Photo of 30.09.tana2002
25.07.2023 19:44

A certificate confirming the status of a tax resident of Ukraine can be obtained by a legal entity or an individual subject to the international treaty of Ukraine on the avoidance of double taxation.

The applicant can apply for the service in person or through a legal representative, by sending documents by mail (registered mail) or by filling out an application for the service online on the website: You can get help directly from:

  • To the main office of the State Tax Service of Ukraine in the regions and the city of Kyiv,

  • To the interregional administration of the DPS for work with large taxpayers.

25.07.2023 19:40

Being in debt to a bank or MFI does not in any way affect leaving the country, and the bank cannot prohibit Ukrainians from moving. BUT they can sue for a ban on travel abroad for debts related to a mortgage or any other credit. As a result, the case is transferred to the enforcement service, which opens proceedings, seizes accounts and other property. The debtor's right to travel abroad may also be restricted. Such a restriction is possible only within the framework of an already opened executive proceeding and in the presence of a corresponding court decision on the restriction of the right to leave.

25.07.2023 19:34

In your case, it is necessary to apply to the court with a new statement of claim for the collection of alimony for the maintenance of an adult daughter/son who is continuing his education.

But there is also a voluntary procedure for collecting alimony - one of the parents can submit an application at the place of work, place of payment of pension, stipend to deduct alimony for the child from his salary, pension, stipend in the amount and for the period specified in this application.

Also, Article 189 of the Family Code of Ukraine gives parents the right to conclude an agreement on the payment of alimony for an adult child, where the amount, terms and procedure of alimony payments are determined. The contract must be concluded in writing and subject to notarization. In the event that the father (mother) does not fulfill his obligation under the contract, alimony is collected not by a court decision, but on the basis of a notary's executive inscription by a state executive service body.

Court procedure

A claim for the recovery of alimony is submitted to the court or at the registered place of residence or stay of the defendant or the plaintiff. No court fee is payable for the submission to the court of the above-mentioned statement of claim (Clause 3, Part 1, Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine "On Court Fees").

Child alimony is awarded by court decision either in a fixed monetary amount or in a share of the earnings (income) of the alimony payer from the day the claim is filed, and not from the day the court decision enters into force.

The amount of alimony for the maintenance of an adult child who continues his education depends on the evidence base that you will provide together with your claim to the court.

Unfortunately, the minimum and maximum amount of alimony for an adult child is not established by law. Therefore, for example, the minimum amount of alimony may be even lower than 50% of the subsistence minimum for a child aged 6 to 18.

When determining the amount of financial assistance, the court must take into account:

  • the child's actual and real need for financial assistance,

  • the cost of education, the cost of textbooks and travel to the educational institution, the cost of living in a dormitory or rented apartment at the location of the educational institution, the state of health of the alimony payer, his financial and family status, the availability of property, cash and funds of the alimony payer

  • other relevant circumstances.

25.07.2023 19:21

Yes, you can. Legal recognition of ownership in accordance with Article 392 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, a property owner may file a claim for recognition of his ownership in the event of loss of a document certifying his ownership.

The main document confirming ownership is an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Property Rights. It can be obtained by submitting an application for receiving the service. You can submit it in person or through a legal representative or by filling out an application for receiving the service online on the website: The following documents are required for this:

  1. Application for providing information from the State Register of Property Rights to immovable property

  2. A document confirming the payment of an administrative fee, except for the cases provided for by the Law of Ukraine "On State Registration of Property Rights to Immovable Property and Their Encumbrances".

You can get an extract at:

  • District, district in the cities of Kyiv and Sevastopol state administration

  • Executive committees of village, settlement, city (except cities of regional significance) councils

  • City, district councils in cities and their executive bodies

  • State registrars of real estate rights

  • Private notaries.

  • State notary offices.

25.07.2023 19:06

As a general rule, reserve officers are subject to conscription during general mobilization. However, there are specific cases clearly provided by law when reserve officers will not be called up. These grounds are determined by Article 23 of the Law of Ukraine "On Mobilization Training and Mobilization." According to it, conscription for military service during mobilization is also not subject to a special period

recipients of professional (vocational and technical), professional pre-higher and higher education, trainee assistants, post-graduate students and doctoral students studying full-time or dual forms of education.

So, while you are a full-time student, you are granted a deferment from the draft, and therefore you cannot be drafted at this time.

24.07.2023 17:52

Yes, you can. To restore a lost child's birth certificate, you can contact any of the working DRACS departments. All departments of DRATS have equal access to the information of every Ukrainian who once registered something with him.

These documents can also be restored online using the Diya portal. For this you need:

  1. go to the site and log in;

  2. select "References and Extracts" in the "Services" menu;

  3. select the desired document;

  4. fill in the necessary information;

  5. choose a delivery method and pay for the service.

On your new document, it will be written that it was issued "Re-issued", so burnt birth certificates do not need to be "cancelled". But it will have the same legal force as the original document.

Yes, they will be valid and you will not need to reissue them.

21.07.2023 20:14

Questions regarding fitness for military service based on health are regulated in accordance with the Regulations on military medical examination in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 402 of August 14, 2008.

According to Article 74, congenital anomalies (developmental defects), deformations and chromosomal disorders (Q00-Q99), their consequences (Appendix 2 to the Regulation), it is noted that the article applies in case of impossibility of treatment of congenital developmental defects, refusal of treatment or unsatisfactory results, as well as in case of chromosomal anomalies confirmed by the results of examination in medical and genetic consultations.

In your situation, in accordance with the Schedule of diseases, conditions and physical disabilities that determine the degree of fitness for military service (Appendix No. 1 to the Regulation), unfitness for military service or limited fitness is determined individually by the VLK.

21.07.2023 20:00

Registration takes place at the Department of the National Center for Social Security at the location of the accommodation where you intend to register. With the exception of occupied and populated areas where hostilities are ongoing.

21.07.2023 19:50

On the website of the Judicial Power of Ukraine (, you can find out in which court proceedings, in whose capacity the person participated, and read the court decision by a person's name. Personal data in the court decision and names of persons will not be disclosed to you.

21.07.2023 19:39

The first sale of housing in a year, if the seller has owned it for three years or more, is not subject to personal income tax. You have owned it for 2 years. Therefore, if you (the owner of the property) are a citizen of Ukraine, the personal income tax will be 5% of the sale amount, for citizens of other countries this figure is 18%. Don't forget,, that you also have to pay the military duty, it is equal to 1.5% of the real estate value.