Photo of sikorsky.y.o
15.08.2023 20:56

The existence of a concluded CPC contract does not affect the possibility of concluding an employment contract. Taking into account the above, the employment contract is concluded in a general manner, taking into account the requirements of the Labor Code.

15.08.2023 20:54

The consumer has the right to non-payment of the cost of utility services, except for the supply of thermal energy, in case of non-use and in the absence of metering devices. This is possible if the period of temporary absence from the residential premises or other object of immovable property of the consumer and other persons is more than 30 calendar days. This must be documented in accordance with the terms of contracts for the provision of communal services (Clause 6, Part 1, Article 7 of the Law "On Housing and Communal Services".)

The fact of non-residence can be confirmed by a certificate issued on the basis of an act signed by at least three neighbors. If a person is registered, but does not live at the address of registration, it is advisable for him to confirm the fact of his stay at another address with an appropriate certificate.

This can be a document that confirms a person's location in another administrative-territorial unit in connection with work, treatment, training, long-term business trip, serving a sentence, etc.

15.08.2023 20:48

The basis for acquiring the status of a single mother is the absence of information about a concluded marriage or the presence of a document confirming the dissolution of a marriage. However, this requires more extensive documentary evidence. The legislation contains gaps, because it does not establish a clear list of documents confirming the absence of parental involvement in the upbringing of the child. In such a case, the mother has the opportunity to apply to the court with a claim for deprivation of parental rights, and the court will decide the issue. It is also possible to apply to the police to start procedures for collecting alimony in the absence of parental support. In this context, the investigator's decision can serve as evidence of the absence of parental involvement. Also, confirmation can be a certificate from an educational institution, which indicates the absence of parental involvement, or a similar document drawn up and signed by witnesses. However, it is important to emphasize that this list of documents is not exhaustive.

These circumstances lead to confusion not only among mothers who raise children independently, but also create significant difficulties during the practical use of various documents. For example, accountants face confusion about what documents "single mothers" should provide to receive benefits and assistance. Therefore, it is appropriate to draw a conclusion from all the definitions and propose the following definition: a single mother is a woman who raises a child, whose information about the father in the birth register is recorded by the surname and citizenship of the mother, and information about the name and patronymic of the child's father is indicated by by her instruction. Such women are entitled to benefits, monthly allowance, additional payments and other government support.

15.08.2023 20:45

0.4 of the subsistence minimum per able-bodied person, which as of 2023 is 1073.60 hryvnias

15.08.2023 20:44

No, not accepted.

For arbitrarily leaving a military unit or place of service, a conscripted serviceman faces arrest with detention at the guardhouse for a period of up to ten days, and if this happened to a serviceman who was already subject to such a penalty during the year - arrest with detention at the guardhouse for a period of from seven to n eleven days If this offense is committed by a military serviceman (except for fixed-term military service), or a conscript and a reservist during military service, the punishment may be in the form of a fine from five hundred to one thousand non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens (8500-17000 UAH) or arrest with detention at the guardhouse for up to ten days. In the case of arbitrarily leaving a military unit or a place of service in conditions of a special period, in addition to martial law, a fine can reach from one to two thousand non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens (17,000-34,000 UAH), and arrest with detention at the guardhouse - from ten to fifteen days

14.08.2023 19:13

No, a legal entity, a subject of economic activity does not have such powers.

14.08.2023 19:12

A testament certified in the occupied territory is null and void and has no legal force in Ukraine.

It is possible to inherit under the law. In the case of the testator's death in the occupied territory, before applying to the notary for the acceptance of the inheritance, it is necessary to establish the fact of the testator's death in the occupied territory. To do this, you need to contact the nearest local court on the territory controlled by Ukraine. Such applications are considered immediately from the moment of submission to the court. After receiving the court's decision, a death certificate is issued at the nearest Civil Registry Office.

After that, you can apply to any notary public with an application for acceptance of inheritance.

14.08.2023 19:06

Enforcement proceedings are carried out until they are actually executed. Other grounds for the termination of enforcement proceedings are provided for in Article 39 of the Law of Ukraine "On Enforcement Proceedings", in particular:

  1. recognition by the court of the debt collector's refusal to enforce the court decision;

  2. approval by the court of the settlement agreement concluded by the parties in the process of execution of the decision;

  3. termination of a legal entity - a party to enforcement proceedings, if the fulfillment of its duties or requirements in enforcement proceedings does not allow succession, death, declaration of death or recognition of the debt collector or debtor as missing;

  4. adoption by the National Bank of Ukraine of a decision to revoke the banking license and liquidate the debtor bank;

  5. cancellation or invalidation of the decision on the basis of which the executive document was issued, or recognition by the court of the executive document as unenforceable;

  6. the debt collector's written refusal to receive the items seized from the debtor during the execution of the decision to transfer them to the debt collector, or the destruction of the thing that must be handed over to the debt collector in kind or removed for a fee;

  7. expiration of the term provided for by law for the corresponding type of collection, except in the case if there is arrears for the collection of the corresponding payments;

  8. actual full implementation of the decision in accordance with the executive document;

  9. return of the executive document without execution at the request of the court or other body (official) that issued the executive document;

  10. sending an executive document to the court that issued it, in the case provided for by the third part of Article 63 of this Law;

  11. if the decision was actually implemented during the execution of the decision of the European Court of Human Rights;

  12. failure to submit an executive document for resumed executive proceedings within the terms specified in Article 41 of this Law;

  13. if the funds collected from the debtor in full are not claimed by the debt collector during the year and, in connection with this, are transferred to the State Budget of Ukraine;

  14. if the funds received from the sale of the pledged property (according to the executive document on foreclosure of the pledged property) are insufficient to satisfy the requirements of the debt collector - the pledgee, as well as if the property that is the subject of the mortgage was transferred to the mortgagee or purchased by him in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On mortgage" according to the executive document on foreclosure on the property that is the subject of the mortgage;

  15. settlement (repayment, write-off) in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Measures Aimed at Settlement of Debt of Heat Supply and Heat Generating Organizations and Centralized Water Supply and Sewerage Enterprises" of fines (fines, penalties), other fines, financial sanctions, as well as inflationary charges and interest per annum, accrued on the debt of heat supply and heat generating organizations to the National Joint Stock Company "Naftogaz of Ukraine", its subsidiary "Gas of Ukraine", the public joint stock company "Ukrtransgaz", the operator of the gas transportation system and the operators of gas distribution systems, for the consumed natural gas, as well as services from its transportation and distribution, respectively, to heat-generating organizations for thermal energy obtained for its further supply to consumers and/or provision of relevant communal services, centralized water supply and drainage enterprises that provide centralized cold water supply and drainage services (using indoor systems), services for centralized water supply and centralized water drainage, before electricity suppliers or operators of the distribution system (as successors in terms of rights and obligations under contracts for the supply of electric energy and on the use of electric energy) for the consumed electric energy, which were subject to execution on the basis of an executive document under a court order a decision that has entered into legal force;

  16. write-off in accordance with clauses 2-3, 2-4 and sub-clause 26.2 of clause 26 of subsection 10 of chapter XX of the Tax Code of Ukraine in the full amount of tax debt (including fines and penalties) that were subject to execution on the basis of an executive document;

  17. write-off in accordance with clauses 9-15 of Chapter VIII of the Law of Ukraine "On the collection and accounting of a single contribution to mandatory state social insurance" of the sums of arrears from the payment of a single social contribution to mandatory state social insurance (including fines and penalties ), which were subject to execution on the basis of an executive document;

  18. adoption by the Deposit Guarantee Fund of individuals of a decision to start the liquidation procedure of the debtor bank;

  19. if, in accordance with the terms of the dispute settlement agreement (settlement agreement) concluded between a foreign entity and the state of Ukraine at any stage of dispute settlement or case consideration, including the stage of recognition and execution of the decision, the executive document is not subject to execution or is entrusted to the executive by the document on the debtor, the obligations are subject to termination regardless of the date of conclusion of such an agreement;

  20. settlement (repayment, write-off) in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On measures aimed at overcoming crisis phenomena and ensuring financial stability in the natural gas market" of penalties (fines, penalties), other fines, financial sanctions, as well as inflation charges and annual interest , charged to the debts of the participants in the debt settlement procedure, which were subject to execution on the basis of an executive document according to a court decision that has entered into force;

  21. settlement (repayment, write-off) of debts by the operator of the gas distribution system in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On measures aimed at overcoming crisis phenomena and ensuring financial stability in the natural gas market", if such executive proceedings were initiated by the decision on obligations of the National Commission, which carries out state regulation in the fields of energy and communal services, to set the operator of the gas distribution system an economically justified tariff for natural gas distribution services, including compensation for the period from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2020, inclusive.

14.08.2023 19:02

YES, because the sale of a car by general power of attorney does not deprive you of the right of ownership of this car.

14.08.2023 19:00

After the approval of the project, persons who did not submit declarations in 2022-2023 must submit them no later than 90 calendar days from the date of entry into force of this legislative act.