Photo of 30.09.tana2002
17.08.2023 10:07

The State Border Service warned that such information is fake. Restrictions on leaving during martial law apply to men aged 18-60. You can find out more about who can cross the border in the resolution of the CMU "On approval of the Rules for crossing the state border by citizens of Ukraine"

There is only Draft Law No. 9480, which proposes changes to the Civil Code, which provides for a ban on independent crossing of the border for teenagers, because currently all children from 16 to 18 years old do not need an escort or special permits to leave Ukraine.

17.08.2023 09:57

According to Article 23 of the Law on Mobilization Training and Mobilization, conscripted women and men who have three or more children under the age of 18 are not subject to military service during mobilization.

If you meet the above criteria, you are not eligible for military service. Even if the children do not live with you. The main thing is that you support them (for example, you pay alimony).

As for a disabled mother, according to the same Law, conscripts who have a wife (husband) from among persons with disabilities and/or one of their parents or parents of a wife (husband) from among persons * are not subject to conscription for military service during mobilization with disabilities of group I or II*, provided that such persons with disabilities do not have other able-bodied persons obliged by law to support them.

That is, the mother's disability will not be a reason for exemption from military service.

17.08.2023 09:52

Yes, it is cancelled.

In accordance with Clause 6, Part 1, Art. 248 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, representation by power of attorney is terminated in the event of the death of the person who issued the power of attorney, declaration of his death, recognition of his incapacity or unknown absence, limitation of his civil legal capacity.

17.08.2023 09:49

One of the grounds for revoking the validity of a certificate of registration of an IDP and entering information about it in the Unified Information Database is departure to a permanent place of residence abroad.

If you do not plan to leave your permanent place of residence, but temporarily, then if you do not notify about your return to the abandoned place of permanent residence, the decision to cancel the validity of the certificate is made on the basis of information about the long-term absence (more than 60 days) of the person at the place of residence , which gives reasonable grounds to believe that an internally displaced person has returned to the abandoned place of permanent residence.

That is, you do not have to remove yourself, if you are not known about within 60 days, then you will be automatically removed from the IDP status.

17.08.2023 09:42

Yes, you can.

Step-by-step submission of an application based on the example of a civil lawsuit to determine the right of ownership:

  1. Log in to your electronic account using an electronic key.

  2. Go to the "Statements" section and click the "Create" button.

  3. Choose the desired method of submitting an application: "Personally" or "As a representative (defender)".

  4. Click the "Next step" button.

  5. If you need to return to the previous step, click the "Back" button.

  6. Select the type of proceedings (administrative, economic, civil, criminal), category and subcategory of the case.

  7. Select the required application form from the list. You can also find it through the search field.

  8. If the template you need is missing from the above application options, you should send a letter to the administrator to the mailbox with the name, description and, if possible, an example of the text of the new application. It will be added to the list in the near future.

  9. Select the region, type and court to which the application is submitted.

  10. Go to the next step.

  11. At the "Applicant" step, the full name, RNOCPP, e-mail address, and contact phone number, which were specified during registration in the system, are automatically filled in the necessary fields.

16.08.2023 10:12

Subitem 69.14 of subsection 10 ch. XX of the Tax Code of Ukraine provides that, temporarily, for the period from March 2022 to December 31 of the year following the year in which martial law will be suspended or abolished, land tax (land tax and rent for state-owned land plots) shall not be charged and paid and communal property) for land plots (land shares (shares)) located in the territories where hostilities are (were) fought, or in the territories temporarily occupied by the armed forces of Russia, and are owned or used, in including on the terms of lease, individuals or legal entities. The list of such territories is determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Therefore, the actions of OVA are not legal.

16.08.2023 10:06

The introduction of martial law and the occurrence of force majeure circumstances are not grounds for releasing the tenant from the obligation to pay rent.

Accordingly, part 6 p. 762 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, the lessee is exempt from payment for the entire time during which the property could not be used by him due to circumstances for which he is not responsible.

Therefore, the farmer must continue to pay the rent, he can be released from it only if the land is not used due to circumstances for which he is not responsible.

16.08.2023 09:35

According to Part 4 of Article 44 of the Law of Ukraine "On Mandatory State Pension Insurance", the bodies of the Pension Fund of Ukraine issue pension certificates to persons who have been assigned a pension.

To receive it, you need to contact the Pension Fund of Ukraine in one of the following ways:

  • Offline: to any territorial body of the Pension Fund of Ukraine (according to the principle of extraterritoriality – regardless of the place of residence on the register as a pension recipient);

  • Online: through a personal account on the web portal of electronic services of the Pension Fund of Ukraine ( or using the "Pension Fund" mobile application.

After that, you will need to fill out the appropriate application:

  • If offline: Present the passport, registration number of the taxpayer's account card and add a photo;

  • If online: in the personal account on the web portal of electronic services of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in the section "Regarding pension provision". After authorization - with the help of Diya.Signature or a qualified electronic signature, or by means of the Integrated Electronic Identification System ID.GOV.UA, including using Bank ID technology. You should also upload a photo of the person for the production of the document;

  • or using the mobile application "Pension Fund" in the attachment "To PFU": section "Communications to PFU" - "Application for production of a pension certificate".

Please note that a photo must be added to the application by uploading it through the application.

The pension certificate can be obtained at the service center of the Pension Fund of Ukraine selected (when submitting the application).

16.08.2023 09:31

You can.

Internally displaced persons can apply for a subsidy for the payment of housing and communal services at their actual place of residence. At the same time, the conclusion of a housing rental (lease) contract is not required, and the composition of the household is indicated by the applicant in the declaration.

16.08.2023 09:26


A driver's license, the validity of which expired during the period of martial law and within a year from the day of its cancellation, continues to be valid throughout the territory of Ukraine. It is possible to replace it after the abolition of martial law in the country or contact the service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which has currently resumed providing services.