
26.05.2023 18:29

… or false information about my employment status?

25.05.2023 20:51

... I will write a statement to leave the trade union, they will be fired.

Is it legitimate?

25.05.2023 20:52

...then was after the shift, and the next day did not come to work?

24.05.2023 15:28

in case of dismissal of employees?

23.05.2023 21:00

Can the employer not pay for sick leave?

18.05.2023 13:19

...does the number of vacation days decrease, when you still have to choose 20-25 days at your own expense?

16.05.2023 16:27

problematic issues.

  1. When should pedagogues go on vacation in order not to lose wages for the month of June, vacation and health benefits? (we are studying until 02.06, and the liquidation of the school is 01.07)

  2. Is the organization obligated to pay liquidation funds, if so, in what amount?

15.05.2023 16:23

...but I already know that they are not waiting for my return. What rights do I have? I will not resign at my own will or with the consent of the parties. Can I be fired without my consent? I am the mother of a young child. How to legally do the right thing?

15.05.2023 16:17

... earnings abroad (served in the army, due to injury was dismissed from the ranks of the Armed Forces and has the right to leave)?

Are there any options to leave in such a situation (the husband wants to go abroad to earn money and help financially (paying for the education of a common child) in Ukraine cannot find a job