Photo of lorina200215
05.03.2024 20:31

sènsu honèsto - according to the true meaning.

05.03.2024 20:30

separàtim - separately.

05.03.2024 20:29

seriàtim - consecutively.

05.03.2024 20:29

sic - in this way.

05.03.2024 20:28

sìlent lèges ìnter àrma - laws are silent when there is war.

05.03.2024 20:27

síne dìe - without specifying a term, without giving it time to think.

05.03.2024 20:27

síne loco - without specifying the place.

05.03.2024 20:18

síne quà non- "nothing without": a necessary condition.

05.03.2024 20:17

spècies fàcti - the nature of the action.

05.03.2024 20:17

spònsio judiciàlis - an artificially created case, a falsified question of fact.