Photo of 30.09.tana2002
14.07.2023 11:03

Yes, you can, if your video belongs to a mixture - a composite work that is the result of a creative selection and arrangement of short excerpts of other legally published musical or audiovisual works without harming their protection, resulting in a complete object, the parts of which united by the creative intention of the author of this work and if you specify the name of the author and the source of borrowing.

This is regulated by Article 22 of the Law of Ukraine "On Copyright and Related Rights": Without the permission of the copyright holders and free of charge, but with the indication of the author's name and the source of borrowing, it is allowed to use legitimately published literary, artistic, musical and other works to create a potpourri based on them, a work in the genre of parody, a work in the genre of caricature.

Please also note that the free use of works is provided that the work used has been lawfully published, and the restrictions will not harm other normal uses of such work and will not unreasonably limit the legitimate interests of the respective copyright holders.

14.07.2023 10:43

You can file a divorce petition in court. In the statement of claim, request with the name of the reason for the acceleration of the process. A lawsuit for dissolution of marriage is filed at the place of registration of the defendant (that is, your husband), so your place of registration will not play a role, and you can simply indicate your place of residence in the lawsuit.

If you specify all the points in the statement of claim, submit all the necessary documents, pay the court fee on time, your husband does not file a response to the statement, then the legal process will not be delayed.

14.07.2023 10:33

If you mean an application for dissolution of marriage to the RATS authorities, then only spouses have the right to submit an application. If the husband and wife have agreed between themselves, then the spouse who is in Ukraine and has the opportunity to visit the RATS body, submits two applications for divorce at his place of residence: on his own behalf and on behalf of the other spouse.

In the event that it is impossible to come to an agreement with the other spouse, and you yourself do not have the opportunity to do so, you can make a power of attorney for your sister to file a lawsuit for divorce with the court and take all actions regarding the divorce on your behalf.

14.07.2023 10:22

First of all, it is necessary to legalize labor relations with employees, and therefore conclude in accordance with and in compliance with all the requirements of Chapter 3 Code of Labor Laws employment contract. Be careful about the fact that it is possible to enter into a civil law contract with employees, because if the employee will perform the work according to the schedule, he will have to be constantly in place during working hours, he will perform the work not once, but on a permanent basis, you will pay him for the process itself, and not for the result, then you risk being responsible for violating the provisions of the Code of Labor Laws.

Underage employees need your special attention. Features and requirements for the work of minors are regulated in Chapter 8 of the Code of Labor Laws. For example, it is not allowed to hire people under the age of sixteen.

But with the consent of one of the parents or a person replacing him, persons who have reached the age of fifteen may, as an exception, be hired.

In order to prepare young people for productive work, it is allowed to employ graduates of general secondary, professional (vocational-technical), professional pre-university or higher education institutions who are acquiring any form of primary, basic secondary or specialized secondary education to perform light work, which does not harm health and does not disrupt the education process, in the time free from education after they reach the age of fourteen with the consent of one of the parents or a person who replaces him.

Pay attention to the amount of wages, because when concluding an employment contract, the employer undertakes to pay a wage that is not lower than the amount established every year by the law on the State Budget. For example, the minimum wage for 2023 is UAH 6,700.

When paying wages or payments under a civil law contract, the enterprise/entrepreneur withholds and remits to the budget personal income tax (18% of the accrued amounts). The enterprise/entrepreneur is also obliged to withhold and remit to the budget a single social contribution when paying wages to employees or remuneration under civil law contracts. (22% of accrued amounts). If the employee is paid a salary that is less than the minimum, then in most cases it will be necessary to calculate the insurance contribution up to the amount of the minimum contribution (it is the same as the amount of the EUV, which is paid for themselves by taxpayers of the single tax).

14.07.2023 09:57

For this, you should refer to the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection".

Article 6 stipulates the requirements for the processing of personal data:

  1. Processing of personal data is carried out openly and transparently using means and in a manner that correspond to the defined goals of such processing.

  2. Personal data must be accurate, reliable and updated as necessary, determined by the purpose of their processing.

  3. The composition and content of personal data must be relevant, adequate and not excessive in relation to the defined purpose of their processing.

  4. The primary sources of information about a natural person are: documents issued in his name; documents signed by her; information that a person provides about himself.

  5. Processing of personal data is carried out for specific and lawful purposes, determined with the consent of the subject of personal data, or in cases provided for by the laws of Ukraine, in the manner established by the legislation.

  6. It is not allowed to process data about a natural person, which is confidential information, without his consent, except for cases specified by law, and only in the interests of national security, economic well-being and human rights.

  7. If the processing of personal data is necessary to protect the vital interests of the subject of personal data, it is possible to process personal data without his consent until such time as consent becomes possible.

  8. Personal data are processed in a form that allows the identification of the natural person to whom they relate, no longer than is necessary for the legitimate purposes for which they were collected or further processed.

  9. Further processing of personal data for historical, statistical or scientific purposes may be carried out under the condition of ensuring their proper protection.

  10. The standard procedure for processing personal data is approved by the Commissioner.

Article 7 establishes special requirements for the processing of personal data:

  1. The processing of personal data on racial or ethnic origin, political, religious or ideological beliefs, membership in political parties and trade unions, criminal convictions, as well as data related to health, sexual life, biometric or genetic data is prohibited.

  2. This provision does not apply if the processing of personal data:

is carried out on the condition that the subject of personal data provides unequivocal consent to the processing of such data;

necessary for the exercise of the owner's rights and obligations in the field of labor relations in accordance with the law with the provision of appropriate protection;

necessary to protect the vital interests of the subject of personal data or another person in case of incapacity or restriction of civil capacity of the subject of personal data;

is carried out with the provision of appropriate protection by a religious organization, public organization of worldview orientation, political party or professional union established in accordance with the law, provided that the processing concerns exclusively the personal data of members of these associations or persons who maintain constant contact with them in connection due to the nature of their activity, and personal data are not transferred to a third party without the consent of the subjects of personal data;

necessary for the justification, satisfaction or defense of a legal claim;

necessary for health purposes for:

establishment of a medical diagnosis, to ensure care or treatment or the provision of medical services, monitoring of compliance with the established conditions for the provision of such services (including the conditions of contracts for medical care of the population and contracts for reimbursement under the medical guarantee program), functioning of the electronic health care system under the conditions , that such data are processed by a medical worker, a rehabilitation specialist or another person of a health care institution, a rehabilitation institution or a natural person - an entrepreneur who received a license to conduct economic activity from medical practice, and its employees, who are entrusted with the duties of ensuring the protection of personal data and the application of the legislation on medical secrecy, by employees of the central executive body implementing state policy in the field of state financial guarantees of medical care for the population, by employees of the institution that carries out state sanitary-epidemiological supervision and activities in the field of public health, who received a license to carry out business activities for medical practice, which are entrusted with the duties of ensuring the protection of personal data;

quality control of the provision of medical services, provided that such data are processed by employees of the central executive body implementing state policy in the field of quality control of the provision of medical services;

  • exchange of information on the financing of medical services and services in the field of health care, provided that such data are processed by employees of the Social Insurance Fund of Ukraine, the Pension Fund of Ukraine, the Fund for the Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities, the central executive body that ensures the formation and implementation of the state financial and budgetary policy, which are entrusted with the duties of ensuring the protection of personal data.

necessary to ensure the maintenance of military records of conscripts, conscripts and reservists (in the amount of data specified in Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Unified State Register of Conscripts, Conscripts and Reservists");

relates to court verdicts, performance of tasks of operative-investigative or counter-intelligence activities, fight against terrorism and is carried out by a state body within the limits of its powers defined by law;

refers to data that has been explicitly disclosed by the subject of personal data.

Article 12 regulates the collection of personal data:

  1. The collection of personal data is a component of the process of their processing, which involves the selection or arrangement of information about a natural person.

  2. The subject of personal data is informed about the owner of personal data, the composition and content of collected personal data, his rights defined by this Law, the purpose of collecting personal data and the persons to whom his personal data is transferred:

at the time of collection of personal data, if personal data is collected from the subject of personal data;

in other cases, within thirty working days from the date of collection of personal data.

13.07.2023 10:07

In accordance with current legislation, the victim of a traffic accident has the right to receive compensation for medical expenses. The victim has the right to payments related to treatment with delivery, accommodation, maintenance, diagnosis, treatment, prosthetics and rehabilitation of the victim in the appropriate health care facility, medical care, treatment at home and purchase of medicines. In addition, the victim at A road accident victim who has suffered health damage has the right to reimbursement of expenses incurred for treatment and the right to payments related to temporary disability, permanent disability and moral damages.

If you are a victim of a road accident, the insurance must reimburse you for the costs of treatment.

13.07.2023 09:48

In case of damage to the car as a result of hostilities, the car owner needs to record the fact of the damage in a photo or video as soon as possible, preferably with reference to the area, buildings and other landmarks. Written statements from at least two witnesses will also be required.

If possible, the police should be called, who will record the fact of damage to the property with the help of a report of the inspection of the scene of the incident and entering information about the criminal offense into the Unified Register of Pretrial Investigations.

If it is not possible to contact the police in person, it is worth sending a statement to such an authority with attached evidence about the event and copies of the identity document and the vehicle registration certificate by a valuable postal letter with a description of the attachment and a notice of delivery of the postal item.

It is also worth determining the amount of damage caused. To do this, you should order an auto goods expertise, during which the expert will draw conclusions on how damaged the car is. In addition, the owner of the car needs to collect and save receipts, checks, certificates of completed works, other documents regarding the costs that he had to pay due to damage.

13.07.2023 09:42

Unemployment status and benefits are lost if a person is abroad for more than 30 days during martial law.

According to the Law of Ukraine "On Mandatory State Social Insurance in Case of Unemployment", the duration of unemployment benefit payments cannot exceed 90 calendar days.

If we are talking about people of pre-retirement age (one year before reaching the relevant age and if there is insurance experience necessary for the appointment of an old-age pension), then the duration of the payment cannot exceed 360 calendar days.

13.07.2023 09:32

In order to establish disability, it is necessary to undergo a medical and social examination (MSEK) and have documents confirming a persistent impairment of body functions caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or congenital defects that cause limitation of normal life activities.

List of required documents:

  1. passport or ID card with an extract from the EDDR regarding registration of the place of residence;

  2. military ID (copy) or temporary ID;

  3. referral to MSEK (form No. 088/o) (*issued by a family or attending physician);

  4. extracts from the outpatient card form 025/o, medical history form 027/o;

  5. results of laboratory, instrumental, radiological examinations;

  6. advisory opinions of specialized regional specialists, etc.;

  7. outpatient card of the patient;

  8. additional documents if necessary to confirm one or another cause of disability.

During the period of martial law, the MSEK performs its functions ensuring the principle of extraterritoriality, i.e. regardless of the place of registration, residence or stay of citizens applying for disability.

In order to arrange permanent care for a person with a disability (for you), you need to contact the guardianship authority and provide the following list of documents:

  • A statement that you want to provide permanent care for a certain person.

  • passport of the person who will take care of (both the original and a copy are required). The passport of the person who will be cared for is also required.

  • Medical reference. It is important that the person who wants to perform such care should have sufficient health for this.

  • Help regarding registration of place of residence.

  • Documents regarding ownership of property or the right to use it.

  • A certificate from a medical board, which confirms that the person needs constant care due to his health condition.

Please note that if we are talking about a person with legal capacity who can be aware of his actions, but needs care due to a health condition, his compulsory consent is required. Therefore, when it comes to a pensioner, he must also write a statement to appoint a person who will provide him with constant care.

13.07.2023 09:21

You can contact the diplomatic missions and consular institutions of Ukraine in Italy to send the corresponding request to Ukraine.

Reception of citizens is carried out only after prior registration in the electronic appointment system at the link:

The procedure for retrieving documents involves filling out appropriate forms for retrieving documents from Ukraine. The questionnaire must be filled out exclusively in Ukrainian in 3 copies, for each document separately. Answers to questions should be complete and accurate. A consular fee is charged for requesting documents in accordance with the consular fee rates.

To request documents from Ukraine, the applicant must submit the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of Ukraine for travel abroad and a copy of the 1st page. this passport with personal data;

  • an application for requesting documents;

  • three copies of the questionnaire for each document separately according to the established sample:

  • a copy of the document(s) confirming the applicant's family relationship with the person for whom the documents are requested - in case the document is requested by relatives;

  • the original of the power of attorney in case the documents are requested by the representative of the person who has the right to receive them;

  • a copy of the required document (if available);

  • the original document confirming the payment of the consular fee.

The claim may be refused if:

  • applied by a person who does not have the right to receive such documents;

  • the applicant did not indicate in the questionnaire the information necessary for consideration of the request;

  • the applicant has not paid the consular fee or has not presented a document confirming the right to be exempt from paying the consular fee;

  • an archival certificate from the State Archives of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, which have temporarily stopped issuing them, is required.