Photo of sikorsky.y.o
30.05.2023 22:34

This document means that you have been denied border crossing. You can appeal this refusal, however, since you were refused legally, it makes no sense to appeal it.

Nothing prevents you from taking a foreign passport, going to the border again and crossing the border of Ukraine.

30.05.2023 22:28

According to Clause 7 of Part 1 of Article 22 of the Law of Ukraine "On Military Duty and Military Service", a person who is 53 years old and holds the rank of lieutenant - CAN be mobilized, since the maximum age for military service during a special period ( war) is 60 years.

30.05.2023 18:10

Persons with disabilities have the following benefits:

  • Employment benefits for persons with disabilities

  • Leave for persons with disabilities of groups 1, 2 and 3

  • Educational benefits for persons with disabilities

  • Benefits for medicines and treatment

  • Preferential receipt of vouchers

  • Discounts on telephone and radio communications

  • Discounts on transport services

  • Privileges for the payment of housing and communal services

To receive disability benefits, one of the following documents must be issued:

  • a certificate confirming the relevant status or a pension certificate

  • a certificate on the appointment of payments under the Law "On State Social Assistance to Persons with Disabilities from Childhood and Children with Disabilities"

  • a certificate on the issuance of state social assistance to persons who do not have the right to a pension and persons with disabilities.

Please specify the disability group and type of benefits so that I can provide an accurate answer.

30.05.2023 14:34

YES, must accept.

Law of Ukraine No. 646-IX dated June 2, 2020 "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding Increasing Social Guarantees for Certain Categories of Persons" introduced care assistance - for single persons who have reached the age of 80 and, according to the opinion of the medical advisory commission, need permanent care third-party care and receive a pension in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Mandatory State Pension Insurance" or the Law of Ukraine "On Pension Provision of Persons Discharged from Military Service and Certain Other Persons".

According to the law, registration of permanent care is possible for the following categories of persons who need it:

  • for disabled children under the age of 18;

  • for disabled people of the 1st group or persons who have reached the age of 80;

  • for disabled people of the I or II groups due to a mental disorder, who, according to the opinion of the medical commission of the medical institution, need constant external care;

  • for other senior citizens, disabled people, disabled children and patients who, according to the opinion of the medical and advisory commission, need constant external care and are not capable of self-care.

Adult citizens with legal capacity can be guardians or custodians.

Registration of guardianship is a long and difficult procedure. However, it is much easier and faster to arrange permanent care for a person who needs it.

Permanent care for the elderly is arranged at their request. The procedure for establishing permanent care is completed easier and faster than guardianship, because there is no need to declare a person incapacitated in a court of law.

The following documents are required to register custody (patronage):

  • an application from a pensioner requesting the appointment of a guardian;

  • copies of passports;

  • certificates of residence registration;

  • documents confirming ownership of property or the right to use property;

  • a certificate from a medical commission confirming the need to care for an elderly person;

  • health certificate of the person who wishes to provide care.

29.05.2023 23:21

One of the ways to protect against a raider attack is to establish in the company's charter:

  • conditions that certain decisions of the general meeting, for example, regarding the change of the head of the enterprise, must be signed by all present participants (founders), and not only by the chairman and secretary or chairman of the meeting;

  • the chairman and secretary of the general meeting must be elected from among the members (founders) of the company;

  • restrictions on representative functions of the manager and enter relevant information in the EDR;

  • conditions on the need for notarization of a particular type of contract;

  • construction "alienation of a share in the authorized capital takes place on the basis of a notarized contract, an integral part of which is the act of acceptance and transfer of a share in the authorized capital submitted for state registration"

29.05.2023 22:43

A work visa for six months gives the right to short-term (seasonal) work in any field exclusively on the territory of Poland for a maximum of 6 months within 12 months. If this term is exceeded, such work will be considered illegal.

However, it is possible to stay after the visa expires. There are 2 options: Visa-free for 90 days, or filing for a broken card.

You can stay for 90 days not only after a six-month visa, but also after a one-year visa at the invitation of the governor and after a seasonal visa for 9 months.

I remind you that according to Art. 2 clause 1 of the Law of the Republic of Poland "On providing assistance to citizens of Ukraine in connection with the armed conflict on the territory of this state":

  1. the stay of all citizens of Ukraine who arrived legally on the territory of the Republic of Poland in connection with military operations in Ukraine and declared their intention to stay in Poland is considered legal for 18 months, starting from February 24, 2022.

  2. Citizens of Ukraine who at any time while crossing the border announced their departure from Ukraine in connection with the purpose of obtaining protection in Poland, may within 18 months from February 24 of this year freely leave Poland and their return to Poland in this period will be legal.

  3. Citizens of Ukraine entering Poland must inform the border control about the purpose of their trip every time. Thus, having declared the purpose of entering Poland - the need to obtain protection in connection with military operations in Ukraine, citizens of Ukraine have the opportunity to acquire the right to legal stay, which is mentioned above.

  4. A citizen of Ukraine loses the right to legal stay in Poland for 18 months, starting from February 24 of this year, in the case of a one-time departure from the territory of Poland for a period of more than one month, and not when the sum of short trips exceeds this period.

  5. A citizen of Ukraine whose entry into the territory of the Republic of Poland from the territory of Ukraine is not related to military operations, but has the character of regular border traffic, is subject to border control based on the principles defined in the Schengen Borders Code (the presence of a biometric passport and compliance with the corridor stay up to 90 days within 180 days).

  6. A citizen of Ukraine who has fully used the permitted period of stay may apply to enter Poland in connection with military operations on the territory of Ukraine, which will require additional examination of his application on the basis of Article 32 of the Law on Foreigners and, in the case of a positive consideration, he may be allowed to enter the territory of Poland.

29.05.2023 22:03

Until December 31, 2023, the right to sell and purchase land will be granted exclusively to natural persons who are citizens of Ukraine, with a limit of no more than 100 hectares per person.

From January 1, 2024, legal entities will be able to purchase agricultural land, with a limit of up to 10,000 hectares. However, only Ukrainian companies whose shareholders or participants are exclusively citizens of Ukraine, the state or territorial communities will have this opportunity.

29.05.2023 21:56

A list of the main legal issues arising in the export of agricultural products:

  • State restrictions on the export of certain types of agricultural products. In the context of martial law, the state imposed restrictions on the export of the following agricultural products to foreign markets: rye, oats, buckwheat, salt, mineral or chemical fertilizers, such as phosphorus, potash and others. In addition, a licensing system was introduced for the export of other agricultural products, including wheat, a mixture of wheat and rye (meslin), meat and eggs of domestic chickens, cattle, sugar, millet and other similar products.

  • Exporter accreditation. The exporter must register and obtain a registration number from the customs authorities.

  • Customs clearance. The main document is the customs declaration.

  • Foreign Economic Agreement (ZED-contract). It is mandatory to conclude it with a counterparty for the export of agricultural products.

  • Confirmation of product origin. Within the framework of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, the export of agricultural products to EU countries is subject to restrictions established in the form of quotas. Within the limits of the established quotas, such exports are not subject to import duty. However, in case of exceeding the established quotas, it is necessary to pay import duties for the corresponding quantity of supplied products.

  • Compliance with safety and quality requirements.

  • Permits for international road transport.

  • Export duty.

29.05.2023 21:33

According to Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine "On Citizenship of Ukraine", a person is a citizen of Ukraine if (any of the points):

  • parents or one of the parents at the time of her birth were citizens of Ukraine;

  • was born on the territory of Ukraine from stateless persons who legally reside on the territory of Ukraine;

  • was born outside of Ukraine to stateless persons who permanently reside on the territory of Ukraine on legal grounds, and did not acquire the citizenship of another state by birth;

  • was born on the territory of Ukraine from foreigners who legally reside on the territory of Ukraine, and did not acquire the citizenship of either of the parents by birth;

  • was born on the territory of Ukraine, one of whose parents was granted refugee status in Ukraine or asylum in Ukraine, and did not acquire the citizenship of either parent by birth or acquired the citizenship of the parent who was granted refugee status in Ukraine or asylum in Ukraine by birth;

  • was born on the territory of Ukraine from a foreigner and a stateless person who legally resides on the territory of Ukraine, and did not acquire the citizenship of the parent who is a foreigner by birth;

  • is a newborn child found on the territory of Ukraine, both of whose parents are unknown (found)

A person who has the right to acquire Ukrainian citizenship by birth is a citizen of Ukraine from the moment of birth.

So, don't worry, there are enough reasons for your son to receive Ukrainian citizenship.

29.05.2023 20:16

No restrictions regarding the opening of bank accounts for an incapacitated person are established by law.

I draw your attention to the fact that according to Article 242 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, the guardian is the legal representative of a natural person recognized as incapable.

According to Article 41 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, transactions on behalf of an incapacitated natural person and in his interests are performed by his guardian.

Taking into account the above, as well as part 3 of Article 41 of the Civil Code of Ukraine and sub-clause 3.6 of clause 3 of the Guardianship and Custody Rules, transactions, in particular regarding the opening of a bank account in the name of an incapacitated person, are performed on her behalf by her guardian.