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03.08.2023 14:03

You need to make a power of attorney for the person who will issue the ownership right on your behalf.

03.08.2023 10:03

Disability pension for persons discharged from military service, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine dated 04/09/1992 No. 2262-ХІ "On pension provision for persons discharged from military service and certain other persons" is assigned in case of disability:

  • during the period of service;

  • or no later than three months after leaving the service;

  • or after a three-month period after discharge from service, but due to illnesses that occurred during military service.

Persons with disabilities as a result of the war are granted a pension in the amount of:

  1. Group I – 100% of the amount of monetary support;

  2. Group II – 80% of the amount of monetary support;

  3. Group III – 60% of the amount of financial support.

Other persons with disabilities are granted a pension in the following amounts:

  1. Group I – 70% of the monetary support amount;

  2. II group – 60% of the amount of monetary support;

  3. Group III – 40% of the amount of financial support.

Documents for the appointment of a disability pension can be drawn up by personally applying to any PFU service center or by submitting documents through the Pension Fund's electronic services portal.

Necessary documents:

  • a written statement on the appointment of a pension;

  • passport or birth certificate (for children);

  • certificate of residence registration, if the person has an ID passport;

  • RNOKPP (registration number of the taxpayer's registration card);

  • employment book or other documents confirming seniority;

  • salary information;

  • documents certifying the special status of a person (for example, a certificate from the MSEK, a certificate of a person with a disability due to the war);

  • photo (required for the registration of a pension certificate).

  • a certificate of illness issued and certified by the military commissariat at the place of removal of the serviceman from the military register or certificate of the military medical commission (copy).

If a military man wants to issue disability pension payments after leaving military service, he must also take the following documents:

  • certificate of the military commissariat on completion of military service, where the date of conscription is indicated;

  • dates and reasons for dismissal from military service;

  • conclusion of MSEK (medical and social expert commission) that the disability is connected with military service.

03.08.2023 09:39

Payers of the single tax of groups I and II, who do not use the labor of employed persons, are exempted from paying the single tax for one calendar month per year during vacation, as well as for the period of illness, confirmed by a copy of the incapacity for work sheet(s), if it lasts 30 or more calendar days (in accordance with Clause 295.5 of Article 295 of the Tax Code of Ukraine dated December 2, 2010 No. 2755-VI as amended).

If the duration of the vacation is less than one calendar month, there are no grounds for exemption from paying the single tax for one calendar month.

For the period of vacation or sick leave, the activity must be suspended and there is no income. If funds are received on the current account during the period of vacation or sick leave, the FOP must have documentary evidence that these funds are for goods (services) delivered before the start of vacation or sick leave, or an agreement was previously concluded that provides for the transfer of advance payment.

The entire amount of income received during vacation or illness by a single tax payer, in cash and non-cash, tangible or intangible form, is reflected in the income accounting, which is kept in an arbitrary form, and the tax declaration of the single tax payer.

At the same time, such an individual entrepreneur is obliged to pay a single tax at the rates and in the manner specified by the PKU.

In case of violation by the payer of the single tax of the requirements established by Chapter 1 "Simplified system of taxation, accounting and reporting" Sec. XIV "Special tax regimes" of the PKU, the registration of the payer of the single tax is canceled.

03.08.2023 09:20

If we are talking about the Recovery program, then the maximum amount of payment cannot exceed UAH 200,000, therefore, you can receive payment in this amount.

All evidence must be submitted to the Commission, not to the court.

03.08.2023 09:18

The following persons are entitled to such a pension supplement:

  • pensioners living in one of the zones of radioactive contamination (according to the List of settlements classified as zones of radioactive contamination as a result of the Chernobyl disaster);

  • pensioners who do not officially work;

  • pensioners who have the appropriate identity card of a person who suffered as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

According to the conclusions of the Supreme Court (case No. 580/2371/20), the reinstatement of Art. 39 of Law No. 796, as amended until January 1, 2015, does not grant the right to receive a pension increase in the amount of one minimum wage to unemployed pensioners who live in the territory that belonged to the zone of enhanced radioecological control.

That is, in accordance with the norms of the current legislation and the established judicial practice of the Supreme Court, pensioners who meet all the above requirements, but live in the so-called "4th zone" are not entitled to such an additional payment

03.08.2023 09:12

According to Art. 38 of the Labor Code, an employee has the right to terminate an employment contract concluded for an indefinite period by notifying the owner or the body authorized by him in writing two weeks in advance.

An employer's refusal to dismiss an employee at will is against the law.

In order to be prosecuted for the refusal of dismissal, it is possible to apply to the State Labor Service of Ukraine at the employer's location or to the State Labor Service with an application made in accordance with the Law "On Appeals of Citizens".

02.08.2023 14:32

Yes, the video recording from the policeman's body camera must be continuous, otherwise this evidence (video recording) can be considered inappropriate, in connection with which, it can be an additional reason for canceling the fine in court.

02.08.2023 10:25

The transfer of an employee to work in a zone of active hostilities must take place only with the consent of the employee!

If your husband did not give such consent, then such a transfer is illegal, and therefore he cannot be dismissed on such grounds.

02.08.2023 10:22

Currently, there can be no guarantees, since according to the Law of Ukraine "On Land Lease" the contract is not considered concluded, according to the following.

The Law of Ukraine "On Land Leasing" defines the conditions for concluding, changing, terminating and renewing a land lease agreement.

According to Art. 14 of the Law of Ukraine "On Land Leasing", the land lease agreement is concluded in writing and, at the request of one of the parties, may be notarized. The standard form of the land lease agreement is approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Analyzing the above, it should be concluded that the land lease agreement is a deed concluded between the owner of the land plot - the lessor and the natural or legal person - the lessee in writing, according to which the lessor is obliged to transfer the land plot to the lessee for a fee in possession and use for a certain period, and the lessee is obliged to use the land plot in accordance with the terms of the contract and the requirements of land legislation.

The ground for invalidity of the deed is non-compliance by the party (parties) at the time of the deed with the requirements established by parts one, three, five and six of Article 203 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, as provided for in part one of Article 215 of the Civil Code of Ukraine.

Therefore, an oral land lease agreement is considered invalid, as it must be concluded in writing.

You need to enter into a duly executed land lease agreement with the land owner.