There is a car loan, the balance on it is small, the bank still requires CASCO, but this year the CASCO amount is 1/5 of the loan balance, rates have increased significantly. There are no overdues. The car is already 4 years old. Is it possible somehow not to pay CASCO on legal grounds? Are there any wartime concessions?
Good morning. Please tell me what to do. I am a mother of three children, I was on maternity leave to take care of a child up to 6 years old, in March of last year we were forced to go abroad. When the child turned 6, the next day I was dismissed for absenteeism. There was no warning. At that time I was abroad. Are their actions legal and what should I do next? I found out about this when I picked up my work permit, the record was already there.
An individual from the zone of possible hostilities paid the tax on real estate and land for the past year on time, the entire debt was paid. April 11, 2023. declarations were submitted on time. Can the tax office charge fines?