Photo of lorina200215
06.03.2024 10:48

prìma fàcie - at first glance; as to evidence which is sufficient unless rebutted or disputed.

06.03.2024 10:46

princìpia pròbant, non probàntur - principles are the essence of evidence, they cannot be proven.

06.03.2024 10:45

principiòrum non est ràtio - there is no reason for principles.

06.03.2024 10:45

princìpium est potìssima pars cujùsque rei - the beginning is the most important part of everything.

06.03.2024 10:44

pro bòno pùblico - for the common good.

06.03.2024 10:43

pròcul dùbio - without a doubt.

06.03.2024 10:43

pro defèctu - due to absence.

06.03.2024 10:42

pro facti - as a fact.

06.03.2024 10:42

pròprio nòmine - on your own behalf.

06.03.2024 10:41

pro re nàta - in case of need.