Photo of 30.09.tana2002
18.07.2023 10:31

In this case, inheritance will take place according to law.

In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 1258 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, each subsequent step receives the right to inherit in the absence of heirs of the previous step, their removal from the right to inherit, their refusal to accept the inheritance or refusal to accept it, except for cases of changing the order of obtaining the right to inherit.

Articles 1261-1265 of the Civil Code of Ukraine provide for FIVE stages of inheritance according to the law, which are called for inheritance in turn according to the procedure defined by the law. In the first place, the children of the testator have the right to inherit according to the law, including those conceived during the life of the testator and born after his death , the spouse who survived him, and his parents (Art. 1261 of the Civil Code). In the second place, the right to inherit by law belongs to the testator's own brothers and sisters, his grandmother and grandfather, both from the father's and from the mother's side (Art. 1262 of the Civil Code). In the third place, the right to inherit according to the law belongs to the uncle and aunt of the testator (Article 1263 of the Civil Code). In the fourth place, the right to inherit according to the law belongs to persons who lived with the testator in the same family for at least 5 years before at the time of the opening of the inheritance (Article 1264 of the Civil Code). In the fifth place, other relatives of the testator up to the sixth degree of consanguinity (cousin grandsons, great-nephews, great-grandfather and great-grandmother, etc.) inherit. At the same time, relatives of a closer degree of kinship exclude relatives of a more distant degree of kinship from the right of inheritance.

18.07.2023 09:08

To do this, you need to apply to the Military Medical Commission, that is, pass the VLK.

There is no certificate of unfitness for military service. Its role is performed by the certificate of the military medical commission, which indicates the established diagnosis and the decision of the VLK (that is, fit, temporarily unfit or unfit with exclusion from military registration).

When determining the degree of fitness for military service, the VLK uses the "Schedule of diseases, conditions and physical disabilities that determine the degree of fitness for military service" (appendix to the "Regulations on Military Medical Examination").

18.07.2023 08:59

Currently, there is no law that would regulate this issue. But there is draft law No. 7457 "On regulation of the circulation of cannabis plants for medical, industrial purposes, scientific and scientific and technical activities to create conditions for expanding patient access to the necessary treatment of oncological diseases and post-traumatic stress disorders obtained as a result of war", which On July 13, 2023, it was adopted as a basis with amendments to the provisions in accordance with Part 1 of Article 116 and is being prepared for the second reading by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

So, stay tuned for changes.

18.07.2023 08:37

You probably mean the contract for the storage of material evidence seized during the search.

In general, physical evidence is kept during the case, with the exception of bulky items, which are kept in the bodies of inquiry, pre-trial investigation and in court or transferred for storage to the relevant enterprise, institution or organization, about which a protocol is drawn up.

But, for example, a car can be kept by its owner by a court decision. Storage of vehicles and other self-propelled machines, as well as devices and mechanisms that were used as tools for committing crimes and recognized as material evidence, as well as vehicles that have been seized, if they cannot be transferred to the owner, his relatives or others for safekeeping persons, as well as organizations, is carried out by the resolution of the investigator, prosecutor, judge, court decision during the pre-trial investigation or trial by the relevant services of the internal affairs bodies, security services, tax police units (in cases that are being processed in accordance with their competence), whose managers give a receipt about this, which is attached to the case. The receipt indicates who is personally responsible for the storage of the accepted vehicle.

18.07.2023 08:24

On April 19, 2022, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted Resolution No. 480 "On Amendments to Certain Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Regarding the Activities of Notaries and the Functioning of Unified and State Registers Maintained by the Ministry of Justice in Martial Law." Voa made some changes and innovations.

Regarding the purchase and sale of real estate, it is worth paying attention to the following changes:

  1. Notarial acts regarding valuable property (private and commercial real estate) are performed exclusively by notaries who meet specially defined criteria (clause 9 of Resolution of the CMU No. 480) and are included in the List of notaries who perform acts regarding valuable property under martial law - https: //

  2. The sale of private or commercial real estate is impossible within one month from the date of state registration of ownership of such real estate. Exception: Real estate acquired by inheritance or as a result of determining the size of the shares in the right of joint partnership property

  3. The sale of real estate by an individual on the basis of a power of attorney is prohibited. This means that only the owner can sell private or commercial real estate. Please note that this restriction does not apply to the purchase of real estate by an individual, as well as to legal entities (for example, a real estate purchase agreement can be concluded on the basis of a power of attorney of the head of a legal entity in case of his temporary absence).

  4. The purchase and sale of real estate in the territories included in the List of restricted access territories is prohibited.

And yes, in general, the procedure for buying real estate has not changed.

17.07.2023 20:38

In accordance with Article 37 of the Law "On Military Duty and Military Service" exclusion from military registration in the relevant district (city) territorial recruitment and social support centers are subject to citizens of Ukraine who were previously sentenced to imprisonment for committing a serious or particularly serious crime; sent to serve a sentence to institutions of execution of punishments or to which coercive measures of a medical nature have been applied.

17.07.2023 20:27

No, your husband will not be able to cross the border.

Men between the ages of 18 and 60 are conscripted, and during martial law, these men cannot cross the border. However, according to Article 23 of the Law on Mobilization Training and Mobilization, conscripted women and men who have three or more children under the age of 18 are not subject to military service during mobilization. Such men can cross the border if they have the following documents:

  1. birth certificate of children (three or more);

  2. certificate of the father of a large family;

  3. court decision to deprive one of the parents of parental rights;

  4. death certificate of one of the child's parents;

  5. a court decision to remove a child from one of the parents without deprivation of parental rights;

  6. court decision to declare one of the missing parents as missing;

  7. court decision to declare one of the parents dead.

If your husband does not have any document from the list, he will not be able to cross the border.

17.07.2023 19:59

With the entry into force of the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding the Accounting of Employee's Labor Activity in Electronic Form" dated 05.02.2021 No. 1217-IX, accounting of the employee's labor activity is carried out in electronic form in the register of insured persons of the State Register of the mandatory state of social insurance in accordance with the procedure specified by the Law of Ukraine "On the collection and accounting of a single contribution to mandatory state social insurance". Maintenance of a paper work book is carried out exclusively at the request of the employee.

According to the Law of Ukraine "On Pension Insurance", the main document confirming work experience is the work book. However, since 2000, periods of work have been taken into account for determining pensions based on personalized accounting data. They can be obtained electronically through the portal of the Pension Fund of Ukraine or using the "Pension Fund" mobile application.

Therefore, if the State Register has all the necessary information about your work activity, then it is not necessary to renew the paper version of the work book.

17.07.2023 15:32

According to the Resolution of the CMU "On approval of the Procedure for the organization and maintenance of military records of conscripts, conscripts and reservists "In order to maintain personal military records, state bodies, local self-government bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations carry out:

verification of Ukrainian citizens during recruitment (training) presence of a military registration document, or display in electronic form of information contained in such documents, which can be presented (provided) using the mobile application of the Portal Action. Hiring (training), taking on personal military registration of conscripts, conscripts and reservists is carried out only after taking them on military registration in district (city) territorial recruitment and social support centers, SBU bodies, Service units foreign intelligence.

That is, from the time the above-mentioned Decree enters into force (from January 5, 2023), persons who are conscripts must be admitted to educational institutions only after presenting their military registration document (this is mandatory).

If you entered the institution before this Decree came into force, then sooner or later the institution will have to request a military registration document from you, because according to the same Decree, for the purpose of keeping personal military records, state bodies, local self-government bodies, enterprises, institutions and within seven days from the day of issuing the order on employment (training), dismissal from work, completion of training (expulsion from an educational institution) to the relevant district (city) territorial centers of staffing and social support, SBU bodies, units of the Service of foreign intelligence reports on changes in the registration data of conscripts, conscripts and reservists.

The legislation of Ukraine does not say anything about whether an educational institution has the right to deduct due to non-submission of a prescription. According to Article 46 of the Law "On Higher Education" ( the grounds for deducting a higher education student are:

1) completion of studies according to the relevant educational (scientific) program;

2) own desire;

3) transfer to another educational institution;

4) non-fulfillment of the individual study plan;

5) violation of the terms of the agreement (contract) concluded between the institution of higher education and the person who is studying, or the natural (legal) person who pays for such education;

6) other cases provided for by law.

17.07.2023 14:40

To begin with, you should decide on the type of activity and the list of services. It can be a complex maintenance station that includes a wide range of services, or a narrow-profile one (tyre installation, bodywork, car tuning). After all, the choice of premises, necessary equipment, personnel selection and the cost of certification depend on the type of activity.

A list of indicative documents for those starting their business activity (opening a service station) from scratch:

  1. Extract of registration as an entrepreneur;

  2. Certificate;

  3. Work permit from the head of the district administration;

  4. Certificates of registration in the pension fund and social insurance fund;

  5. Lease agreement for the use of the premises, or a document confirming ownership of the existing premises;

  6. Sanitary and epidemiological documentation.

Regarding the certificate, it is not always mandatory when opening a service station. Repairs subject to mandatory certification:

  • brake system;

  • steering;

  • suspension and transmission;

  • engines with spark ignition, diesel engines and their systems;

  • car bodies (including straightening, welding, anti-corrosion treatment and painting);

  • wheels and tires, electrical equipment, including external lighting devices;

  • glass tinting.

But there are reasons why it is still necessary to issue a certificate for service center activities, namely:

  • Reason #1: competitiveness and level of trust from customers will increase.

  • Reason #2: the process of concluding contracts with legal entities regarding car maintenance will become much easier.

  • Reason No. 3: Having a certificate gives you the opportunity to get dealer credentials.

  • Reason No. 4: in the event that dissatisfied customers go to court, the document can serve as a strong argument.

  • Reason No. 5: the certificate gives a reason to get access to further repairs of the car in case of insurance.