Photo of lorina200215
04.03.2024 20:37

Judging by the decision in this case (, you can file a lawsuit in court, but, most likely, you will be denied a lawsuit. You can file an appeal in case of refusal. In this case, the Cabinet of Ministers filed a withdrawal of the appeal, referring to its groundlessness and lack of evidence. But there is one nuance - how Russia should pay moral damages - the court's ruling did not specify.

Unfortunately, today it is possible to file a lawsuit against Russia in a Ukrainian court for compensation of damages only with the consent of Russia itself. But such an option may become possible without obtaining the consent of the terrorist state, if appropriate changes are made in the legislation.

04.03.2024 19:42

constrùctio lègis non fàcit injuriam - the interpretation of the law does not create a violation.

04.03.2024 19:37

consuetùdines - custom.

04.03.2024 19:37

copià vèra - true copy.

04.03.2024 19:36

còrpus jùris - a set of laws.

04.03.2024 19:36

cuì pròdest? - who benefits?

04.03.2024 19:35

cum ònere - "with a burden", with all the disadvantages and inconveniences that may be associated with the exercise of the right.

04.03.2024 19:35

curia - суд.

04.03.2024 19:34

dàmnum sine injùria - damages without violation of rights.

04.03.2024 19:34

de dòlo màlo - by deception.