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20.04.2023 21:01

According to Part 2 of Article 1257 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, a will can be challenged and declared invalid at the request of an interested person. The law does not explicitly define who belongs to this category, however, according to judicial practice, an interested person can only be recognized as a person whose subjective inheritance rights have been violated in connection with the execution of a will, namely: an heir by law (children of a deceased person, his husband or wife, parents, other relatives provided for by law), an heir under another will (any person who was designated as an heir in other wills), and a person in whose favor a testamentary refusal was made).

20.04.2023 19:38

The law of Ukraine does not allow dual citizenship. If a person is a citizen of any state other than Ukraine, he automatically loses Ukrainian citizenship (Article 19 of the Law of Ukraine "On Citizenship"). A man who has the citizenship of Ukraine and one more, of another country, is considered a citizen of Ukraine. Therefore, the procedure for crossing the border must be decided taking into account other reasons.

Men who have the citizenship of another country at the same time as the citizenship of Ukraine can cross the border with a non-Ukrainian passport. Customs control cannot track the presence of a second passport.

20.04.2023 19:26

In accordance with Article 1243 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, spouses are given the right to make a joint will regarding the property that belongs to them under the right of joint co-ownership.

It is worth noting that during the lifetime of the wife and husband, each of them has the right to refuse a joint will. Such refusal is subject to notarization. Inheritance under a joint will takes place in relation to the joint joint property of the spouses. As for the personal property of each of them, separate wills can be made regarding such property. The will must be made in writing, indicating the place and time of making the will, the date and place of birth of the testator, and signed personally by the testator. The will can be written by the testator or a notary at the request of the person by hand or using generally accepted technical means.

If you want to draw up and certify such a will, you need to contact a public or private notary together. If there are no such in the village or settlement, then this can be done by the relevant officials, officials of the local self-government body. If these persons refuse to perform their duties, their actions can be challenged in court.