Photo of sikorsky.y.o
27.07.2023 09:32

The heirs of the deceased will pay.

According to the current legislation, along with the rights, the inheritance includes the obligations that belonged to the testator at the time of the opening of the inheritance and did not cease due to his death.

Obligations are inherited:

  • arising from civil law contracts;

  • for compensation of material damage (damages), moral damage (awarded by the court during the life of the testator);

  • upon payment of a penalty in the form of a fine or penalty (awarded by the court during the life of the testator);

  • expenses for maintenance, care, treatment, burial of the testator (but not more than 3 years);

  • according to the housing rental agreement with purchase.

27.07.2023 09:30

The right of intellectual property is the right of a person to the result of intellectual, creative activity or to another object of intellectual property right, defined by this Code and another law (Article 418 of the Civil Code of Ukraine).

Regulated by the following legislation: Central Committee of Ukraine, Laws of Ukraine: "On protection against unfair competition", "On copyright and related rights", "On protection of rights to inventions and utility models", "On protection of rights to industrial designs", "On protection rights to signs for goods and services", "On protection of rights to plant varieties" and other laws.

Intellectual property rights are inviolable. No one can be deprived of the right to intellectual property or limited in its exercise, except in cases provided by law.

Violation of intellectual property rights is subject to criminal, administrative and civil liability.

There are the following forms of protection of intellectual property rights:

  • jurisdictional;

  • non-jurisdictional.

Non-jurisdictional form of rights protection includes the actions of legal entities and individuals regarding the protection of rights to intellectual property objects, which are carried out by them independently, without recourse to state or other competent authorities. The predominant form of non-jurisdictional protection is self-defense, manifested in the active or passive actions of a person aimed at preventing or stopping the violation of one's own subjective right.

According to Article 19 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, a person has the right to self-defense of his rights against violations and illegal encroachments. Self-defense is recognized as the use by a person whose right has been violated of countermeasures that are not prohibited by law and do not contradict the moral principles of society. Methods of self-defense must correspond to the content of the violated right and the nature of the actions by which these rights are violated, and cannot contradict the requirements of the law. Methods of self-defense can be chosen by a person or determined by law, other legal acts or a contract. This form of self-defense in the relations of authorship in practice occurs in isolated cases. And although it is somewhat insignificant, it still cannot be ignored, because Article 55 of the Constitution of Ukraine guarantees everyone the inalienable right to protect their rights and freedoms by any means not prohibited by law.

Jurisdictional form of rights protection provides for the activity of the competent state bodies regarding the protection of violated rights to intellectual property objects or contested rights. Its essence is the appeal of a person whose rights and legitimate interests have been violated by illegal actions for protection to the state or other competent authorities, which are authorized to take the necessary measures to restore the violated right and stop the offense.

The most effective jurisdictional form of protection of intellectual property rights is judicial protection, carried out by courts of general jurisdiction in civil or criminal proceedings, administrative and commercial courts. Judicial protection is carried out in Ukraine according to the general principles of judicial procedure.

27.07.2023 09:23

You need to appeal such actions to the court, providing evidence that you are actually studying full-time and have submitted documents about your studies to the TCC and SP.

The above-mentioned lawsuit is submitted to the administrative court with a request to oblige the commander of the military unit to make a decision on the dismissal from military service of the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Similar cases have already been considered by the courts and the courts have satisfied such claims. Vinnytsia (case 120/4611/22), Zakarpattia (260/1914/22), Rivne (460/18262/22) district administrative courts.

27.07.2023 09:14

Yes, you can sell a house if you have a power of attorney from its owner, but the power of attorney must be issued with the participation of the principal.

27.07.2023 09:11

The notary said incorrectly. The law does not prohibit the conclusion of a gift contract for pensioners.

Also, nothing prohibits concluding an inheritance contract. According to the inheritance contract, one party (acquirer) undertakes to comply with the instructions of the other party (alienator) and in the event of his death acquires the right of ownership of the property of the alienator (Article 1302 of the Civil Code of Ukraine).

27.07.2023 09:08

Currently, such responsibility is not provided.

26.07.2023 22:16

Yes, you have that option. If the person you plan to remove from registration is not a co-owner of the home or your child, then you, as the home owner, have the right to apply to TsNAP with documents confirming ownership of the home and write it out.

26.07.2023 14:37

Yes, perhaps, only the consent of all co-owners is necessary for this.

26.07.2023 14:22

NO, the presence of the person for whom the power of attorney is made is not mandatory.

26.07.2023 14:20

YES, you can.

The place of residence of a child who has not reached the age of 14 can be registered at the request of one of the parents. At the same time, the written consent of the second parent is mandatory.

You can apply to any TsNAP and submit the following documents:

  1. Application for registration of the place of residence of a minor child

  2. Birth certificate

  3. Written consent of the second parent when the parents live at different addresses

  4. Receipt for the payment of the administrative fee