Photo of 30.09.tana2002
03.08.2023 13:36

The state guarantees all children the right to preschool education. At the same time, IDP children and minors who have the status of a child who suffered as a result of hostilities and armed conflicts have the right to priority enrollment in state preschool education institutions - kindergartens.

According to Clause 10 of the Regulation on preschool education, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 305 of 12.03.2003, the following are primarily enrolled in state (municipal) preschool education institutions:

  • children from among internally displaced persons;

  • children who have the status of a child who suffered as a result of hostilities and armed conflicts.

In accordance with sub-clauses 1-4 of clause 13 of the Regulation on Pre-School Education Institution, approved by Resolution No. 305 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 12, 2003, pupils may be expelled:

1) at the request of one of the parents or another legal representative of the child who submitted an application for enrollment (except for cases when the child's place of residence is determined with the other parent by the decision of the guardianship authority or the court);

2) on the basis of a medical report on the child's state of health, which excludes the possibility of his further stay in a preschool education institution of the appropriate type;

3) in the event that the pupil reaches seven years of age as of September 1 (for children with special educational needs - eight years of age), which provides for his deduction until August 31 of the current year;

4) in case of transfer of the pupil to another preschool education institution;

5) if the child does not attend a preschool education institution for two consecutive months during the school year without valid reasons.

Expulsion of a child from a state (municipal) preschool education institution for other reasons is prohibited.

02.08.2023 22:18

She can submit an application for reimbursement of expenses for temporary accommodation of internally displaced persons by e-mail to:

  • Executive bodies of village, settlement, city councils;

  • District, district state administrations in the cities of Kyiv and Sevastopol;

  • Regional and Kyiv City Military Administration.

The following documents are required for this:

  1. Application for reimbursement of expenses;

  2. Identity documents;

  3. A document confirming the right of ownership or use of residential premises, or a document confirming the authority of the owner's representative;

  4. Data on accommodated internally displaced persons.

02.08.2023 22:10

You need to make a contract with the military. After the conclusion of the contract, the payment of utility services and consumed energy is carried out by the military unit at the expense of the estimate of the Ministry of Defense under the terms of the concluded contract (paragraph 2, point 2 of Section 9 of the Instructions on the organization of providing living quarters for servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and their family members).

In the absence of energy, heat, and water metering devices, the contract specifies consumption rates for the dormitory of this settlement.

02.08.2023 21:59

I explained in detail how to act in this situation in the article "Dissolution of marriage if one of the spouses is abroad" - za-kordonom/. Follow the link and you will find all the answers to your questions.

02.08.2023 13:06

Elderly people who need constant assistance are entitled to social services.

The procedure for providing social services to such persons is as follows:

  1. an elderly person must submit a written application to the department of labor and social protection of the population at the place of residence;

  2. within three days, the administration sends a request to the health care institution at the person's place of residence in order to obtain a medical opinion on the pensioner's inability to provide care on his own;

  3. within 10 days, the hospital provides a medical opinion to the management, which makes a decision within three days - to provide social services or not;

  4. if a decision has been made to provide an elderly person with social services, the labor and social protection department sends the person's application together with a medical report to the territorial center;

  5. after that, the center draws up a map of the individual needs of a person, which will be provided by a social security worker.

31.07.2023 17:47

To obtain a court decision on deprivation of parental rights, you need to apply to the office of the court in which this decision was issued.

You will also need to pay a court fee. If you were one of the parties in this case, then the court decision should be issued to you free of charge, you have the right to one free copy of the decision.

31.07.2023 17:44

Inheritance by right of representation is understood as a special procedure for calling for the inheritance of legal heirs (and some other persons), when one person, in the event of the death of another person who is an heir by law, allegedly takes his place before the opening of the inheritance and acquires the right to inherit that share in inherited property, which the deceased heir would have received if he had been alive at the time of the opening of the inheritance.

In accordance with Article 1266 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, the following specific order of inheritance is established:

  1. The testator's grandchildren and great-grandchildren inherit the share of the inheritance that would have belonged to their mother, father, grandmother, and grandfather by law if they had been alive at the time the inheritance was opened.

  2. Great-grandparents inherit the share of the inheritance that would have belonged to their children (the testator's grandparents) if they had been alive at the time the inheritance was opened.

  3. The testator's nephews inherit the share of the inheritance that would have belonged by law to their mother, father (testator's sister, brother), if they had been alive at the time of the opening of the inheritance.

  4. Cousins of the testator shall inherit the share of the inheritance that would have belonged by law to their mother, father (aunt, uncle of the testator), if they were alive at the time of the opening of the inheritance.

  5. If inheritance by right of representation is carried out by several persons, the share of their deceased relative is divided equally between them.

31.07.2023 13:58

No, the Law you mentioned has not been adopted, there is not even such a bill.

According to Cabinet Resolution No. 57, during martial law restrictions on border crossing apply to citizens of Ukraine from 18 to 60 years old. But there is a list of exceptions for this category as well.

You can read our article - /.

31.07.2023 13:48

Yes, they are needed.

According to paragraph 2-1 of the Resolution of the CMU "On Approval of the Rules for Crossing the State Border by Citizens of Ukraine" persons with disabilities must have documents confirming their disability when crossing the border. It may be:

  • a certificate confirming the relevant status;

  • pension certificate;

  • a certificate confirming the appointment of social assistance;

  • certificates for receiving benefits by persons with disabilities who are not entitled to a pension or social assistance, in a form approved by the Ministry of Social Policy.

Mandatory condition - these documents indicate the group and cause of disability.

Persons who provide permanent care for persons with disabilities of group I or II and accompany such persons to travel outside Ukraine must have one of the following types of documents with them:

  • certificates, certificates of receiving compensation (benefits, allowances) for care;

  • documents confirming disability and an act of establishing the fact of providing care.

31.07.2023 13:00

The innovation you mentioned will be effective from 2024. That is, citizens of 60 countries of the world traveling to one of 30 European countries will have to obtain an ETIAS permit before traveling.

So far it is not known whether citizens of Ukraine who have temporary protection in EU countries will need to obtain an ETIAS permit.

It is only known that before traveling to the EU it is not necessary to issue an ETIAS permit for citizens who have an issued Schengen visa and for foreigners who have a long-term visa issued by one of the EU member states.