Photo of lorina200215
05.03.2024 20:37

res ìntegra is an unprecedented case.

05.03.2024 20:36

res ìnter àlios - relations between other persons, actions of third parties or other persons.

05.03.2024 20:36

res ìnter àlios àcta àlteri nocère non dèbet - agreements between some persons should not be to the detriment of third parties.

05.03.2024 20:35

res nùllius - property that does not belong to anyone.

05.03.2024 20:35

rèus promittèndi - a party to the contract who undertakes obligations.

05.03.2024 20:34

reus stipulàndi - the party to the contract to whom the obligation is assumed.

05.03.2024 20:33

sàlus pòpuli suprèma lex est - the good of the people is the highest law.

05.03.2024 20:32

sànctio - approval, power, coercive measure, sanction as part of a legal norm.

05.03.2024 20:32

secùndum aèquum et bòno - according to justice and goodness.

05.03.2024 20:31

secùndum nòrmam lègis - according to the norms of law.