Photo of 30.09.tana2002
20.07.2023 21:28

Yes, it can.

According to clause 2(1) of the Resolution of the CMU "On Approval of the Rules for Crossing the State Border by Citizens of Ukraine", in the event of a state of emergency or martial law being introduced on the territory of Ukraine, persons who provide permanent care for persons with disabilities of group I or II and accompany them have the right to cross the state border such persons to travel outside of Ukraine, in the presence of documents (certificates, certificates) on receipt of compensation (benefits, allowances) for care or documents confirming disability, and an act establishing the fact of providing care. The act of establishing the fact of providing care for a person with a disability of group I or II is drawn up on the basis of an application by a person with a disability of group I or II or a person providing care to the district, district in mm. Kyiv and Sevastopol state administration, the executive body of the village, settlement, city council with a statement about the person providing such care. If a person with a disability of group I or II is a registered internally displaced person, an application for care is submitted at the place of registration of the actual place of residence of such an internally displaced person. On the basis of such an application of a person with a disability of the I or II group or a person who provides care, district, district in mm. In Kyiv and Sevastopol, the state administration, the executive body of the village, settlement, city council, no later than within five working days after the application is received, draws up an act establishing the fact of providing care in an arbitrary form. The specified document is sent to the applicant or issued personally at his request.

20.07.2023 21:14

FOPs in the 1st and 2nd groups that do not have employees have the right to vacation. Such a holiday enables the FOP not to pay a single tax during the specified period of "holiday". At the same time, it is necessary to pay EUV.

In order to take advantage of the leave, the FOP must write an application to the local tax authority in an arbitrary form. At the same time, such an application must be submitted before the start of the vacation. Also, the FOP that went on vacation does not have the right to receive any income.

20.07.2023 21:04

Yes, you have.

According to Article 23 of the Law on Mobilization Training and Mobilization, conscripted women and men who have three or more children under the age of 18 are not subject to military service during mobilization.

20.07.2023 21:01

No, it will not, if you prove that you were not aware of the fact that you purchased a car that was obtained by criminal means.

According to Article 198 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, when the buyer realizes that he is buying an illegally legalized car using forged documents, he faces criminal liability for the previously unpromised acquisition of property obtained through criminal means, which is punishable by arrest for up to six months or restrictions or imprisonment for up to three years.

20.07.2023 20:49

For most recipients, the housing subsidy and benefits for the non-heating season are reassigned automatically based on the information available in the Pension Fund of Ukraine, "provided that the data on their property status or family composition have not changed". If such changes have occurred, subsidy recipients must provide information about them to the Fund body within 30 days.

The Pension Fund of Ukraine named a list of cases when this should be done:

  1. There are internally displaced persons in the household.

  2. If household members rent residential premises for living and pay housing and communal services.

  3. If the number of registered persons who actually live in the household is less than the number of registered persons.

  4. If the household applies for a housing subsidy for the purchase of liquefied gas, solid and liquid household stove fuel.

You are an IDP, and therefore you must inform your local Fund office.

20.07.2023 20:38

Yes, but pay attention to the following points.

According to the general rule of Polish legislation, it is allowed to import medicine for personal needs in an amount that does not exceed the five smallest packages. BUT, if you import prescription drugs to Poland, the Ministry of Health of this country recommends that you bring a document that confirms such a need. It may be:

  • a prescription issued by a doctor;

  • a copy of the patient's medical card;

  • receipts from pharmacies where you bought medicines;

  • a certificate from a doctor with the specified diagnosis, the indicated terms of treatment and the required amount of the drug.

20.07.2023 20:31

Yes, it can.

According to the law, the right to care for a disabled person is provided by family members who live together with the disabled person, are connected by common life, have mutual rights and obligations (husband, wife, children under the age of 18, and ** as well as children studying full-time **in institutions of general secondary, professional (vocational-technical), professional pre-higher, higher education (including in the period between the completion of studies in one of the specified educational institutions and admission to another institution or in the period between the completion of studies at one educational and qualification level and the continuation of studies at another, provided that such period does not exceed four months) until the age of 23 and do not have their own families; a woman and a man who are not married, but live together family).

19.07.2023 14:20

Yes, definitely.

According to the new (entered into force on 01.05.2023) Resolution of the CMU "On approval of the Procedure for the organization and maintenance of military records of conscripts, conscripts and reservists" employers are responsible for compiling lists of personal military records in the form given in Appendix 5 to Order No. 1487 -

Also, information on the number of conscripts, conscripts and reservists must be entered in the information on operational accounting of conscripts, conscripts and reservists, which is compiled according to the form specified in Appendix 12 to Order No. 1487 - /laws/show/1487-2022-%D0%BF#n466, and are kept together with lists of personal military records (clause 33 of Order No. 1487).

19.07.2023 14:05


According to Article 32 of the Code of Labor Laws, an employee has the right to terminate an employment contract concluded for an indefinite period by notifying the employer in writing two weeks in advance. In the case when the employee's application for voluntary resignation is due to the impossibility of continuing work (moving to a new place of residence; transfer of a husband or wife to work in another area; admission to an educational institution; impossibility of living in a given area , confirmed by a medical opinion; pregnancy; care of a child until he reaches the age of fourteen or a child with a disability; care of a sick family member according to a medical opinion or a person with a disability of group I; retirement; hiring by competition, as well as for other valid reasons), the employer must terminate the employment contract within the period requested by the employee.

19.07.2023 13:59

Yes, you must pass the VLK.

If you are not yet 60 years old, then you are conscripted. And the VLK is a mandatory procedure for conscripts. Yes, according to Article 23 of the Law on Mobilization Training and Mobilization, you are not subject to conscription for military service during mobilization, for a special period, as you are to and meet the requirements of the paragraph of this article: "scientific and scientific-pedagogical employees of institutions of higher and professional pre-higher education, scientific institutions and organizations that have an academic title and/or a scientific degree, and pedagogical employees of institutions of professional (vocational-technical) education, institutions of general secondary education, provided that they work, respectively, in institutions of higher or professional pre-tertiary education, scientific institutions and organizations, institutions of professional (vocational-technical) or general secondary education at the main place of work at a rate of at least 0.75". Therefore, you need to write an application for granting interest and supporting documents. And regardless of whether you are fit for military service or not, you must be granted a deferment from military service on the basis of Article 23.