens of Ukraine", the departure of male citizens of Ukraine aged 18 to 60, specified in paragraphs three to seven, nine and ten of this clause and clause 2-2 of these of the Rules, can be carried out independently without persons with disabilities, children with disabilities, persons in need of constant care, or children specified in clause 2-2 of these Rules, on the basis of a certificate of stay of such persons with disabilities, children with disabilities, persons, who need constant care, or children specified in paragraph 2-2 of these Rules, on consular records, documents (their notarized copies) giving the right to leave, which are provided for in paragraphs three - seven, nine, respectively and the tenth of this paragraph and paragraph 2-2 of these Rules, and the documents specified in paragraph 2 of these Rules.

14.07.2023 10:13

Court services, i.e. the payment of the court fee is carried out by the person who applies to the court. A court fee of 0.4 times the subsistence minimum for able-bodied persons is paid for filing a divorce petition with the court.

However, I would like to inform you that if your claim is successful, the court fee paid by you will be returned at the expense of the defendant in the case.

As for the services of a lawyer, the costs for providing the latter with legal assistance are borne by the person who turned to the lawyer. However, if the claim is successful, it is also possible to return the money you paid for the provision of legal assistance by a lawyer, at the expense of the defendant in the case. For this, it is necessary to submit an appropriate application to the court, within the appropriate period, with the provision of evidence that confirms the costs incurred by you for the legal assistance received.

14.07.2023 10:06

It is not the very fact of supervision (inspection) that is disputed, but its results (if necessary). As a rule, the result of inspections is the imposition of DABI fines for violations of the rules of urban development.

In the case of detection of an offense, a DABI official draws up a protocol on offenses in the field of urban planning.

The case of an offense in the field of urban planning activity is considered by an official of the state architectural and construction control body within 15 days from the date of receipt of the offense report. The case can be considered with the participation of the subject of urban planning, which is brought to justice.

At the stage of consideration of the case, it is quite important to provide explanations/objections regarding the drawing up of the protocol. In the future, this will be extremely important, during the judicial review of the case.

Based on the results of the case review, the DABI issues a resolution on the imposition of a fine, which are executive documents and are subject to execution in accordance with the procedure established by law.

According to Art. 5 of the Law of Ukraine "On Liability for Offenses in the Field of Urban Development" a decision on the imposition of a fine for an offense in the field of urban development can be appealed to the court within 15 days from the date of its issuance.