Photo of 30.09.tana2002
13.07.2023 09:11

To do this, it is necessary to officially record the flooding by contacting ZHEK or another operating organization, on the balance of which the building is serviced, and draw up an act on the flooding of the apartment. The act describes the cause and all consequences of the flooding: what was flooded, what things were damaged, what amount of work needs to be done, etc. The completed act will be the main document confirming the fact in the event of an appeal to the court, if the dispute cannot be resolved by amicable agreement.

For additional recording, you can use a camera or video camera, you can also involve witnesses. Tip: You should not rush to make repairs, because it may be necessary to conduct an examination to determine the actual damage. If you did make the repair, keep documentary evidence of the costs for its implementation, in particular, the act of the work performed by the organization that eliminated the consequences of the flooding, as well as the receipt for payment for this work.

In the event that the flooding caused damage to health - and this is possible, especially in the case of hot water - it is necessary to consult a doctor and also take the appropriate certificate of application.

13.07.2023 09:07

Dactyloscopic examination is the most common type of forensic examination, which solves the issue of identifying handprints and identifying the people who left them.

The main task of dactyloscopic examination is the identification of a person by the traces of his hands, which were left at the scene of the incident. Also, the examination of handprints solves a number of non-identification tasks related to the determination of the mechanism of trace formation, the features of the structure of the hand that left the trace, and some other characteristics of the trace-forming object.

12.07.2023 15:16

Thus, according to Article 35 of the Law on the National Police, a police officer can stop vehicles only in certain cases specified in this article.

You can apply to the court with a statement of claim "About the annulment of the resolution on bringing to administrative responsibility under Part 1 of Article 126 of the Criminal Procedure Code". To do this, you must prove in it that the policeman's stop was not legal and that you actually had the documents that the policeman asked you to have with you.

But first, pay the fine, because if you miss the payment deadline, it will be doubled. If you succeed in court in canceling the resolution on bringing to administrative responsibility, then the money will be returned to you.

12.07.2023 14:58

To begin with, write a written request to the management to reimburse the cost of the jacket that the wardrobe lost. The administration of the institution must respond to this application no later than within 15 days.

If you received a refusal or no response - contact the court. Attach all possible evidence to the statement of claim:

  • ticket to visit the institution,

  • paper on appeal to law enforcement agencies,

  • management's explanation or response to your request.

When filing a lawsuit, do not forget about a document confirming the value of the stolen item (for example, a receipt or a receipt for the purchase of goods). If you cannot find the receipt, contact the administration of the store where you purchased the lost item.

12.07.2023 11:00

In accordance with clause 1.4 of the Rules for the operation of restaurant establishments (enterprises) approved by the order of the Ministry of Economy and European Integration of Ukraine dated July 24, 2002, business entities shall operate in the restaurant industry after their state registration in accordance with the procedure established by law. The retail trade of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products in establishments (enterprises) of the restaurant industry is carried out by subjects of economic activity in the presence of relevant licenses.

Also in accordance with clause 1.9. employees engaged in the production, storage, and sale of food products and food raw materials are required to have professional special education (training).

All employees employed in the restaurant industry undergo a mandatory preventive medical examination in accordance with the procedure established by law, the results of which are reflected in their personal medical books.

So, in general, the following documents are required:

  1. Certificate of state registration of a legal entity, or SPD.

  2. Premises lease agreement (documents on ownership of the premises).

  3. Registration of production capacities in the state consumer service.

  4. License to sell tobacco products and alcohol.

  5. Document on the approval of placing a sign (outdoor advertising).

  6. Document on the passing of the inspection and the impression of the inspection mark on the measuring equipment.

  7. Document on the registration of the cash register.

  8. Medical records of employees.

  9. Sanitary rules, Rules of operation of establishments (enterprises) of the restaurant industry, sanitary log, logs of registration of introductory briefings on labor protection issues and registration of briefings on labor protection issues.

  10. Sanitary passport for motor vehicles, if the transportation of products will be carried out by own transport.

  11. Manufacturer's (supplier's) documents for food products and equipment.

  12. Agreement on the removal of garbage and disposal of fluorescent lamps.

  13. Technological and calculation maps.

  14. Declaration of compliance of the material and technical base of the business entity with the requirements of the legislation on fire safety, and for business entities with a high degree of risk - a positive conclusion based on the results of an assessment (expertise) of the fire-fighting condition of the enterprise, object or premises (fire-fighting assessment condition).

It is also necessary to prepare documents for the consumer corner, including:

  • information on the name of the owner or the body authorized by him;

  • Book of reviews and suggestions;

  • addresses and telephone numbers of bodies that ensure the protection of consumer rights.

Also, Rules No. 219, Order No. 833, the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" dated 05.12.91 No. 1023-XII, sanitary regulations, veterinary documents, rules for the sale of certain types of goods must be available.

11.07.2023 19:07

Diplomas and other educational documents issued in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions and Crimean Autonomous Republic are not recognized and have no legal force either in Ukraine or in other countries of the world. This explanation is provided by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

11.07.2023 15:28

You need to apply to the territorial body of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine to carry out a registration action regarding the exclusion of information about the founders of a public organization from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Organizations.

The list of documents that must be submitted for this procedure:

  • application for state registration of changes to information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register;

  • a copy of the original (notarized copy) of the decision of the authorized body of the legal entity on changes made to the Unified State Register (such a document must contain a decision to exclude from the Unified State Register information about all the founders of such a formation, and not about one or several of them );

  • the register of persons (citizens) who participated in the meeting of the authorized management body of the legal entity;

  • a document on the payment of the administrative fee.

11.07.2023 11:26

The seller will have to pay the following taxes:

  • Personal income tax (PIT).

  • If the land plot has been owned for more than three years (either inherited or received as a result of dissoldering) and this is the first sale of the real estate seller since that time, the taxpayer's income from the sale is not taxable.

  • If the seller sells another plot of land for the second time within one calendar year, then one must pay personal income tax - 5% of the transaction price (determined expert assessment).

– The third sale and each subsequent sale during the year is taxed at the rate of 18%. But in this case, the income is calculated not from the deal price (determined expert assessment), but from the difference between the price for which this plot was purchased by the seller earlier and the price for which the property passed to the new buyer.

  • Military collection

– it is not paid from the first sale, if the land plot has been owned for more than three years (either inherited or received as a result of resoldering)

  • 1.5% in all the other cases listed above from income subject to personal income tax.

  • Continued

  • 1% of the price in the contract, but not lower than its estimated value (expert assessment). It is paid for the first sale and subsequent ones.

You can read more about this in the article "Taxes on the sale of land" -

11.07.2023 11:22

According to Article 211 of the Land Code of Ukraine, citizens and legal entities bear civil, administrative or criminal liability in accordance with the legislation for violations in the field of land sales.

In detail, with each type of liability for certain offenses, you can:

11.07.2023 11:08

I explained in detail what legal steps need to be followed when drawing up a land plot sale agreement in the article "How to sell a plot of land" -