Photo of lorina200215
06.03.2024 20:11

jus in re alièna - the right to someone else's things.

06.03.2024 20:11

jus sanguìnis - right of location.

06.03.2024 20:10

jus scriptum - written law.

06.03.2024 20:10

jus dispondèndi - the right to dispose.

06.03.2024 20:09

jus ex injùria non òritur - a right cannot arise from an offence.

06.03.2024 20:09

jus gentium - "the law of nations".

06.03.2024 20:08

jus bèllum dicèndi - the right to declare war.

06.03.2024 20:08

jus civitàtis - the right of citizenship.

06.03.2024 20:07

jus curialitàtis - the right of courtesy.

06.03.2024 20:07

jùra ad rem - property rights.