Photo of lorina200215
06.03.2024 20:06

jùre representatiònes - by right of representation.

06.03.2024 20:06

jus bèlli - the law of war.

06.03.2024 20:05

in tùto - in safety.

06.03.2024 20:05

in vádio - in the form of security.

06.03.2024 20:05

ipso fàcto et ipso jùre - by virtue of the fact itself and in accordance with the law.

06.03.2024 20:04

inter se - mutually.

06.03.2024 20:04

in tòto - in general.

06.03.2024 20:03

ìntra vìres - within the powers.

06.03.2024 20:03

ìnter àlia - among other things or affairs, among other things, in particular.

06.03.2024 20:02

ìnter àlios àcta - agreements between other persons.