Photo of sikorsky.y.o
13.07.2023 09:22

Surname, first name, patronymic, address, phone number, passport data, information on ethnic origin, education, marital status, membership in religious organizations, state of health, date and place of birth, etc. ( there is no exhaustive list - if a person can be identified by some data) - relate to personal data.

In accordance with Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data", the objects of protection are personal data.

Personal data may be classified as confidential information about a person by law or by a relevant person.

Processing of personal data is carried out with the consent of the subject of personal data (clarification of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine dated 08.01.2014), i.e. upon the voluntary expression of the individual's will (provided he is informed) regarding the provision permission for the processing of her personal data in accordance with the formulated purpose of their processing, expressed in writing or in a form that makes it possible to conclude that consent has been given, or in cases provided for by the laws of Ukraine, in the manner established by the legislation.

processing of data about a natural person without his consent or without the consent of a person authorized by him is not allowed.

13.07.2023 09:18

YES, has the right to a deferment, provided that he works at the main place of work as a teacher for at least 0.75 rates.

According to Art. 23 of the Law of Ukraine "On Mobilization Training and Mobilization", conscription for military service during mobilization, for a special period are not subject, including:

  • ...

  • students of professional (vocational and technical), professional pre-higher and higher education, trainee assistants, graduate students and doctoral students studying full-time or dual forms of education;

  • scientific and scientific-pedagogical employees of institutions of higher and vocational pre-university education, scientific institutions and organizations who have an academic title and/or a scientific degree, and pedagogical employees of professional (vocational-technical) education institutions, general secondary education institutions, provided that they work, respectively, in institutions of higher or professional higher education, scientific institutions and organizations, institutions of professional (vocational and technical) or general secondary education at the main place of work at least at 0.75 rates;

  • ...

13.07.2023 09:13

In case of alimony debt, the executor has the right to issue a decree on temporary restriction of the right to drive vehicles.

To cancel the above decision, you can try to apply to the court, with a request to cancel the decision on the temporary restriction on the right to drive vehicles, due to the fact that it deprives you of the opportunity to receive income for your existence and child support, by providing relevant evidence.

If you need help to make the above complaint, contact me and I will help you.

13.07.2023 09:04

YES, you can apply for unemployment status online.

This can be done through the "ACTION" web portal or on the website of the relevant employment center.

12.07.2023 15:12

According to the current legislation of Ukraine, settlement agreements do not have "expiry dates".

The execution of the settlement agreement is carried out by the persons who concluded it, in the order and within the terms stipulated by this agreement. The resolution approving the settlement agreement is an executive document and must meet the requirements for an executive document established by the Law of Ukraine "On Executive Proceedings".

12.07.2023 15:07

PRO is a registrar of settlement transactions. Simply put, it is equipment that stores and transmits information about all sales of goods, works and services to the tax service.

There are two types of PPO:

  • hardware PRO - cash register, fiscal registrar, mobile registrar, etc. Hardware cash register is a regular cash register of various modifications that we constantly see in supermarkets and stores.

  • software PRO is an innovation introduced in Ukraine since 2020.

Software PRO is a special program that can be used on a computer, smartphone or tablet that has access to the Internet to communicate with the tax service. Software PPO is an alternative to hardware PPO, which can be used instead of a cash register.

The main advantages of the software PRO over the classic cash register:

  • No need to buy a cash register and pay monthly for its maintenance. A smartphone or computer is used instead of a cash register.

  • You can print paper checks on any printer. Moreover, several gadgets can be connected to one printer, which will print them. Such a printer is easy to change to another, that is, it is much easier than changing a regular cash register.

12.07.2023 14:05

Leasing of communally owned property is carried out by local self-government bodies in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Leasing of State and Communal Property".

Tenants under this Law may be natural and legal persons, including natural and legal persons of foreign countries, international organizations and stateless persons

The phasing of the lease of state and communal property provides for:

  1. making a decision regarding the intention to transfer the property for rent;

  2. entering information about a potential rental object into ETS;

  3. making a decision to include a potential rental object in one of the Lists;

  4. publication of information about a potential rental object, regarding which a decision has been made to be included in one of the Lists, in ETS;

  5. placement of an announcement on the transfer of property for rent in ETS;

  6. conducting an auction for the right to lease property or transferring an object for lease without conducting an auction, concluding and publishing a lease agreement in ETS.

12.07.2023 14:00

This should be a transport forwarding contract.

Under the contract of transport forwarding, one party (the forwarder) undertakes for a fee and at the expense of the other party (the client) to perform or organize the performance of the services specified in the contract, related to the transportation of cargo, part 1 of Art. 929 of the Civil Code of Ukraine.

A transport forwarding contract is concluded in writing.

The essential terms of the transport forwarding contract are:

  • information about the parties to the contract: for legal entities - non-residents of Ukraine: name, location and state where the person is registered; for natural persons - citizens of Ukraine: surname, first name, patronymic, place of residence with address and individual identification number; for individuals - foreigners, stateless persons: surname, first name, patronymic (if available), address of place of residence outside Ukraine;

  • type of forwarder service;

  • type and name of cargo;

  • rights, obligations of the parties;

  • the responsibility of the parties, in particular in case of damage caused by force majeure;

  • amount of payment to the forwarder. If the amount of the fee has not been determined, the client must pay the freight forwarder a reasonable fee (Part 1 of Article 931 of the CCU);

  • settlement procedure;

  • points of departure and destination of cargo;

  • procedure for approving changes to the route, mode of transport, client instructions;

  • term (term) of performance of the contract;

  • all those conditions on which an agreement must be reached at the request of at least one of the parties.

12.07.2023 13:55

For independent construction, a person can incur:

  • administrative liability - a fine;

  • criminal liability for construction on an arbitrarily occupied plot - a fine, or arrest for a term of up to 6 months, or imprisonment for a term of up to 3 years.

According to the court's decision, the amount of the fine can be up to 18 tax-free minimums. A fine is imposed in the case of construction of a building without a permit and project, in violation of building regulations. Also administrative responsibility.

Criminal liability threatens the developer in cases where he illegally occupied a plot of land and built a house or other structure on his own.

12.07.2023 10:57

During martial law, all legal entities that acquire the right to own a vehicle must submit information about them (vehicles) to the TCC and SP.

To register a vehicle for a charitable organization, the following documents must be submitted to the service center:

  1. a copy of founding documents (decision on formation of a legal entity, founding agreement, statute, regulations, founding act, founding agreement, etc.);

  2. a certificate (or other relevant document), the form of which is determined by the Ministry of Defense, with a military commissar's note on deregistration (if the previous owner is a legal entity) and registration (if the future owner is a legal entity) of the vehicle for military registration;

  3. a copy of the order on the appointment of the responsible person/power of attorney to the responsible person to receive the relevant service;

  4. tax payer's statement and EDRPOU certificate;

  5. receipts for the payment of the mandatory state pension insurance fee (in case of registration of a new passenger car)

  6. document certifying the responsible person (passport);

  7. a document confirming the legality of purchase, receipt, import, customs clearance of a vehicle;

  8. a copy of a document confirming the compliance of the design and technical condition of this brand (model) of the vehicle with the mandatory requirements of the rules, regulations and standards of Ukraine (certificate of compliance or certificate of recognition of a foreign certificate);

  9. conclusion/information on the expert examination of the vehicle (entered into the electronic register by employees of the expert service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs).