Photo of sikorsky.y.o
19.07.2023 09:44

The procedure for issuing a military ticket is regulated by the Procedure for Issuing, Storage and Destruction of Military Tickets for Private, Sergeant, and Senior Officers (

The above-mentioned Procedure does not mention the payment of the procedure for issuing military tickets, and therefore the issuance of the latter is free of charge.

If you are being asked for money for this, contact the police and inform them about the fact that money is being demanded for the issuance of a military ticket.

19.07.2023 09:34

It is necessary to apply to the executive service that is in charge of the executive document on alimony.

You need to check the executor on the subject of whether he performs all the necessary actions provided for by the Law of Ukraine "On Enforcement Proceedings" to collect alimony from the debtor.

If the executor has not taken all the necessary actions to collect alimony, it is necessary to challenge his inaction by filing a complaint with his supervisor or a higher authority (Ministry of Justice) and/or the court.

In order to find out whether the executor is taking all the necessary actions to collect alimony, you need to familiarize yourself with the materials of the enforcement proceedings by writing to the executor a corresponding application for familiarization.

Analysis of executive proceedings requires certain knowledge and experience, so contact me and I will be happy to help.

19.07.2023 09:27

YES, he can.

If a person cannot apply to the registration body on his own, this can be done by his legal representative (the child's parents, guardians or custodians) or a representative on the basis of a notarized power of attorney.

19.07.2023 09:22

The legislation does not specify the specific terms of passing the VLC, and therefore the issued fine will be considered illegal and subject to cancellation.

19.07.2023 09:17

Good day.

If the fine was issued in compliance with the requirements of the traffic rules and the Code of Administrative Offenses, then it will have to be paid. If the latter was issued in violation of the law, it can be annulled in court.

For a detailed study of the resolution on bringing you to administrative responsibility for the possibility of its cancellation, send me the last one in personal messages.

19.07.2023 09:12

The law does not establish the number and frequency of filing for bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy - recognized by the commercial court, the debtor's inability to restore his solvency by means of the rehabilitation and restructuring procedure and to repay the monetary claims of creditors established in accordance with the procedure determined by the Code of Ukraine on bankruptcy procedures, otherwise than through the application of the liquidation procedure. The commercial court, in a court session with the participation of the parties, adopts a resolution declaring the debtor bankrupt and opens the liquidation procedure. The court determines the term during which the liquidator is obliged to liquidate the debtor, which cannot exceed 12 months.

Therefore, at the end of the bankruptcy procedure, the legal entity is liquidated, with the exception of the rehabilitation procedure, which is understood as the system of measures carried out during the bankruptcy proceedings in order to prevent the debtor from being recognized as bankrupt and its liquidation.

18.07.2023 10:19

In accordance with Article 1277 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, in the absence of heirs by will and by law, their removal from the right to inherit, their refusal to accept inheritance, as well as refusal to accept it by the local self-government body by the location of the immovable property, and in the absence of immovable property - by the location of the main part of the movable property is obliged to submit to the court an application to recognize the inheritance as dead.

If at the time of the opening of the inheritance there is movable property that is part of the inheritance on the object of immovable property, such movable property becomes the property of the territorial community to which the immovable property was transferred.

An application for recognition of the inheritance as dead may also be submitted by the creditor of the testator, and if the inheritance includes agricultural land plots - by the owners or users of adjacent land plots. In such a case, the court involves the local self-government bodies at the location of the immovable property, which is part of the inheritance, in the consideration of the case.

Inheritance, recognized by the court as deceased, becomes the property of the territorial community according to the location of immovable property, and in the absence of immovable property - the location of the main part of movable property.

An inheritance not accepted by the heirs is protected until it is recognized as dead in accordance with Article 1283 of the Civil Code of Ukraine.

18.07.2023 10:03

Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Mobilization Training and Mobilization", which limited the number of persons who have the right to deferred care, entered into force on June 28, 2023.

Before the adoption of the above-mentioned changes to the law, if, for example, a father with a disability of the 2nd group has several sons, then each of them had the right to a postponement. Currently, there is no such possibility.

18.07.2023 09:50

YES, it is appointed.

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Mandatory State Pension Insurance", a disability pension is awarded in the event of the onset of a disability that has caused total or partial loss of working capacity in the presence of insurance experience defined in Article 32 of the Law.

Disability pension is awarded regardless of when the disability occurred: during work, before employment or after termination of employment.

The document that confirms the establishment of disability is the act of review of the medical and social expert commission on recognition of a person as disabled.

18.07.2023 09:46

There is such a bill under number 9142 (, but it has not yet been adopted.

According to the above draft law, citizens who undergo military service and have been mobilized since the introduction of martial law have the right to serve no more than 18 months from the moment of conscription, if they have not expressed a desire to continue military service.