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19.04.2023 11:11

Cash assistance for military prisoners is intended for the following members of their families:

  • wife/husband;

  • adult children who live with a military man / military woman (in the absence of a wife / husband);

  • guardians, custodians or adopters of minor children (disabled since childhood, regardless of their age);

  • dependents (family members who are completely dependent on a military person);

  • parents (in case of absence of wife/husband and children).

  • If one of the persons refuses to pay the financial support, its share is evenly distributed among other persons who have the right to receive it.

In accordance with paragraph 4 of the Resolution of the CMU of November 30, 2016 No. 884 "On approval of the Procedure for payment of monetary support to the families of servicemen taken prisoner or hostage, as well as interned in neutral states or missing" payment of monetary provision for family members of military personnel is carried out upon their application in the name of the commander (chief, head) of the military unit (institution, organization).

The following are attached to the application:

  • copies of passport pages of adult family members with data on surname, first name and patronymic and registration of place of residence (stay);

  • a certificate of registration of the place of residence (stay) of family members (in the absence of such information in the passport);

  • a copy of the marriage certificate (if available);

  • copies of children's birth certificates (if available);

  • a copy of the document certifying the registration in the State Register of natural persons - taxpayers (for persons who, due to their religious beliefs, refuse to accept the registration number of the taxpayer's registration card and have notified the control body about it and have a mark in their passport, a copy of the passport page with such a mark).

Terms for application submission and review

Payment of financial support to family members of military personnel is carried out in the event that the application for its payment has been received by the military unit (institution, organization):

  • until the day of release of servicemen captured or held hostage, interned in neutral states;

  • within three years from the date of entry into legal force of the court decision on recognition of servicemen as missing or declared dead, but not later than the date of entry into legal force of the court decision on annulment of the decision on recognition of them as missing or declared dead.

Term of receipt

The families of soldiers captured in captivity will receive payment up to and including the day of their release.

19.04.2023 10:51

There are several ways to submit documents to obtain the status of a participant in hostilities.

The first of them provides that the commander of the military unit himself collects all the necessary documents of the soldiers subordinate to him and sends them to the relevant commission, which deals with assigning and depriving the status of UBD.

The second allows a fighter to apply personally to the commission. But first you need to contact the commander (chief) of the military unit for the necessary documents confirming the direct participation of the person in the measures necessary to ensure the defense of Ukraine in connection with the military aggression of Russia. Next, the commander organizes the registration and issuance of the requested documents to the serviceman.

Here you need to provide one of the following documents:

  • extracts (copies) of combat reports;

  • extracts (copies) from combat logs (operational tasks, management of operational situation);

  • extracts (copies) from shift logs;

  • copies of flight tickets;

  • copies of materials of special (official) investigations into the facts of injuries, contusions, mutilations;

  • investigation of capture (for those who returned from captivity).

other documents confirming participation in the defense of the Motherland may be submitted, for example, documents on sending on a business trip to areas of hostilities, etc.

Next, with all the necessary documents and an application, you need to contact the commission that deals with assigning and withdrawing the status of the UBD.

The third method is intended for servicemen who were released through the Territorial Centers of Completion and Social Support (TCC and SP).

In order to obtain the status of UBD, they must apply to the Territorial Center at the place of registration (stay on military registration) with an application for consideration of their documents for granting the desired status and a certificate confirming the direct participation of the person in the measures necessary to ensure the defense of Ukraine in connection with military aggression of Russia.

And also one of the documents:

  • extracts (copies) of combat reports;

  • extracts (copies) from combat logs (operational tasks, management of operational situation);

  • extracts (copies) from shift logs;

  • copies of flight tickets;

  • copies of materials of special (official) investigations into the facts of injuries, contusions, and mutilations.

The commission for consideration of materials on recognition as participants in hostilities must, within a month from the moment of submission of the documents, notify its decision on the assignment or refusal to assign the status of UBD.

19.04.2023 10:32

It has been established that for the period from March 1, 2022 to December 31 of the year following the year in which martial law was suspended or abolished, land fees (land tax; rent for state and communal property land plots) are NOT charged and paid :

  • land plots located in the territories where hostilities are (were) taking place.

  • land plots located in the territories temporarily occupied by the armed formations of the Russian Federation.

  • land plots identified by regional military administrations as littered with explosive objects and/or on which there are fortification structures.

This provision of Law No. 2120 applies to:

  • land shares (shares) and land plots in private ownership;

  • land plots that are in use with the right of permanent use;

  • leased land plots of state and/or communal ownership.