Photo of sikorsky.y.o
27.06.2023 10:26

In case of detection of cruel treatment of animals, a person has the right to file a complaint with the police authority.

27.06.2023 10:25

Cruelty to animals can result in both administrative and criminal liability.

Administrative responsibility for animal cruelty is provided for in Article 89 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses.

Cruelty to animals - abuse of animals, including homeless ones, which caused them suffering, caused them physical pain, suffering, but did not cause bodily harm, mutilation or death, leaving animals to fend for themselves, as well as other violations of the rules of keeping, and treatment of animals provided for by law - entails the imposition of a fine of two hundred to three hundred tax-free minimum incomes of citizens with confiscation of the animal, if the animal's stay with the owner poses a threat to its life or health.

The same actions, committed in relation to two or more animals, or by a group of persons, or by a person who was subject to an administrative fine during the year for the same violation - entail the imposition of a fine from three hundred to five hundred tax-free minimum incomes of citizens or administrative arrest for a period of up to fifteen days, with confiscation of the animal, if the animal's stay with the owner poses a threat to its life or health.

Violation of the Rules for transporting animals - entails the imposition of a fine from two hundred to three hundred and fifty tax-free minimum incomes of citizens.

Criminal liability for animal cruelty is provided for in Article 299 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Cruel treatment of animals belonging to vertebrates, including homeless animals, violation of the rules of animal transportation, if such actions resulted in bodily harm, mutilation or death of the animal, bullying of animals against each other, committed for hooligan or selfish motives, as well as propaganda, public calls to commit acts that have signs of cruelty to animals, dissemination of materials with calls to commit such acts - shall be punished by restriction of liberty for a term of one to three years or imprisonment for a term of two to three years with confiscation of the animal.

The same actions, committed in the presence of a minor or a minor, - are punished by imprisonment for a term of three to five years with confiscation of the animal.

Actions provided for by parts one or two of Article 299 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, ** committed with particular cruelty or in the presence of a minor or minor, or in relation to two or more animals, or repeatedly, or by a group of persons, or committed in an active way, or violent actions against an animal, aimed at the satisfaction of sexual passion, -- are punished by deprivation of liberty for a term of five to eight years with confiscation of the animal.

27.06.2023 10:18

Property that is personal private property is not subject to division upon divorce. The personal private property of each of the spouses is the property that belongs to only one of the spouses and is not covered by the family law principle of joint property of the spouses.

Such property is considered to be:

  • property acquired by one of the spouses before marriage;

  • property acquired by a husband or wife during marriage on the basis of a donation agreement;

  • property acquired by inheritance;

  • property that was purchased with the personal funds of one of the spouses;

  • things for individual use, including jewelry, even when they were purchased at the expense of joint funds of the spouses;

  • property acquired during their separate residence in connection with the actual termination of marital relations;

  • premiums, awards that were received for personal merit, insurance payments, compensation for lost or damaged things or for inflicting moral damage

27.06.2023 09:48

You can enter the territory of Ukraine with this car on the following grounds (customs regimes):

  • Transit mode;

  • Temporary importation of the car.

In the mode of transit, the term is set - 10 days (in the case of movement in the area of activity of one customs office - 5 days). It is possible to extend the legal stay (longer than 5 or 10 days) if it is confirmed that it is impossible to cross the border in time for valid reasons. Such documents can be a certificate from a car repair shop, a sick letter or other confirmation of force majeure.

It is necessary to have a document certifying that the vehicle is officially registered with the relevant authorities of a foreign country. It can be a technical passport in which a person is listed as the owner or co-owner of the car.

In the customs regime of temporary importation, the importation of vehicles into the customs territory of Ukraine by resident citizens is allowed for a period of up to one year on the condition of payment of import duties and other taxes and fees provided for by legislation when importing cars.

Exceptions are citizens of Ukraine who are on temporary consular registration at the Embassy of Ukraine. Such persons may temporarily import a car into the customs territory of Ukraine without paying import duties and other taxes (fees), under the following conditions:

  • one own vehicle (passenger car or other motor vehicle intended primarily for the transportation of people) and its trailer (the trailer is imported together with the vehicle);

  • for a period not exceeding 60 days within one calendar year;

  • on the condition of providing an obligation to return the vehicle;

  • in the presence of documents confirming the registration of the vehicle on the territory of a foreign country, the right to its ownership and allowing its operation;

  • in the presence of an insurance contract with civil liability before a third party, which applies to the territory of Ukraine.

27.06.2023 09:18

Yes, you can, but under certain conditions.

According to the Criminal Code of Ukraine, forgery is carried out in relation to official documents.

The Supreme Court came to the conclusion that when establishing the features of an official document as the subject of a crime, the following criteria should be used:

  • the document must be drawn up, issued or certified by the relevant person within the scope of his competence in the form defined by law and with the appropriate details;

  • the information recorded in such a document must be of a legally significant nature - specific events, phenomena or facts confirmed or witnessed by it must cause or be capable of causing consequences of a legal nature in the form of the emergence (realization), change or termination of certain rights and/or obligations.

Non-compliance of the document with at least one of the above criteria prevents its recognition as official.

In each specific case, the prosecution must assess whether the forged document is official or not. To do this, it is necessary to analyze it for compliance with the above points, and even better - to appoint a comprehensive examination.

Criminal liability for forgery of documents occurs when active actions are taken, in particular:

  • forgery of a certificate or other document (making changes to it);

  • sale of a forged document;

  • production of forged seal, stamp;

  • stamp and seal sales;

  • use of a known forged document.

For more detailed consultation on this issue, contact me, I will be happy to help.

27.06.2023 09:08

Citizens who do not have enough insurance experience to qualify for a pension can supplement it. For you, it is necessary to apply to the tax service and conclude a contract of voluntary participation in mandatory state social insurance.

According to her, the necessary experience can be bought once by paying the entire amount of a single contribution for the required period, or else conclude a contract for at least one year and pay contributions gradually, acquire insurance experience.

Additional insurance experience can be purchased only for those periods when the citizen was not employed or registered as an individual entrepreneur. And those payers who were insured, but did not pay a single contribution during the benefit period, will not be able to buy up the insurance experience for the above periods.

So, if you want to retire already this year, but you do not have the necessary insurance experience, you can purchase it from the Pension Fund by signing a long-term or short-term contract.

According to the law, no more than five years of experience can be added.

26.06.2023 21:39

If the executive proceedings are closed, then the arrest cannot be imposed on them. Most likely, the enforcement service collects the costs of enforcement proceedings, on the basis of paragraph 3 of part 1 of Article 42 of the Law of Ukraine "On Enforcement Proceedings". In order to find out exactly, go to the website (Register of debtors) and check this information with your details.

26.06.2023 15:05

It is not enough for the debtor to simply transfer funds to the alimony collector; the relevant receipt or fiscal check must clearly state that these funds are alimony.

In this case, it is necessary to apply only to the court.

First of all, I can suggest that the alimony recipient be called to court as a witness and ask him/her questions about the purpose of the received funds. Secondly, in some cases, the courts take the position of the payer of alimony, indicating that since there are no financial relationships between the parties, it can be assumed that the payments made are alimony.

In the future, I inform you that alimony must be paid exclusively to the account of the executive service (in case of enforcement proceedings).

26.06.2023 14:56

YES, legal

Installation (replacement) of gas meters is carried out by the gas distribution enterprise or enterprises and organizations that have the necessary licenses and permission to perform such works. After installing the gas meters, the contractor is obliged to issue to the consumer an act and a settlement document certifying the fact of the work being performed.

26.06.2023 14:36

You need to go to court with a statement of claim.

However, I would like to inform you that according to Art. 9 of the Law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", the consumer has the right to exchange goods of appropriate quality within fourteen days, not counting the day of purchase, unless a longer period is announced by the seller.

There is a list of products that cannot be returned. The list of goods of proper quality that are not subject to exchange (return) includes food products, medicinal products and means, sanitary items.

In addition, the List includes the following non-food products:

  • photographic films, photographic plates, photographic paper;

  • corset goods;

  • perfumery and cosmetic products;

  • feather and down products;

  • children's soft toys;

  • rubber inflatable children's toys;

  • toothbrushes;

  • mouthpiece;

  • shavers;

  • ointments for shaving;

  • combs, combs and massage brushes;

  • mutes (for wind musical instruments);

  • violin chins;

  • gloves;

  • fabrics;

  • tulle and lace fabrics;

  • carpet products by the meter;

  • underwear;

  • bed linen;

  • hosiery products;

  • goods in aerosol packaging;

  • printed publications;

  • linear and sheet metal rolling, pipe products, sawn timber, trim (plinth, platband), slab;

  • materials (wood fiber and chipboards, plywood) and glass, cut or cut to the size determined by the buyer (customer);

  • audio-, videocassettes, disks for laser reading systems with recording;

  • products made of natural and artificial hair (wigs);

  • goods for babies (diapers, nipples, feeding bottles, etc.);

  • tools for manicure, pedicure (scissors, files, etc.);

  • jewelry made of precious metals, precious stones, precious stones of organic formation and semi-precious stones.

Consumers have the first and foremost right to exchange the product, so if you want to return the product and get money, your arguments should relate specifically to impossibility of using the product for its intended purpose.