Photo of sikorsky.y.o
20.06.2023 09:29

YES, there is. If you plan to purchase real estate (already built and registered), first of all, you need to check it in the State Register of Real Property Rights. The cost of an extract from the State Register of Property Rights to immovable property costs about UAH 30.

The received extract will contain information about real estate from the following state registers:

  • State register of property rights to immovable property;

  • Register of ownership rights to immovable property;

  • State Register of Mortgages;

  • Unified register of prohibitions against alienation of real estate objects.

The above certificate can be obtained through the Diya portal or on the website of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

20.06.2023 09:23

YES, it is legal, as the following documents are required to register a place of residence:

  • Application for registration of place of residence;

  • Passport document of the person;

  • Documents confirming the right to live in housing, the address of which is registered for residence (certificate of ownership, warrant, lease agreement (lease, sublease), lease agreement for housing in a dormitory (for students), a court decision that entered into force, on granting a person the right to move into a residential premises, recognition of a person's right to use a residential premises or the right to own it, the right to register a place of residence or other supporting documents). In the absence of the specified documents, the registration of the person's place of residence (stay) is carried out with the consent of the owner (co-owners) of the dwelling, the tenant and his family members, the authorized person of the dwelling (the specified documents and consent are not required when registering the place of residence (stay) of minors and minors children at the address of the declared/registered place of residence (residence) of parents or legal representatives (representatives), or one of them;

  • Information or a document confirming the payment of the administrative fee;

  • Military registration document (for citizens of Ukraine who are subject to military registration or are on military registration)

20.06.2023 09:11

Articles 1261-1265 of the Civil Code provide for five stages of inheritance according to the law, which are called for inheritance alternately in the order determined by the legislation.

first of all the right to inheritance by law is given to the testator's children, including those conceived during the testator's life and born after his death, the second spouse and parents.

In second order the right to inherit according to the law belongs to the testator's own brothers and sisters, his grandmother and grandfather, both from the father's side and from the mother's side.

Thirdly, the right to inherit by law belongs to the deceased's uncle and aunt.

In the fourth place, persons who lived with the testator in the same family for at least five years prior to the opening of the inheritance have the right to inheritance by law.

In the fifth place, other relatives of the testator up to the sixth degree of kinship inclusively have the right to inherit, and relatives of a closer degree of kinship exclude relatives of a further degree of kinship from the right to inherit. The degree of kinship is determined by the number of births separating the relative from the testator. The birth of the testator himself is not included in this number.

Also, fifthly the right to inheritance is granted by law to dependents of the testator who were not members of his family.

19.06.2023 22:04

What kind of deprivation of the rights of the grandmother/grandfather are you asking about?

The fact that the grandparents took care of the child does not give them additional rights in relation to the latter.

According to Part 1 of Art. 151 of the Family Code of Ukraine, parents have an overriding right over other persons to the personal upbringing of a child.

At the same time, according to Part 2 of Art. 257 of the Family Code of Ukraine, parents or other persons with whom the child lives, have no right to prevent the grandmother, grandfather, great-grandmother, great-grandfather from exercising their rights regarding the upbringing of grandchildren, great-grandchildren.

19.06.2023 21:57

From what you wrote, we can conclude that social services CANNOT remove a child based on the following.

In accordance with the first and third parts of Article 170 of the Family Code of Ukraine, the court may issue a decision to remove the child from the parents or one of them, without depriving them of parental rights, in the following cases:

  • the mother, father shirks from fulfilling their responsibilities regarding raising the child and/or ensuring that he/she obtains a full general secondary education;

  • mother, father are cruel to the child;

  • mother, father are chronic alcoholics or drug addicts;

  • mother, father resort to all kinds of exploitation of the child, force him to beg and wander;

  • in other cases, if leaving the child with the parents is dangerous for his life, health and moral education.

Evasion of parents from fulfilling their duties takes place when they do not take care of the physical and spiritual development of the child, his education, preparation for independent life, namely:

  • do not provide the necessary nutrition, medical care, treatment of the child, which negatively affects its physical development as a component of education;

  • do not communicate with the child in the amount necessary for his normal self-awareness;

  • do not give the child access to cultural and other spiritual values;

  • do not contribute to her assimilation of generally recognized norms of morality;

  • do not show interest in her inner world;

  • do not create conditions for her to receive an education.

19.06.2023 16:08

According to Clause 2 Part 4 of Art. 71 of the Law of Ukraine "On Enforcement Proceedings", the executor is OBLIGED to calculate the arrears for the payment of alimony, in the event of receiving a corresponding application.

In accordance with Part 13 of Art. 71 of the Law of Ukraine "On Enforcement Proceedings", a certificate of arrears for the payment of alimony is issued by a state executive service body, a private executor at the request of the debt collector within three working days in cases established by law.

So, if you submitted an application to the executor with the requirement to calculate the arrears from the payment of alimony and he did not do so within three working days, you can appeal his actions by filing a complaint with his manager, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and/or the court. (Article 74 of the Law of Ukraine "On Executive Proceedings")

19.06.2023 16:00

Not required but subject to certain conditions.

Without declaration, a citizen of Ukraine has the right to take out personal belongings:

  • amount in cash up to 10,000 euros;

  • paintings, sculptures should be taken out together with documents stating that you are the owner of these things. And if the cultural values are not declared to be internationally wanted;

  • goods, the total value of which does not exceed 10,000 euros in equivalent, cross the border without obstacles;

  • 5 liters of beer, or 2 liters of wine, or 1 liter of spirits, cigarettes - no more than 250 pcs.

Personal things are:

  • jewelry with signs that were in use;

  • clothes and underwear with signs of being used. New things - in the amount of 1 pc. one species;

  • hygienic items for 1 person leaving;

  • individual stationery;

  • 1 film, video, photo camera;

  • 2 laptops, mobile phones, musical instruments and their accessories;

  • 3 flash drives;

  • strollers - children's or disabled;

  • items of basic necessity for furnishing a place of residence during a long-term business trip;

  • medicinal products in the amount according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health for maintaining one's own health.

19.06.2023 14:07

Such a situation should be resolved in court.

According to Article 164 of the Family Code of Ukraine, a mother and father may be deprived of parental rights if they:

  • the child was not taken from the maternity hospital or from another health care institution and for 6 months did not show parental care for it (without a valid reason);

  • shirk their responsibilities regarding raising a child and/or ensuring that he/she obtains a full general secondary education;

  • treat the child cruelly (use physical or mental violence, impermissible methods of upbringing, degrade the human dignity of the child, etc.);

  • are chronic alcoholics or drug addicts (these facts must be confirmed by appropriate medical reports);

  • resort to any type of exploitation of the child (for example, involve him in hard work, engage in prostitution or criminal activities), force him to beg and wander;

  • convicted of committing an intentional criminal offense against a child.

Deprivation of parental rights is allowed only in relation to children who have not reached the age of 18.

To revoke parental rights, the following actions must be taken:

  • establish that the person knowingly violates parental duties, maliciously fails to comply with the requirements and recommendations of guardianship and guardianship authorities, services for minors, deliberately evades treatment (chronic alcoholics, drug addicts, drug addicts) and collect all the necessary supporting evidence;

  • apply to the guardianship and guardianship authority in order to obtain an opinion on the child's living and upbringing conditions, the parents' behavior, their relationship with the children, and their attitude towards fulfilling their parental duties;

  • apply to the court with a claim for deprivation of parental rights and receive a decision adopted by the court based on the results of the review.

A child who can express his opinion must be heard when resolving a dispute about the deprivation of parental rights. The court has the right to issue a decision contrary to the child's opinion, if the child's interests require it.

As a general rule, cases of deprivation of parental rights of a father or mother are considered by the local court at the registered place of residence or stay of the parent (defendant) whose rights are to be deprived.

19.06.2023 14:03

If one of the spouses was deprived of parental rights, then you cannot adopt a child, because according to clause 3 part 1 of article 212 of the Family Code of Ukraine, persons who are deprived of parental rights cannot be adopters, if these rights have not been renewed.

19.06.2023 13:46

For "impersonation" (i.e. passing oneself off as another person), criminal liability can be brought under Article 358 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (Forgery of documents, seals, stamps and forms, sale or use of forged documents, seals, stamps) and/or under Article 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (Fraud).

Depending on the method of impersonation and the amount of damage caused by such actions, liability may range from a fine (one thousand tax-free minimum incomes of citizens) to imprisonment for a term of five to twelve years with confiscation of property (part 4 of Article 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine)