Photo of 30.09.tana2002
30.08.2023 21:58

You need to send an application for voluntary dismissal by registered letter with a notice of delivery and a description of the attachment to the company's legal address (if you have complied with all the listed requirements, then the application indicated by you will be suitable). If, as a result, the application will be left without consideration, then in this case you should apply to court. After all, this is a violation of Article 43 of the Constitution of Ukraine, which prohibits forced labor and provides an opportunity for everyone to earn a living by work that he freely chooses or freely agrees to.

30.08.2023 21:50

In case of appeal of the resolution of the VLK directly to the court, the term for appeal is 6 months from the day when the person became aware of the commission of the offense, i.e. from the date of the relevant resolution of the VLK.

30.08.2023 21:49

When returning from abroad you will be entitled to assistance from the month of submission of the relevant application after return, on general grounds.

30.08.2023 21:42

Booking of individual farmers, FOPs or individuals is not provided for by law. That is, the farmer himself will not be able to register.

Reservation of the FOP and its employees is currently impossible, since neither the article of the Civil Service "On Mobilization Training and Mobilization" nor the Resolutions governing the reservation of conscripts do not specify individual entrepreneurs in the list of those who can book conscripts .

30.08.2023 21:34

It depends on who you will collect the debt from.

Execution of court decisions on the collection of funds, for which the debtor is a state body, is carried out by the department of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine in which your debtor is served according to the court decision. Therefore, in order to implement such a decision, it is necessary to contact this state body.

Execution of court decisions on recovery of funds from a state enterprise or legal entity is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the Law of Ukraine "On Enforcement Proceedings", taking into account the features established by the Law of Ukraine "On State Guarantees for the Execution of Court Decisions".

That is, it is necessary to apply for execution to the executive service according to the procedures and deadlines set by the Law of Ukraine "On Executive Proceedings".

30.08.2023 21:29

The labor legislation does not provide for the provision of unpaid leave at the initiative of the employer.

You can apply to professional unions or associations. If the issues are not resolved, this appeal can become evidence in court.

30.08.2023 21:25

Decisions and actions of the executor, officials of the state executive service bodies regarding the execution of the court decision may be appealed within 10 working days from the day when the person learned or should have learned about the violation of his rights, freedoms or legitimate interests.

30.08.2023 21:24

According to Article 133-1 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses, carrying out regular transportation of passengers on regular routes without concluding a contract for the transportation of passengers by road transport or without a passport for the route - entails the imposition of a fine on officials, citizens - subjects of entrepreneurial activity in ** in the amount of thirty tax-free minimum incomes of citizens.**

And this is a fine in the amount of UAH 510.

30.08.2023 21:18

According to Article 6 of the Labor Law "On the Organization of Labor Relations under Martial Law", the normal duration of working hours during the period of martial law can be increased to 60 hours per week for employees employed at critical infrastructure facilities (in the defense sector, the sphere of life support population, etc.).

30.08.2023 21:14

Of course you can. The main thing is that your circumstances meet the requirements for granting IDP status. And this is in accordance with Article 4 of the Law "On Ensuring the Rights and Freedoms of Internally Displaced Persons": the basis for taking into account an internally displaced person is living in a territory where there is an armed conflict, temporary occupation, widespread manifestations of violence, violations of human rights and natural emergencies or man-made.