Photo of 30.09.tana2002
21.08.2023 21:07

In order to get a student card, the student or his parents need to contact the class teacher, who in turn receives student cards for all students in the class from the head of the educational institution.

21.08.2023 20:53

Thus, by Resolution No. 1168 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, changes were made to the Procedure for providing housing assistance to internally displaced persons and provisions were added, which provide for inspections of internally displaced persons at their actual place of residence.

Please note that checks are carried out by territorial bodies of the National Social Service.

The grounds for the inspection are:

  1. a person registered as an IDP within one territorial community;

  2. in case of receiving a notification about a change in the actual place of residence/residence of the beneficiary;

  3. receiving the recommendations of the Ministry of Finance based on the verification results.

21.08.2023 20:36

In this case, you need to divorce in court.

You, who are in the territory under the control of Ukraine, submit a claim for divorce to the court.

When choosing jurisdiction, it is worth remembering: as a general rule, the lawsuit is filed at the last registered place of residence of the defendant. However, if the spouses have minor children who live with the plaintiff or there are other valid reasons, a lawsuit can be filed at the plaintiff's place of registration.

It should be noted that the claim for divorce must include information about the circumstances and reasons for the divorce. Also information and, if possible, evidence about the impossibility of contact with the husband, as he is currently in the occupied territory. After all, on the basis of this information, the decision of the court will be made, which is especially important when filing a divorce in the presence of minor children.

21.08.2023 20:30

If your child is already 14 years old, he can submit an application to the DRATS at his place of residence.

The following are attached to the application:

  1. Application for the consent of the parents or guardian to change the surname or first name of the child (submitted by them personally, if the child is under 16 years old);

  2. child's birth certificate;

  3. a certificate from the child's place of residence.

Please also note that only one of the parents submits the application for consent if the other parent:

  • died or was declared dead;

  • recognized as missing for unknown reasons;

  • recognized as having limited legal capacity;

  • recognized as incapable;

  • deprived of parental rights regarding this child;

  • records about him are removed from the act record of the child's birth;

  • the father of the child, entered in the act record of his birth at the request of the mother.

21.08.2023 20:21

In the will, you dispose of the property that is in your ownership and your shares of property that are in common joint ownership (for example, property acquired in marriage). Therefore, your husband's consent is not required for such disposition of property.

If you want to bequeath to your child, for example, the entire house that is jointly owned with your husband, then you cannot do without his consent.

21.08.2023 20:11

Article 24 of the Law "On Ensuring Sanitary and Epidemic Welfare of the Population" imposes an obligation on all citizens, as well as enterprises, institutions, various organizations, state and local authorities to comply with the permissible noise and sound standards established by sanitary regulations.

Prohibited at night (from 10 p.m. to 8 a.m.):

  • loud singing and loud shouting;

  • use of fireworks, salutes, equipment that reproduces sound (speakers with music, audio players, etc.);

  • the use of household items that make noise (if these are household items for repair, then their use is prohibited not from 10 in the evening, but from 9, and also lasts until 8 in the morning).

Violators of public order may be punished by the police or the court, provided for in **Art. 182 of the Code of Administrative Offenses ** - for violation of the requirements of the law and other normative legal acts regarding the protection of the population from noise and observance of silence, the guilty persons may be punished in the form of a warning or a fine in the amount of 85 to 255 hryvnias.

19.08.2023 10:34

The man needs to submit a report to the commander or head of the military unit about the transfer due to health. The report must be accompanied by the conclusion of the VLK in case of limited suitability.

19.08.2023 10:29

In this case, you have the opportunity to confirm your seniority with witnesses.

According to the "Procedure for confirmation of the existing work experience for the appointment of pensions" in the absence of an employment book or relevant records in in the absence of documents about the existing work experience and the impossibility of obtaining them in connection with military operations, natural disasters, accidents, catastrophes or other emergency situations, the work experience that gives the right to a pension is established on the basis of the testimony of at least two witnesses who would knew the applicant through joint work with him at the same enterprise, institution, organization or in the same system.

19.08.2023 10:22

Yes. According to paragraph 2 of the resolution of the CMU "Some Issues of Support for Internally Displaced Persons" from September 1, 2023, the payment of assistance to internally displaced persons will be terminated, if, according to the results of the verification, it is established that after the entry into force of this resolution, the internally displaced person has property residential premises/part of residential premises located in territories not included in the list of territories, or in territories included in the list of territories for which the date of the end of hostilities (the date of termination of the possibility of hostilities) or temporary occupation (except for residential premises, which are unfit for habitation, which is documented by local self-government bodies or, if technically possible, by information about residential premises entered into the State Register of Property, damaged and destroyed as a result of hostilities, acts of terrorism, sabotage caused by the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, or residential premises ( part of the residential premises with an area of less than 13.65 square meters. meter per family member).

19.08.2023 10:13

Maternity leave to take care of a child after reaching the age of three does not give the right to deferment from mobilization.

The list of categories of men who can apply for a postponement of the draft is contained in Article 23 of the Law on Mobilization Training and Mobilization.