Photo of 30.09.tana2002
03.08.2023 15:57

The law does not provide for submitting an application for inheritance online.

In accordance with part 3.23 of the Procedure for notarial acts by notaries of Ukraine, approved by the order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine dated February 22, 2012 No. 296/5, heirs may submit an application for acceptance of inheritance by mail if they live outside of Ukraine.

Therefore, you can write an application for acceptance of inheritance, certify the authenticity of the signature by a notary and send it by postal means to a notary located on the territory of Ukraine. Abroad, notarial acts are performed by consular institutions or diplomatic missions of Ukraine.

03.08.2023 15:53

According to current legislation, child support is paid for all types of income, including wages and pensions. According to Art. 180 of the Family Code of Ukraine, parents are obliged to maintain a child until he reaches the age of majority.

In order to collect alimony from your husband, it is necessary to apply to the court with a statement of claim, in which it should be stated that you have stopped receiving alimony from the father of the child. You can ask the court to oblige your ex-husband to pay alimony and even pay a penalty for the amounts not paid on time.

03.08.2023 15:47

We are talking about changes to the Law of Ukraine "On Mobilization Training and Mobilization", namely, regarding the limitation of the circle of persons who have the right to deferred care, which entered into force on June 28, 2023.

They call your husband to clarify the data on whether the wife has other relatives who could take care of her. After all, before the adoption of the above-mentioned changes to the law, each of the relatives had the right to a postponement. Currently, there is no such possibility.

If such relatives are available, then the husband needs to prepare for going to the military commissariat, namely: documents confirming that the relatives do not have the opportunity to take care of his wife (for example, because they live abroad on a permanent basis, etc.).

03.08.2023 15:34

Categories of applicants who have the right to transfer from a contract to a budget form of education:

  • children of fallen soldiers;

  • children whose parents or one of them died during the Revolution of Dignity;

  • children whose parents or one of them died or was captured, went missing during the war.

Documents on benefits must be submitted before the first application for admission.

There is no information about benefits for signing a contract.

03.08.2023 15:27

According to Art. 63 of the Constitution of Ukraine, convicted persons enjoy all the rights of a person and a citizen, with the exception of restrictions defined by law and established by a court verdict. Convicted persons, according to the norms of the Criminal and Executive Code of Ukraine, have the right to social security, including pensions, in accordance with the laws of Ukraine.

Therefore, your child's pension will continue to be paid. Payment of pensions to persons sentenced to restriction of liberty or deprivation of liberty for a certain period is carried out by the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of Ukraine at the expense of the institution at the place of serving the sentence.

Please note that from the pensions of those sentenced to restriction of liberty or deprivation of liberty for a certain period of time, the costs of their maintenance in institutions of execution of punishments are reimbursed, while at least 50 percent of the pension is credited by the institution at the place of serving the sentence to the personal account of the convict.

03.08.2023 15:21

In accordance with the Procedure for producing and issuing certificates of parents and children from a large family, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 2, 2010 No. 209, certificates are issued by the structural unit for family, youth and sports affairs of district, district mm. Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations to one of the parents at the place of his registration within one month after submission of the following documents:

  1. father's or mother's statements about the issuance of certificates;

  2. copies of children's birth certificates;

  3. copies of father's and mother's passport pages with data on surname, first name, patronymic, date of issue and place of registration;

  4. certificates on the composition of the family;

  5. photo cards (of parents and children) measuring 30 x 40 millimeters;

  6. certificates stating that at the place of registration of the father or mother, certificates were not issued by the structural division (in case of registration of parents at different places of residence).

As you can see in the list, there is no document confirming the child's place of registration. Therefore, the demand of the employees of the unit for family, youth and sports affairs is illegal.

03.08.2023 14:32

In accordance with the seventh part of Article 147 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Judiciary and the Status of Judges", taking into account the impossibility of courts to administer justice during martial law, the Supreme Court is authorized to change the territorial jurisdiction of court cases. He did this by adopting the order dated 06.03.2022 N 1/0/9-22 "On changing the territorial jurisdiction of court cases under martial law" -

This order states that cases from the Rubizhan City Court of Luhansk Oblast and the Swativ District Court of Luhansk Oblast are transferred to the jurisdiction of the Pavlograd City District Court of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.

Therefore, the court from the Luhansk region should transfer all the documents in your case to the Pavlograd city-district court of the Dnipropetrovsk region. It could happen that these documents were lost or even destroyed during hostilities, so they did not have time to get to the Pavlograd City District Court of the Dnipropetrovsk Region and the case was not opened there, there is no data on it in this court. Therefore, your new statement of claim on the same case was accepted and everything here is completely legal. After all, before accepting the application, the court checks whether there is a similar case in another court.

03.08.2023 14:07

Yes, you can issue a power of attorney for the registration of ownership rights for you by your authorized person at the consulate of Ukraine or at a local notary.

03.08.2023 13:58

You have the right to write a statement to the body that issued the passport. In this application, we request that you not be charged for the issuance of a new passport, because the error in the passport was not your fault.

03.08.2023 13:46

If you are an internally displaced person who has left your place of residence since February 24 due to military/combat operations, occupation or encirclement of a settlement, and registered the status of an IDP, you have the right to receive the same certificate for your child. On its basis, you can claim a state cash payment. Regardless of whether both parents have IDP status, the child can also obtain such status.

The application for receiving IDP status is submitted through the legal representative of the minor child (i.e. your mother).

You can get a migrant certificate online or in person:

apply through Diya;

  1. you can personally apply to the Center for the Provision of Administrative Services (TsNAP), the executive body of the local council or the department of social protection of the population of the local state administration;

  2. fill out the application, which is generated on the Unified state web portal of electronic services.