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20.07.2023 09:52

Having concluded the contract, it must be performed in the specified order and time frame. Loan deferment may be granted only by agreement with the creditor.

Also, martial law does not exempt from obligations to pay the loan. Interest for the use of credit funds continues to accrue even after February 24.

However, during the period of martial law and within 30 days after its end:

  • citizens are released from the obligation to pay a penalty (fine, interest) and other penalty payments provided for in the credit agreement;

  • financial institutions are prohibited from increasing the interest rate for the use of credit in case of late payments (except when the interest rate change is established by the credit agreement).

The above-mentioned mitigations are regulated by the Law of Ukraine No. 2120-IX.

20.07.2023 09:30

Yes, he has the right, but only if there is a corresponding decision of the investigating judge or with the voluntary consent of the person.

According to Part 3 of Art. 245 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine specifies that the collection of biological samples from a person is carried out according to the rules provided for in Article 241 of this Code. In the event of a person's refusal to voluntarily provide biological samples, the investigating judge, the court, at the request of a party to criminal proceedings being considered in accordance with the procedure provided for in Articles 160-166 of this Code, has the right to allow the investigator, the prosecutor (or oblige them, if the request was submitted by the defense ) to forcibly collect biological samples.

20.07.2023 09:23

Yes, seriously, but they're pretty easy to fix.

These mechanical errors must be corrected by writing to the court a corresponding petition to correct the typos.

Correction of errors in the decision is not a complicated procedure and is carried out on the basis of the above-mentioned application to the court.

20.07.2023 09:20

If you passed the VLC and the decision of such a commission does not reflect the real state of your health, there are two ways to appeal this decision: in the pre-trial procedure and through the court. It is best to start an appeal with a pre-trial procedure, and if it does not have a positive result, then go to court.

In the pre-trial procedure, it is necessary to write a statement of disagreement with the conclusions of the VLK and a request to review the specified decision by the higher VLK (one of the regional VLK or the Central Military Medical Commission of the Armed Forces of Ukraine). All relevant medical documents and a copy of the previous decision of the VLK must be attached to the application.

As a result of taking the above actions, you may be sent for a repeat or control medical examination to the VLK and a new conclusion (decision) will be provided about your health, which will be taken into account.

If you do not agree with the results of the pre-trial hearing, you can appeal the decision in court. Appealing the decision of the VLK in court is carried out in the order of administrative proceedings.

Notice! It is impossible to appeal the decision of the VLK solely on the basis of medical indicators, because it is not within the competence of the court. The court has the right to check the legality of the resolution of the VLK only within the limits of compliance with the procedure for its adoption.

20.07.2023 09:12

Bankruptcy of individuals is not a reason for banning the latter from traveling abroad.

19.07.2023 10:36

YES, you can. The application is submitted (including minors aged 14 to 18) in person, and minors (under 14), incapacitated persons or persons whose legal capacity is limited - through a legal representative.

19.07.2023 10:28

YES, maybe. The parents' stay in marriage or its dissolution does not affect the parents' obligation to support the child.

19.07.2023 10:02

You must appeal such actions.

The decision to refuse to issue, exchange and issue a passport can be appealed by a foreigner or a stateless person in an administrative procedure (DMS, territorial body of the DMS) or to a court.

The State Department of Internal Affairs, the territorial body of the State Department of Internal Affairs has the right to review the decision made by the relevant territorial body, if there are grounds, and oblige them to cancel the previous decision on refusal to issue, exchange and issue a permit and to make a new decision on the basis of previously submitted documents.

19.07.2023 09:58

Even if you have already used the main leave, you have the right to submit a report for leave due to family circumstances, for the purpose of marriage, for a period of 10 calendar days, in accordance with paragraph 18 of Article 10-1 of the Law of Ukraine "On Social and Legal Protection of Servicemen and Their Family Members" .

19.07.2023 09:49

The testator can deprive any person from among the legal heirs of the right to inheritance without specifying the reasons. In this case, this person cannot receive the right to inheritance.

However, the legislation of Ukraine contains an exception aimed at limiting the freedom of expression of the testator's will. We are talking about the involvement of heirs who are guaranteed a mandatory share in the inheritance.

The testator cannot deprive the right to inheritance of persons who have the right to a mandatory share in the inheritance.

According to Art. 1241 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, minors, minors, adult disabled children of the testator, disabled widow (widower) and disabled parents inherit, regardless of the content of the will, half of the share that would belong to each of them in case of inheritance by law (mandatory share) .

The size of the mandatory share in the inheritance may be reduced by the court, taking into account the relationship between these heirs and the testator, as well as other circumstances that are of significant importance.

The mandatory share in the inheritance includes the value of things of ordinary household furnishings and use, the value of the testamentary refusal established in favor of the person entitled to the mandatory share, as well as the value of other things and property rights that passed to her as an heir .

Any restrictions and encumbrances established in the will for an heir who is entitled to a mandatory share in the inheritance are valid only for that part of the inheritance that exceeds his mandatory share.