Photo of sikorsky.y.o
28.06.2023 09:36

According to Article 179 of the Family Code of Ukraine, alimony received for a child is the property of the child. The parent or other legal representative of the child, in whose name alimony is paid, disposes of it exclusively for the intended purpose in the interests of the child, and therefore the collection of these funds on a loan (taken not in the interests of the child) is illegal.

28.06.2023 09:32

After concluding a contract with the military, payment for utility services and consumed energy is carried out by the military unit at the expense of the estimate of the Ministry of Defense under the terms of the concluded contract (paragraph 2, item 2 of Section 9 of the Instructions on the organization of providing living quarters for servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and their family members ).

In the absence of energy, heat, and water metering devices, the contract specifies consumption rates for the dormitory of this settlement.

28.06.2023 09:29

It is necessary to pass the medical commission after the delivery of a special type of summons - a summons for passing the military medical commission (MMC). A card of research and medical examination of the conscript is attached to the summons, which states the suitability or unfitness of the conscript for military service.

It is necessary to come to the medical commission not immediately after the delivery of the relevant summons, but within the period specified in the summons.

28.06.2023 09:24

You need to return to the enforcement service with a request to stop the enforcement proceedings, with a link to the following.

In the event that a citizen of Ukraine has debts due to open executive proceedings and in the event that the debtor has completed military service, military service upon conscription of officers, military service upon conscription during mobilization, for a special period, military service upon conscription during mobilization, for a special period period of military service upon the conscription of reservists in a special period, or if the debtor is in military service and performs combat tasks of military service in a combat environment or in the area of an anti-terrorist operation, implementation of measures to ensure national security and defense, repel and deter armed aggression of the Russian Federation in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, if, according to the terms of service, it is impossible to carry out executive actions or at the request of the debt collector who is undergoing such military service, according to clause 1 of Art. 34 of the Law "On Executive Proceedings" executive proceedings are subject to suspension.

The executor stops performing executive actions no later than the next working day, when he became aware of the above-mentioned circumstances.

Additionally, I would like to inform you that in clauses 3, 4, part 2 of Art. 72 of the Law "On Executive Proceedings" it is stated that recovery shall not be carried out from sums:

  • severance pay in the event of dismissal (retirement) from military service, police service, and the State Criminal Enforcement Service of Ukraine, as well as non-permanent financial support and in other cases provided for by law;

  • one-time monetary assistance in case of death (death), disability or partial loss of working capacity without establishing the disability of servicemen, conscripts and reservists who are called up for training (or inspection) and special meetings or to serve in the military reserve.

28.06.2023 09:18

Your son is not entitled to a deferral in the interval between completing his bachelor's degree and entering the master's degree, and therefore is subject to mobilization at this time. It follows from the above that VLK must be passed, otherwise the son may be held administratively liable.

28.06.2023 09:15

The writ of execution can be challenged by submitting to the court a statement of claim for "Recognition of the writ of execution of a notary public as unenforceable".

The grounds for recognizing an executive writ as unenforceable can be considered:

  1. the debt is not indisputable;

  2. violation by the notary public.

The execution writ of a notary in Ukraine can be challenged within three years from the moment when the debtor became aware of the writ of execution or should have known.

27.06.2023 20:49

In the event that the executor does not respond and has not fulfilled his duty to close the enforcement proceedings, write to the Ministry of Justice (it is possible by e-mail) a complaint about the inaction of the executor. In the above complaint, describe the entire situation in full and include any available evidence.

If the Ministry of Justice does not respond appropriately, you can apply to the court in accordance with Article 74 of the Law of Ukraine "On Executive Proceedings". A complaint to the court can be sent by mail and/or through the Electronic Court subsystem (

27.06.2023 18:15

According to the Law of Ukraine "On Advocacy and Advocacy", a natural person who has a full higher legal education, knows the state language in accordance with the level determined in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Ensuring the Functioning of the Ukrainian language as the state", has work experience in the field of law of at least two years, passed a qualification exam, completed an internship (except for the cases established by this Law), took the oath of a lawyer of Ukraine* * and received a certificate of the right to practice law**.

In order to be admitted to the qualifying exam, it is necessary to apply to the KDKA at the place of residence with the appropriate application.

The following documents must be attached to the above application:

  1. A notarized copy of a state document confirming the acquisition of a complete higher education and its appendices;

  2. A document confirming the presence of work experience in the field of law;

  3. Extract from the information and analytical system "Accounting of information on bringing a person to criminal responsibility and having a criminal record" (abbreviated);

  4. Certificate from a medical institution about the state of health (certificate about passing preliminary, periodic and extraordinary psychiatric examinations, including for the use of psychoactive substances, form No. 100-2/o, approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 651 of April 18, 2022) ;

  5. A handwritten certificate confirming that the applicant did not take a qualifying exam, did not receive a certificate of the right to practice law and did not lose such a certificate in the last two years;

  6. A copy of the document that, in accordance with the procedure established by law, confirms the registration of the place of residence;

  7. Copy of the tax payer's card;

  8. a copy of a document on complete general secondary education, provided that such a document confirms the person's study of the Ukrainian language as an educational subject (discipline), or a state certificate on the level of mastery of the state language, issued by the National Commission for State Language Standards.

After successfully passing the qualifying exam, a six-month internship is required to acquire the right to practice law. (Persons who, on the day of applying for admission to the qualification exam, have at least one year of experience as a lawyer's assistant in the last two years) are exempted from the internship.

After successfully completing an internship, a person in respect of whom the regional bar council has made a decision to issue a certificate of the right to practice law, no later than thirty days from the date of adoption of this decision shall take the oath of a lawyer of Ukraine before the regional bar council.

To a person who has taken the oath of a lawyer of Ukraine, a certificate of the right to practice law and a certificate of a lawyer of Ukraine are issued free of charge by the bar council of the region on the day of taking the oath.

27.06.2023 17:58

Ukrainians who plan to stay in Poland and receive refugee status must submit documents to the border guard department (Straż Graniczna) within two weeks of their stay in Poland.

You can apply for refugee status:

When entering the country. You must tell the Border Patrol officer who will be checking the documents that you want to be granted refugee status in that country.

If there are queues at the border crossing point, you can ask the officer who will check the documents about where to find the nearest Border Service office. And then submit an application through this department.

After applying for refugee status, you will have the right to live in one of the refugee centers. The state can also provide housing in other ways.

After receiving refugee status, you are guaranteed:

  • Obtaining a residence permit that will be valid for up to 3 years and can be renewed;

  • The right to employment and education;

  • The right to social security and medical services.

As of April 1, 2023, refugees from Ukraine in Poland with the status of PESEL UKR can submit documents for a temporary residence permit (the so-called beaten card). This is foreseen by the amendments to the law "On assistance to citizens of Ukraine in connection with the armed conflict on the territory of Ukraine", adopted in January 2023.

27.06.2023 10:31

If you witness child abuse, you must contact the police.

I also inform you that the bodies and institutions entrusted with the functions of implementing measures in the field of prevention and counteraction of domestic violence include:

  • services for children;

  • authorized units of the National Police of Ukraine;

  • education management bodies, educational institutions, institutions and organizations of the education system;

  • health care bodies, health care institutions and facilities;

  • centers for providing free secondary legal assistance;

  • courts;

  • prosecutor's office;

  • authorized probation authorities.

Hotlines for preventing and combating domestic violence:

  • 15-47 - government hotline for victims of domestic violence (24/7, free of charge from mobile and landline phones);

  • 116-123 (for mobile phones) or 0 800 500 335 (for landline and mobile phones) - national hotline for the prevention of domestic violence, human trafficking and gender discrimination (24/7, free of charge, provided by NGO "La Strada" -Ukraine");

  • 116 111 (for mobile phones) or 0 800 500 225 (for landline and mobile phones) - national hotline for children and youth (free of charge, service provided by NGO "La Strada-Ukraine");

  • 0 800 213 103 - hotline of the system of free legal assistance (round the clock, free of charge from mobile and landline phones)