Photo of lorina200215
06.03.2024 20:16

lex domicilii - the law of domicile.

06.03.2024 20:16

lèges lègum - the law of laws.

06.03.2024 20:15

unwritten laws - ne pisken pravo

06.03.2024 20:15

lex aetèrna - eternal law.

06.03.2024 20:14

jus tèrtii - the right of a third party.

06.03.2024 20:14

làto sènsu - in the broadest sense of the word.

06.03.2024 20:13

lègem ènim contràctus dat - the contract creates a right.

06.03.2024 20:13

jus singulàre - a special legal norm.

06.03.2024 20:12

jus cògens is a mandatory legal norm.

06.03.2024 20:12

jus sòli - the right of the soil, the place of a person's birth [the principle of acquiring citizenship, according to which a person acquires the citizenship of the state on whose territory he was born].