Photo of sikorsky.y.o
04.08.2023 11:04

Evading the debtor from fulfilling his obligations is an evaluative concept. Their non-fulfillment may be caused by objective reasons, for example, as a result of lack of property, work, unsatisfactory financial condition, long business trip, serious illness, etc.

According to the established practice of the court, a person who has unfulfilled obligations cannot be considered guilty of evasion until the contrary is proven, therefore, in the presence of objective reasons (long business trip), there may be a delay in the fulfillment of the obligation, however, each the situation is unique and requires careful investigation.

04.08.2023 10:38

The notary verifies the fact of the death of an individual and the time of the opening of the inheritance by requesting from the heir the original death certificate issued by the state civil registration body or by direct access to the register of civil status.

However, in the event that the heirs are unable to present the testator's death certificate or there is no information in the register, the notary must request from the state registry of civil status acts a copy of the act record of the testator's death or a full extract from the State Register of civil status acts of citizens regarding the act record of death.

04.08.2023 10:33

According to information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Organizations, the Alchevsk Department of the State Executive Service in the Alchevsk District of the Luhansk Region of the Eastern Interregional Department of the Ministry of Justice (full name of the department) is located at the address: 93100, Luhansk Region, Severodonetsk District n, Lysychansk city, D.I. Mendeleeva St. named after, building 53

For more detailed information, please contact the Eastern Interregional Department of the Ministry of Justice (0542) 66-19-48

04.08.2023 10:27

Yes, it can be documented, but there is no need for this.

The entrepreneurial activity of the CCP is not regulated, and therefore, the FOP decides such organizational issues at its own discretion. In addition, the FOP disposes of its own funds, therefore, drawing up employment documents, submitting an advance report (on the use of funds), etc., is provided only for employees.

04.08.2023 10:03

Yes, they will let you in. The laws of Ukraine do not provide for any restrictions on the entry of children whose birth certificates were issued by other countries (including the Russian Federation and Poland).

04.08.2023 09:56

If the money was supposed to arrive on the card, but it still hasn't, you can call: the Ministry of Reintegration (hotline number 15-48); to the office of the Commissioner for IDPs (+38 (066) 813-62-39); contact your Tsnap and the Social Security Administration.

03.08.2023 15:15

According to Art. 180 of the Family Code of Ukraine, parents have the obligation to pay alimony only until the child comes of age. After that, payments stop. However, the alimony payment debt that arose during the period of alimony obligations is subject to payment even after the child reaches the age of majority.

03.08.2023 15:00

The order of the Ministry of Health No. 682 of 16.08.2010 "On the improvement of medical care for students of general educational institutions" states that a medical certificate of the established model must be provided by a student of a general secondary education institution every year, regardless of the form of education, according to which the student masters the educational program

However, it should be noted that the legislation does not provide for responsibility for failure to provide a student's health certificate when transferring to the next year of study.

03.08.2023 14:46

A child born in Poland does not automatically receive Polish citizenship, and it is impossible to register a child's citizenship without the consent of the other spouse (father/mother of the child).

03.08.2023 14:17

His actions are illegal. You need to call the police and submit a statement about taking measures against the ex-husband who prevents you from accessing the apartment

In the future, it is necessary to apply to the court with a statement of claim for the elimination of obstacles in the exercise of the right to use the apartment and to oblige your ex-husband not to obstruct your access to the apartment by handing over the duplicate keys to the front door of this apartment.

Article 391 of the Civil Code of Ukraine establishes the right of the property owner to demand the removal of obstacles to his exercise of the right to use and dispose of his property.

The specified rule of material law defines the right of the owner, including a residential premises, house or apartment, to demand any removal of his violated right from any persons in any way that the owner considers acceptable. Determinant for the protection of the right on the basis of this rule of law is the presence of the plaintiff's right to property and the establishment by the court of the presence of obstacles in the owner's use of his property. At the same time, it does not matter who exactly caused the violated right and for what reasons.