Photo of sikorsky.y.o
12.07.2023 10:50

The right to a postponement exists for as long as the circumstance giving rise to such a postponement exists. However, for example, students and post-graduate students must submit certificates every fall that confirm their studies and the right to deferment.

In most cases, persons who received a deferment receive it for 6 months - then it must be renewed.

If the conscript received a deferment due to the illness of a relative, the deferment will continue as long as the care is needed.

I also inform you that the postponement may be cancelled.

To receive a detailed consultation, write to me in private messages and inform on the basis of which you were granted a postponement.

12.07.2023 10:39

You need to send proof of debt payment to the e-mail address of the relevant department of the executive service. Together with the evidence, send a statement with a request for the end of enforcement proceedings on the basis of paragraph 9 part 1 of article 39 of the Law of Ukraine "On Enforcement Proceedings". Sign the above application with evidence of debt payment with an electronic digital signature. If necessary, mail the above application with evidence in hard copy to the address of the executive service department.

In the event that the executor does not complete the enforcement proceedings on the basis of paragraph 9 part 1 of article 39 of the Law of Ukraine "On Enforcement Proceedings", you can file a complaint about such inactivity of the latter to his immediate superior and/or to a higher authority (Ministry of Justice) and /or to court. Please note that complaints can also be submitted electronically.

12.07.2023 09:16

YES, you can accompany your husband to the VLK, there are no restrictions on this matter, the law does not establish.

12.07.2023 09:10

NO, you do not need any permits from government authorities to sell your own plot of land.

12.07.2023 09:06

YES, you can request this.

Moving the pillars is possible in two cases:

  • voluntary;

  • forced.

For a voluntary one, you should apply to the relevant oblenergo with an application for transfer.

For enforcement, you have to file a claim with the court. If the court finds that the power transmission line was installed with violations, the court can order to eliminate the violations.

11.07.2023 19:53

YES, the law provides for such a possibility.

According to Article 190 of the Family Code of Ukraine, the parent with whom the child lives and the parent who lives separately from the child, with the permission of the guardianship authority, can conclude an agreement on the termination of the right to alimony for the child in connection with transfer of ownership of immovable property (residential building, apartment, land plot, etc.).

Such an agreement is notarized. The right of ownership of immovable property under such a contract arises from the moment of state registration of this right in accordance with the law.

However, according to part 3 of Art. 190 of the Family Code of Ukraine, the above does not exempt from the obligation to participate in additional expenses for the child.

11.07.2023 19:47

If you owe a debt to a creditor, the latter may apply to a court or a notary to obtain an enforcement document, on the basis of which enforcement proceedings will be opened, therefore it is recommended that you fulfill your contractual obligations to the creditor on time and in full.

11.07.2023 13:55

You need to get a court order establishing the fact of death. The application can be submitted to any local court of Ukraine that administers justice, regardless of the applicant's place of residence (stay). In the future, with the above-mentioned court decision, you can get a death certificate.

In order to inherit, you need to submit an application to a notary public. In conditions of war or a state of emergency, an inheritance case is established at the request of the applicant by any notary of Ukraine, regardless of the place of opening of the inheritance.

11.07.2023 13:48

The bank can withdraw the claim, but it is unlikely that it will do so. However, if you pay the debt before submitting the court decision (enforcement document) to the enforcement service, you will be able to avoid paying the 10% enforcement fee.

As for the court fee, it is paid by the party that lost in court. If you lose the case, you will have to pay a court fee.

11.07.2023 11:09

The president of Ukraine has already signed the law. It is now subject to official publication in official printed publications.

In accordance with Part 5 of Art. 94 of the Constitution of Ukraine, the law enters into force ten days after its official promulgation.