Photo of lorina200215
05.03.2024 20:16

stàtus quò - established state of affairs, state of affairs before change.

05.03.2024 20:15

sub còlore jùris - under the guise of a reference to law.

05.03.2024 20:14

tàcito consènsu - with tacit consent.

05.03.2024 20:13

ùbi jus ìbi remèdium - where there is a right, there is a means of its protection.

05.03.2024 20:12

ùltima ràtio - the last proof, argument.

05.03.2024 20:12

ultra fines mandati - beyond authority.

05.03.2024 20:11

ùti possidètis is a formula meaning that the parties can keep what they have seized.

05.03.2024 20:10

vèritas nìmium altercàndo amìttitur - the truth is lost as a result of too many arguments.

05.03.2024 20:09

viribus unitis - by joint efforts.

05.03.2024 20:03

For a legal entity, it is necessary to prepare the following list of documents:

  • a copy of the passport with a translation into Ukrainian;

  • TIN of the director;

  • notarized copies of the charter of a non-resident legal entity, documents on registration and granting of powers to an official;

  • a power of attorney, certified by a notary, granting the right to conduct other registration operations;

  • documentary proof of legal address.

Also, other documents stipulated by law may be required for registration.