Photo of 30.09.tana2002
28.07.2023 09:22

After the court's decision to remove the attachment from the property and its entry into legal force, the attachment is removed according to the resolution of the executor no later than the next day when he became aware of such circumstances, and information about the debtor is excluded from the Unified register of debtors and the register of encumbrances.

That is, you need to apply for the removal of the seizure from real estate in the name of the head of the relevant department of the Internal Revenue Service (State Executive Service). It is worth knowing that the executive service keeps the materials of the executive proceedings for three years. If this term has passed, you need to go to court.

28.07.2023 09:13

This possibility is not provided.

But there is an opportunity through the court to obtain an old-style passport due to, for example, religious beliefs. Such a practice already exists in Ukraine.

If a person wants to get a passport of a citizen of Ukraine in the form of a "booklet", he must be refused at the Migration Service. Then she will have the right to apply to the court for a passport of the specified model to be issued to her. The legislation clearly defines that it is necessary to apply for the place of registration, however, internally displaced persons have the opportunity to apply for the place of their residence.

28.07.2023 09:05

To begin with, it is necessary to find out whether the deadline for fulfilling the obligation by the debtor has come, if it has come, and the debtor does not want to settle, then an opportunity opens up to apply to the court with a claim for debt collection. If the contract does not specify the deadline for fulfilling the obligation, then according to the provisions of the current legislation, it is considered that the debt has not arisen. In this case, a claim with a description of the attachment should be sent by mail to the address of the debtor. If the debtor does not pay the debt within the time specified in the claim, it will be considered that the deadline for performance of the obligation has arrived.

28.07.2023 08:59

If you plan to sell the entire apartment, it is possible only with the participation of all co-owners (that is, your husband). If the other co-owner refuses to make a deal, it will be impossible to sell the entire apartment. Only if your husband's share is quite small, this issue can be resolved through the court.

You can sell your part of the apartment. But here, too, there are nuances.

According to Article 361 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, the co-owner has the right to independently dispose of his share in the right of joint partial ownership. BUT according to Art. 362 of the Civil Code of Ukraine defines the co-owner's right to preferentially purchase a share over other persons at the price announced for sale by other co-owners of housing.

Yes, the seller is obliged to notify the other co-owners in writing of his intention to sell his share, indicating the price and other conditions on which he sells it.

If the other co-owners have refused to exercise the pre-emptive right of purchase or will not exercise this right in relation to the immovable property within one month from the day they receive the notice, the seller has the right to sell his share to another person.

27.07.2023 15:41

Yes, you can.

Any relative who wishes to issue guardianship and has legal capacity can be a guardian.

I would like to inform you that if you are a man and wish to receive a postponement of the draft in this way, the TCC and SP may have questions for you (there is someone to take care of your grandmother besides you).

27.07.2023 15:35

Article 24-1 of the Labor Code of Ukraine stipulated that within a week from the actual admission of the employee to work, the entrepreneur had to register a written employment contract with the state employment service. From 01.01.2015, the specified norm became invalid. Employment contracts do NOT need to be registered at employment centers. Also, it does not need to be registered at the Social Security Administration or the Pension Fund.

27.07.2023 15:20

If at least three of the children are under 18, then it is possible.

According to Article 23 of the Law on Mobilization Training and Mobilization, conscripted women and men who have three or more children under the age of 18 are not subject to military service during mobilization.

In this way, he can submit an application to the TCC and SP for a postponement of the draft. Thus, he will be able to cross the border until the children are 18 years old.

26.07.2023 19:45

To re-register a vehicle that has been transferred to another person by inheritance, it is necessary to contact the territorial service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the relevant documents:

  • application (to be filled out at the TSC);

  • passport of a citizen of Ukraine (in the case of an ID card without information on the registration of the place of residence available in the contactless electronic medium, a certificate of registration of the person's place of residence is provided together) or: * temporary certificate of a citizen of Ukraine; * permanent residence permit; * temporary residence permits ; refugee ID card; ID card of a person in need of additional protection;* ID card of a person granted temporary protection.

  • (in the absence of information about the registered place of residence in the specified documents, internally displaced persons additionally submit a certificate of registration of an internally displaced person, in which the actual place of residence is indicated, or present it in electronic form on the Diya Portal, in particular using mobile application)

  • a copy of the certificate on the registration number of the taxpayer's registration card (if it is not in the relevant databases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) or the series and number of the passport (for individuals who, due to their religious beliefs, refused to accept the registration number of the taxpayer's registration card, informed the relevant control body and have a mark in the passport);

  • vehicle registration certificate;

  • a certificate of the right to inheritance issued by a notary or a consular institution or its duplicate;

  • payment documents (receipts) certifying the payment of administrative services and payment for blank and special products;

  • report of inspection of TK, drawn up by a specialist of the Expert Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

26.07.2023 19:32

The Law of Ukraine "On the Legal Regime of Martial Law" and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ukraine on Restrictions of Freedom of Movement of Citizens in Areas Where Martial Law Is Introduced do not say anything about spending the night in a tent.

But in practice, it is better to spend the night in a tent coordinate with local authorities. After all, violation of curfew rules can lead to a fine, community service or even administrative arrest (up to 15 days).

26.07.2023 19:26

In the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "Some issues of transfer of personal data outside of Ukraine by means of the Unified state web portal of electronic services No. 910 dated August 16, 2022 contains a list of states that provide adequate protection of personal data, in fact, and it is in them that Ukrainians are advised to use the possibility of presenting documents in the "Diya" application.

Countries that provide adequate protection of personal data are:

  • Australia;

  • Republic of Azerbaijan;

  • Argentine Republic;

  • Burkina Faso;

  • Grand Duchy of Luxembourg;

  • Hellenic Republic;

  • Georgia;

  • State of Israel;

  • Ireland;

  • Islamic Republic of Mauritania;

  • Republic of Italy;

  • Canada;

  • Principality of Andorra;

  • Principality of Liechtenstein;

  • Principality of Monaco;

  • Kingdom of Belgium;

  • Kingdom of Denmark;

  • Kingdom of Spain;

  • Kingdom of Morocco;

  • Kingdom of Norway;

  • Kingdom of Thailand;

  • Kingdom of Sweden;

  • Republic of Latvia;

  • Republic of Lithuania;

  • The Netherlands;

  • New Zealand;

  • United Arab Emirates;

  • Portuguese Republic;

  • Republic of Austria;

  • Republic of Albania;

  • Republic of Bulgaria;

  • Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina;

  • Republic of Estonia;

  • Republic of Iceland;

  • Republic of Cape Verde;

  • Republic of Cyprus;

  • Republic of Malta;

  • Republic of Moldova;

  • Republic of North Macedonia;

  • Republic of Poland;

  • Republic of San Marino;

  • Republic of Senegal;

  • Republic of Slovenia;

  • Republic of Croatia;

  • Republic of Montenegro;

  • Romania;

  • Slovak Republic;

  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;

  • United States;

  • Eastern Republic of Uruguay;

  • Republic of Tunisia;

  • Republic of Turkey;

  • Hungary;

  • Federal Republic of Germany;

  • Republic of Finland;

  • French Republic;

  • Czech Republic;

  • Swiss Confederation.