Photo of sikorsky.y.o
18.07.2023 09:42

The remarriage of one of the parents does not affect the obligation to pay alimony.

The grounds for exemption from the payment of alimony are defined in the Family Code of Ukraine, and the conclusion of a new marriage by one of the parents does not in any way affect the obligation to support the child.

18.07.2023 09:36

YES, you can go abroad with your spouse.

In particular, persons who provide permanent care for persons with disabilities of group I or II and accompany such persons to leave Ukraine have the right to go abroad.

According to paragraph 2-1 "Rules for crossing the state border of Ukraine", persons who have a wife (husband) from among persons with disabilities and accompany such a wife (husband) to leave the borders of Ukraine, in the presence of documents (their notarized copies ), confirming family ties, disability.

18.07.2023 09:29

The postponement will not be preserved, but you will have grounds for obtaining a new postponement in connection with enrollment in "parallel" education.

In order to receive a new deferment, after completing basic education (and it is better to do it in advance), you must submit to the TCC and SP the appropriate documents in the established form, which confirm that you are actually studying full-time.

18.07.2023 09:23

First, you need to find out the reasons for blocking your salary card.

Usually, it can be an arrest from the executive service.

Go to the link (Register of debtors) and enter your data there. After that, you will find out in which department of the enforcement service the enforcement proceedings were opened against you.

I inform you that in accordance with Clause 1, Part 1, Article 34 of the Law of Ukraine "On Enforcement Proceedings", the executor stops execution of enforcement actions in the event that the debtor completes term military service, military service upon conscription of officers, military service upon conscription during mobilization , for a special period, military service by conscription during mobilization, for a special period, military service by conscription of reservists in a special period, or if the debtor undergoes military service and performs combat tasks of military service in a combat environment or in the area of an anti-terrorist operation , implementation of measures to ensure national security and defense, repulse and deter armed aggression of the Russian Federation in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, if according to the terms of service, execution of executive actions is impossible or at the request of the debt collector who is undergoing such military service.

Therefore, if you meet the above criteria, you can stop the implementation of executive actions by writing a corresponding statement to the executor.

For help in this - contact me, I will be happy to help.

18.07.2023 09:15

Real estate appraisal is the establishment of an official price for real estate with the subsequent issuance of a corresponding certificate. The official price is usually close to the market price.

Depending on economic and many other factors, the price of an apartment in a certain region can both increase and decrease, so the answer is YES, the price of an apartment could increase several times.

18.07.2023 09:11

It is not possible to register under a power of attorney received from a deceased owner, since, in accordance with Clause 6, Part 1, Article 248 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, representation by power of attorney is terminated in the event of the death of the person who issued the power of attorney, declaration of his death, recognition of his incapacity or missing , limiting her civil capacity.

You need to wait for the deceased's heirs to inherit and then register the place of residence.

17.07.2023 10:06

A person who unregistered at one place of residence has 30 calendar days to register at another.

17.07.2023 10:05

Persons sentenced to imprisonment may initiate the issue of dissolution of their marriage according to the following procedures:

  • Divorce the marriage in the state registration bodies of civil status acts by mutual consent of the other spouse, and in the absence of joint children;

  • In court proceedings (in particular, in separate proceedings at the request of one of the spouses).

Dissolve the marriage in the state registry of civil status acts by mutual consent of the other spouse and in the absence of joint children.

The Code of Civil Procedure of Ukraine does not establish requirements for the jurisdiction of divorce cases upon the application of any of the spouses in court, if one of them is sentenced to imprisonment, therefore, the general rules of jurisdiction provided for in Articles 27, 28 of the Code of Civil Procedure of Ukraine apply to this category of cases.

17.07.2023 09:57

Registration for the UNICEF cash assistance program was suspended on August 14, 2022. Currently, the fund is paying out money to those families who submitted applications by August 14, 2022. If you have applied for assistance from UNICEF, but have not yet received payment, in 2023 the money should be credited to the account that you specified during registration in the program.

17.07.2023 09:54

YES, in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 18 of the Law of Ukraine "On Social and Legal Protection of Servicemen and Members of Their Families", in case of temporary loss of working capacity, disability certificates are paid to wives (husbands) of servicemen in the amount of 100 percent of the average monthly salary, regardless of insurance length.