Photo of sikorsky.y.o
26.07.2023 09:37

Yes, it makes sense. In the statement of claim, it will be necessary to prove the cause and effect between the illegal mobilization and dismissal from work and the related costs.

26.07.2023 09:31

I bring the following to your attention.

To register the child's place of residence, parents are given three months from the day of the child's birth. For this, the child's parents need to apply to the entity providing administrative services at their place of residence (Executive bodies of village, settlement, city councils) with the appropriate package of documents.

The package of documents includes:

  1. Application for registration of the place of residence of a minor child

  2. Birth certificate

  3. Written consent of the second parent when the parents live at different addresses

  4. Receipt for the payment of the administrative fee

The second part of Article 6 of the Law of Ukraine "On Freedom of Movement and Free Choice of Residence in Ukraine" provides that if a person cannot apply to the registration body on his own, registration can be carried out at the request of his legal representative or a representative on the basis of a power of attorney certified in according to the procedure established by law.

Therefore, there is no need to provide a military ticket.

26.07.2023 09:25

Currently, there are no legal restrictions on the sale of such land plots, however, few people want to invest in the acquisition of land contaminated with explosive objects.

26.07.2023 09:20

YES, there is such a document. Upon completion of demining work, a ACT for the performance of work on cleaning (demining) the area from explosive objects is drawn up, which is approved by the head of the territorial management body/formation of the central subordination of the State Emergency Service.

26.07.2023 09:15

Yes, family wealth will be taken into account.

On July 11, 2023, the government adopted the resolution "Some Issues of Support for Internally Displaced Persons", which amends the procedure for awarding housing benefits for IDPs.

From September 1, 2023, payments will be stopped to those citizens whose financial situation allows them to make significant expenses without state assistance. Namely, those IDPs who, since the adoption of this resolution, purchased a new vehicle, purchased a plot of land, an apartment, or a house worth more than UAH 100,000.

Ukrainians who have funds in a deposit bank account totaling more than UAH 100,000, or who have purchased foreign currency, as well as bank metals for a total amount of more than UAH 100,000, will also not receive assistance.

Ukrainians who own housing located in territories other than those where active (possible) hostilities are taking place or that are occupied, with an area of more than 13.65 m2 per family member, payments are also suspended.

26.07.2023 09:11

YES, the postponement is cancelled, because you had it on the basis of Part 4 of Article 23 of the Law of Ukraine "On Mobilization Training and Mobilization" (Conscripted women and men, dependents of which have three or more children under the age of 18), and you currently have only two dependent children under the age of 18.

25.07.2023 20:17

One of the most profitable options is the Gift Agreement.

If a relative of the first or second degree of consanguinity (it can be a father, mother, husband, wife, brother, sister) donated real estate, the tax in this case is zero.

25.07.2023 14:33

No it is not.

In accordance with clause 170.7.1. PKU stipulates that charity, including humanitarian aid, received for his benefit in the form of funds or property (work performed free of charge, services rendered) is not taxable and is not included in the taxpayer's total monthly (annual) taxable income.

However, the code simultaneously establishes some requirements and restrictions that must be observed in order for such assistance to be truly tax-free.

Categories of persons for whom charitable assistance is not taxable:

  1. participants in hostilities, mass public protest actions in Ukraine, members of their families;

  2. employees of enterprises, institutions, organizations, civil defense forces, who take (have taken) direct participation in the implementation of measures to ensure national security and defense, repulse and deter armed aggression of Russia;

  3. natural persons who live or have lived in the territory of settlements where an anti-terrorist operation or hostilities are being conducted or have been conducted, and/or who have been forced to leave their place of residence in connection with the conduct of anti-terrorist operations or hostilities in such settlements;

  4. natural persons who lived in the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (ARC) and were forced to leave their place of residence in connection with the temporary occupation of the territory of Ukraine;

  5. natural persons who suffered as a result of Russia's armed aggression during the legal regime of martial law, state of emergency.

Restrictions on the intended use and amount of charitable assistance:

  • It is not taxed in any amount for natural persons who live or have lived in the territory of settlements where an anti-terrorist operation or hostilities are being conducted or have been conducted, or who have lived in the territory of the ARC, and/or who have been forced to leave their place of residence in connection with the conduct of anti-terrorist operations, or military operations, or in connection with temporary occupation.

  • Charitable assistance provided for the restoration of lost property, for housing, social and household needs is not taxable, if its total amount during the tax year does not exceed 500 times the minimum wage (for 2023 – UAH 3,350,000) and is provided for certain categories of persons

  • Charitable aid provided to combatants is not taxable in any amount, if it is provided for the purchase or in the form of special means of personal protection, technical means of observation, medicines, personal hygiene products, food products, items of physical support;

  • There are no restrictions on charitable assistance to individuals who have suffered from Russia's armed aggression

25.07.2023 14:26

Refusal of a reasoned offer by a police officer to pass a test (breathe into a drager) is the basis for issuing a decision under Article 130 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

In the future, the case will be considered in court.

For help in protecting your rights in the above-mentioned case, please send a private message.

25.07.2023 13:06

Neither the "salary" nor the "pension" account of an individual is protected from the seizure of the funds received in the enforcement proceedings. A retirement account is no different from an account that an individual opened in order not to carry cash with them.

According to Part 3 of Article 52 of the Law of Ukraine "On Enforcement Proceedings", funds held in accounts with a special mode of use, special and other accounts, the collection of which is prohibited by law, are not subject to seizure in accordance with the procedure established by this Law. A bank, other financial institution, or a central executive body that implements state policy in the field of treasury service of budget funds, in the case of receipt of an executor's decision on the seizure of funds on such accounts, must notify the executor of the purpose of the account and return the executor's decision without execution regarding the seizure of funds on such accounts. Funds on bank correspondent accounts are not subject to seizure.