Photo of 30.09.tana2002
29.08.2023 10:30

Yes, there is such a Law - 2823-IX, "On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and some laws of Ukraine regarding the support of borrowers whose property was destroyed or damaged as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine."

But please note that support mechanisms: credit freezing and loan forgiveness are possible only for consumer loans, i.e. personal loans, and do NOT apply to business loans.

29.08.2023 10:08

You can challenge the patrolman's actions in court.

I advise you to pay the fine for the time being, so that the case does not reach the enforcement service (in this case, you will have to pay even more). After the court decides that the actions of the patrol officers are illegal, the money for the paid fine will be returned.

29.08.2023 10:05

It is necessary, but not the entire amount.

If the apartment is in the partial ownership of several people and is divided in kind, then tax on this real estate will be paid by each owner for his share.

If the real estate is in the common joint ownership of several persons and is not divided in kind, then one of the owners with their consent will pay the tax.

25.08.2023 19:52

You can. But pay attention to a number of nuances:

  1. Video recording by surveillance cameras can be carried out only within the boundaries of one's apartment, house or yard;

  2. Install a sign with the inscription that a security system is installed in private properties, and events are recorded by surveillance cameras. Thus, passers-by are warned that their images may be captured by cameras and stored in memory devices.

  3. Understand that any person whose image has entered the storage of the video surveillance system has the right to request the footage or offer to destroy the video information, and the owner is obliged to fulfill his wish. Exceptions are requests by criminals and cases where an incident is being investigated, of which the requester must be notified.

  4. Take into account that it is mandatory to respond to any oral or written requests for viewing the filmed material or deleting existing data within one month from the moment of the request.

25.08.2023 19:44

Yes, it can. Provided that he is not deprived of parental rights, pays alimony or supports (financially) children, children under the age of 18, etc.

According to Article 23 of the Law "On Mobilization Training and Mobilization", conscripted men who have three or more children under the age of 18 who are dependent are not subject to military service during mobilization.

25.08.2023 19:29

In accordance with Article 24 of the Labor Code of Ukraine, when concluding an employment contract, a citizen must submit a passport or other identity document, an employment book (if available) or information on employment from the register of insured persons of the State Register of General Conditions mandatory state social insurance, and in cases provided for by law, also a document on education (specialty, qualification), on health, a corresponding military registration document and other documents.

Therefore, it is not mandatory to provide the employer with a work book if you provide information about work activities from the register of insured persons of the State Register of Mandatory State Social Insurance.

Also, in accordance with paragraph 3 of the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Some Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Accounting of Labor Activities of an Employee in Electronic Form" the owner or the body authorized by him, at the request of the employee, is obliged to enter in the work book kept by the employee, records of hiring, transfer and dismissal, incentives and awards for success at work. Therefore, entries in the work book are made at the request of the employee.

Given the above arguments, the employer's demand is inappropriate.

But please note that according to Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Organization of Labor Relations in the Conditions of Martial Law" In the period martial law, the procedure for the organization of record keeping on matters of labor relations, registration and maintenance of labor books and archival storage of relevant documents in areas of active hostilities is determined by the employer independently, provided that reliable records of the work performed by the employee and accounting of labor costs are ensured.

25.08.2023 19:01


It is better to deregister a car that is unusable or lost because:

  1. if the car is expensive (it cost from 2,437,500 hryvnias) and it is no more than five years old, then you have to pay tax on the vehicle, which is actually no longer owned;

  2. if the car remained in the occupied territory and it was not deregistered, even in the event of theft or its use for criminal purposes, you still remain its owner and may be subject to investigation;

  3. if your license plates or the car as a whole will be used on the roads of Ukraine, then all fines will have to be paid to you;

  4. it is beneficial for some enterprises that have such cars on their balance sheet to avoid additional taxation.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs explained that if the vehicle burned down or remained in the occupied territory, or was damaged so seriously that it cannot be restored, the owner of the car should contact the nearest service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and order the service of scrapping the vehicle.

25.08.2023 18:09

There may be several reasons:

  1. the decision on this case has not yet been made;

  2. The Supreme Court changed the territorial jurisdiction of the court case, taking into account the impossibility of courts to administer justice during martial law. You may be looking for a case in the wrong court. You can find to which court the case was transferred from the Donetsk Administrative Court in the order table dated 03/06/2022 N 1/0/9-22 "On changing the territorial jurisdiction of court cases under martial law" - https://ips.ligazakon. net/document/VSS00822?an=1.

25.08.2023 17:55

In accordance with Article 13-1 of the Law of Ukraine "On Notaries", a notary is not entitled to perform notarial activities outside his notary district, with the exception of substituting other notaries in the cases provided for by this Law, at the request of the heir to complete the inheritance in another territorial district , in cases where the inheritance case was registered in the Inheritance Register before the beginning of the temporary occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, but was not completed.

Especially not abroad.

25.08.2023 17:50

According to paragraph 2-14 of the resolution of the CMU "On approval of the Rules for crossing the state border by citizens of Ukraine" civil servants , which are included in the list in this point, have the right to cross the state border on the basis of relevant decisions on business trips.

Also, if you have a deferment from military service, or you belong to the category of persons who have the right to cross the border during martial law in accordance with the aforementioned resolution of the CMU, then even if you are a civil servant, you can still cross the border freely at the previously listed grounds